Hi everyone. I currently have a 510 in my living room and a 301 in my bedroom. The 510 has worked perfectly since I got it in September. It has never missed a recording or exhibited any audio/video sync problems. I love the 510. I have been pondering whether to trade my 510 and 301 in for a 522. I have read here and at www.dbstalk.com about the various bugs with the 522. I am trying to decide whether to get the 522 or trade in the 301 for another 510. I know that the 522 has several advantages over the 510 but I don't think I am ready to deal with the 522's documented bugs. I would like some opinions from you guys on what I should do. Also, what would the price differences be between the single 522 setup and the two 510 setup? I have the Top 120 with locals and the HBO/Cinemax package. Thanks for the help.