Updated Dish 1000 Info

If your locals are at 129, just swing your dish over! If you get lower signal, then you can always sacrifice the few locals and use 61.5, but you'd have an even lower signal with a dish 1000 ( 500>1000>300 I think)...

Either way, all ya gotta do is repoint your 61.5 dish to 129 (it's the single dish obviously).
BrettTRay said:
What is the 1000 in reference to.
I believe it's a rough "representation" of the number of channels that maybe can be gotten (or will be gotten in the future) with this dish. I think that's been their naming scheme all along with the exception of the SuperDishes. Dish 300 = small, one LNB, 110 (originally, but of course one can use a Dish 300 for any single DBS slot). Dish 500 = slightly larger, 2 LNBs, 110+119 (or 119+129 for at least one person). Dish 1000 = even larger, 3 LNBs, 110+119+129.
DC Area Locals, SV, and Dish 1000

I am part of the DC DMA with split locals: major networks on 110, little networks on 61.5. Since I receive VOOM programming, I have a Dish 500 at 61.5 and another at Dish 500 at 110/119. Although I have 2 OTA antennas and receive programming from 4 DMAs, I subscribe to my locals for the PG data. In order to comply with the Single Dish solution, E* will need to move DC split locals:

a. move 110 over to 61.5 (few people will 61.5 dish - ain't gonna happen)
b. move 61.5 over to 110/119 (somewhat likely)
c. move 61.5 over to 129 (possible, but will require Dish 1000 upgrade for those having a 61.5 dish.
d. mirror 61.5 locals at 110/119 or 129 (seems likely)

Based on my County, Richmond VA channels are significantly viewed (SV). The Richmond DMA is current at 105, but is now being mirrored at 129. While SV is not mandated by SHVERA, it is expected that E* will offer the same level of service as cable (and soon to be Verizon FiOS) since both DMAs locals are included in basic cable. Regardless of who pays for the Dish 1000 upgrade, I will need a Dish 1000 in order to swap-out my 61.5 Dish 500 with a FTA dish/system (wife mandate).

Anyway, does anyone know where E* is going to place the Washington DC locals?
Thats what it sounds like (thats not official though) I can only imagine how terrible that will look though with 14 channels on a transponder (or more!)
I live in lower mich and i have a superdish on 110/119/121 and a dish500 that i just moved from the other side of the house so i could get my voom channels from 129 as 61.5 had a bad LOS because of a line of trees in my front yard, the signal is much better and no drop outs in storms the elevation is a bit lower it is set at 29 witch is only 5 degs lower then my 61.5 was, my signal 86-103 on the 129 bird using the same dish500 i had for 61.5 so im wondering if they will set us up for a dish1000 but the big ? is my 121 locals that is no big deal if i lose them as i have a ota that i use for the same locals the i get on 121 and it is all in hd from my ota.

Any thoughts on this would be great cause when i called to say take off my locals they say i cant take them off it is part of my AT120 pack i have no use for the locals on a dish as i can get them in better and in hd from my ota.

So if this can be done witch im sure it can my new setup would be a dish1000 on 110/119/129 and a ota for my locals.

Thanks George
Scott Greczkowski said:
They won't be going on the Dish 1000. In fact you probably will have a hard time trying to getting it in Washington, D.C.

Scott: That would suit me just fine! I am quite happy with my present arrangement as covered below.

One question (probably a dumb one, but I will ask anyway): Will E* keep the Washington, DC local & VOOM channels on 61.5?

datwell said:
One question (probably a dumb one, but I will ask anyway): Will E* keep the Washington, DC local & VOOM channels on 61.5?


Dish can't keep locals on split locations (110/119 and either 61.5 or 148). They have to be able to get them on one dish...this includes the following
105 Superdish (105, 110, 119)
121 Superdish (110, 119, 121)
Dish 1000 (110, 119, 129)

or as they have done out west, put ALL locals on 148. The rule is locals need to be picked up on one dish (doesnt have to be the same as the other programming)

I'm thinking they'll Sqqqqquuuueeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeee them onto 110 when they put the new satellite up :)
OoTLink said:
If your locals are at 129, just swing your dish over! If you get lower signal, then you can always sacrifice the few locals and use 61.5, but you'd have an even lower signal with a dish 1000 ( 500>1000>300 I think)...

Either way, all ya gotta do is repoint your 61.5 dish to 129 (it's the single dish obviously).

OK...thanks for the answers. Since I have OTA as well, I can pick up those smaller stations with that. For now, I'll just leave 61.5 up. I do have a clear, treeless view towards 129. What I'll probably do is just grab another D500 or D300 dish and put a DP LNB on there as other have suggested on the board and point it at 129 to see how go it goes. That way, I'll be somewhat future proof, perhaps, if they move every thing around. I don't mind having a couple of dishes around the house. Its fun to tell pull the neighbors chain when they ask whats up with all the dishes. :cool:

hehe, now you know why even if I was asked, I probably wouldn't bother trading the dual 500s for a 1000 (OTOH, if they replaced ONE of the 500s with a 1000 and left the other, I'd be cool with that [even cooler if they used a DP44 to boot]) -- wishful thinking lol (well, they wouldn't take down the 2nd dish anyway)..

Generally once them things are up you gotta beg them to take em down.
OK- Reading post #1 and learning that Baltimore is on the not recommended list made me think it looked bad for No. VA, just outside DC, to get the 1000. Then post #25 indicates that the 1000 probably isn't going to be available for this area.

So I guess what I have to look forward to is that after the 27th, and whenever I add the HD tiers (after the 962 is out), I'll have to have a second dish added for 61.5.

Am I reading this right?

And the Falling Waters WV area (near WV/MD/PA border on I-81), where I use a D500 with my RV, would also not be eligible for the D1000?

I have a clear look at 129 and I have little doubt the Dish 1000 would do the job...it's just that I would have to foot the bill for the Dish 1000. At $99 it's no big deal, but I'm going to wait and see what happens with the 962 and MPEG-4 rollout; I currenly have a Dish 500 pointed at 61.5 so I see no compelling reason to change my setup at present.

VOOM HD channels are being mirrored on 129 and will most likely stay there. Currently, there are a few locals (non Big 4) on 61.5, but they will most likely be moved over or mirrored at 110/119.

If E* doesn't allow me to rent 2 more 942s, without having to pay a $250 upgrade fee for each, then I may have to look at other providers. In the brief while I had Adelphia (post VOOM), I was able to rent three (3) of their HD DVRs. Also, Verizon FiOS appears to be ready to offer new customers the same deal when they roll into town (hopefully next Summer/Fall).
Just to answer a quick question JPointerWI had,

{{{ JPointerWI
I know, I know, spotbeams are for locals, if the locals were on the 110/119 why would they have a superdish ?? }}}}}}

In some states the superdish 121 carry the locals. Like Rhode Island and 4 or 5 towns in Mass, that are required to carry R.I. locals.
Dishtech said:
Just to answer a quick question JPointerWI had,

{{{ JPointerWI
I know, I know, spotbeams are for locals, if the locals were on the 110/119 why would they have a superdish ?? }}}}}}

In some states the superdish 121 carry the locals. Like Rhode Island and 4 or 5 towns in Mass, that are required to carry R.I. locals.

I'm in a market where locals are on 121 too. The origional post was referring to locals on 110/119 spotbeams, so in those markets, there is no need for a customer to have a superdish.

Could I blow my dish LNB using PS-9370 while diplexed?

Dish Won't Upgrade to 2 DVR's??

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