With credit card autopay, if they charge you things you did not authorize them to charge you for, then couldn't you have those taken off by the credit card company, or are there statements in the paragraphs where you have to sign to allow them to do the credit card autopay stating that you authorize any charges Dish puts on the bill as a stipulation. Once they double charged paying a bill and I went to the bank, had it removed, and received free ppv coupons and an apology letter from Dish Network.
Having one year of programming paid in advance they have asked me and more than once if I wanted some of the money refunded and I said no because I would just have to send it back in later. I bet they will not accept checking account autopay because they want to be able to charge your credit card a cancellation fee if you do not keep your programming commitment for a year charging you f for the SuperDish and installation. I do hope they allow you to pay the $25 shipping fee if you choose to not do cc autopay just as you could do with the Dish 500 upgrade.
Having one year of programming paid in advance they have asked me and more than once if I wanted some of the money refunded and I said no because I would just have to send it back in later. I bet they will not accept checking account autopay because they want to be able to charge your credit card a cancellation fee if you do not keep your programming commitment for a year charging you f for the SuperDish and installation. I do hope they allow you to pay the $25 shipping fee if you choose to not do cc autopay just as you could do with the Dish 500 upgrade.