Upcoming Upgraded Ota Install


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 29, 2004

Well, tomorrow (6/4) is the date of my service call for installation of an upgraded antenna for the local stations. I'm in Middletown, CT and within 20 miles of most of the digital stations. As I've noted before, the installer did not install the Stealth the day I got my Voom because he surmised I would get any stations whatsoever. Approximately one month later, i finally have been "upgraded" and installation is scheduled for tomorrow.

I've contacted "3 O'Clock Communications" to confirm the appointment, request a 40ft ladder, and request that they bring an eave mount for the antenna. In typical fashion, they have not returned my calls.

We'll see.
Follow up

Hi there,

Well, they showed up around 10AM and, after 45 minutes of bitching about how high the roof was and that he was affraid to go up in the ladder, etc, he told me that the antenna he was going to install was more than I actually needed to get the locals! (It was a gigantic Channel Master rated for 60-100 miles). :shocked So he's coming back on Monday with a Winegard Omnidirectional antenna which he claims will do the trick. He had just done a job in Wallingford earlier in the morning and he claims they were picking up most locals (except CBS) using the Winegard. Since I'm closer, he surmised I should be able to pick up CBS with it. I'm actually glad he did not go up in the roof; no offense, but the guy is gigantic (looks like Notorious B.I.G.) and runs out of breath in two seconds. Don't want any deaths on my property, and I'll guarantee you they're not insured. Gotta love that.
Will let you know how it goes on Monday!
Unbeleivable! I used to paint and a forty is high (and difficult to move) but you'd think he'd be used to it. Oh well. I wouldn't want him up there either.

I hope hes right about the antenna.

Good luck Monday! Does that mean another day off from work?


Hi Bro,

Yes, I'll be taking monday morning off; the guy told me he'd be here at 8:30AM to install a Winegard Bidirectional antenna which he claims should adequately address my needs. (See link).


I think the boss installer ("Biggie" :D ) just did not want to bother installing the antenna in the original location last Friday, even though he had a young, healthy assistant with him. That's why he just bamboozled me into the Winegard being sufficient. Unfortunately, he did not have any extra Winegards in his truck, and the only ones he had were for customers he was going to be installing later that day.

Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'd be very surprised if I could pick up Fox, Abc, Nbc. I would understand not picking up CBS because it is not at full power yet. However, supposedly they will be increasing power in June, so I'll give this antenna a shot until CBS boosts up power, before deciding if I keep it or stay with Comcast for my locals.

By the way, what's your situation? Are you being installed soon?
I have been contemplating VOOM for a long time and thanks to the help of this forum and all of you, I have decided to go for it. I am calling this week to order. I figure what do I have to lose.
You may have read in a previous post, I bought a house in Haddam (2 miles from the Goodspeed) that I close on on the 25th of June. It is located in a serious valley with a monster hill directly behind the north side of the house. 20 feet to be exact. I do not think I can get locals from there with an antenna, and on top of that my wife is seriously on my case about putting one on the roof. That being said I may stick with Comcast for locals whom I am using now anyways. Just didnt really want to spend that much on the two combined(Comcast and VOOM). I understand I can subscribe to basic cable and receive those HD locals but I am not sure how to do that and dont know what type of receiver I would need to buy. Any help with that one?
So thats my story. I am a serious newbie and want to thank you and everyone else here on this forum for being here. I stumbled on this site and cant stay away now. I will be conntributing some $$$ soon because it is well worth it to me. Love the arcade, too.
If anyone has a suggestion on getting Comcast HD locals here in CT and how to get them inexpensively I would love to hear.
Hd Locals

Yes, unfortunately it looks as though you won't be able to get the locals via the OTA antenna. (I just checked antenna web for the Haddam zip code and it shows you only will be able to pick up ABC and two PBS stations). However, even if you don't want the antenna installed, just keep it in case things change in the future.

As to the HD locals through Comcast cable I may be able to help with this. I know this information out of of personal experience and I've tested it in my own house. This is what you need to do. You can go 2 major routes:


1-You only need to subscribe to the Comcast "limited basic" lineup in order to access the HD locals (ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS). It's about $10 per month.

2-You need to buy a HDTV decoder with the capability to receive "QAM" unscrambled cable channels. Two models which will work are the LG3100A (retails for about $300 on the Net) and/or the LG3510A (retails for about $450 but it also doubles as a DVD player with the added ability to play DVDs at a "quasi" hi definition picture quality - Circuit City carries this model).

3-Connect the LG HD receiver to either your Component or DVI input in your HD television.

4-Just plug in the Comcast cable line to the LG receiver. The receiver will scan for HD channels and will pick up the HD locals offered by Comcast). You're all set.



1-Call Comcast and tell them that you only want the limited basic channel in order to watch the HD locals.

2-DO NOT let them tell you that you have to order the "expanded basic" or subscribe to "digital cable." Neither one is necessary. As I said, all you need is the limited basic lineup.

3-Tell them you want to rent the HD receiver box. Make sure you get a Scientific Atlanta HD3250 box. I had one and it works well.

4-The total monthly bill for the limited basic, plus the rental of the box, should be approximately $22. (You may be charged more for the one time initial connection fee).

5- Same as above. Connect your Comcast-supplied HD box to your component or DVI input in your HD tv.


Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for the info. I will definitely go one of those routes. I will have a couple of other basic tv's in the house so I think I will go with subscribing to basic cable and rent the box for the Mits. They are charging me only 2.00 a month for the box now and I dont think its a promo. It is a Scientific Atlana 3100. I notice the model # is the same as th LG you refered to. Is it the same box by any chance?
As far as getting a signal from VOOM, I wonder if I will have a problem from the house? Is there a way to tell or should I let them worry about it when they come?
Hd Boxes

No, one box has nothing to do with the other. They're two completely different animals. :)

As to the new house, just make sure you have a clear line of sight to the Southern Sky. Don't worry about it, just let them figure it out when they get to your house.


Signal Quality vs. Signal Power

Channel Master Preamps

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