Upcoming Channel Launches


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 31, 2004
Saint Marys, Ohio
Hey everybody. Running the Service Desk, I got bored and decided to update my Desired Basic Channels page. There are A LOT OF new niche and basic entertainment channels coming. I thought I would let you guys know about it, and maybe this could be a thread to discuss some potential sleepers to be successful. I wouldn't mind having several of these. I'm leaving out the ones I've heard talked about on here before.

America National Network (March 2005) - http://www.sentinel-america.com/ANN-Home-Page.htm
General patriotic entertainment channel

American David (September 2006) - http://www.americandavid.com (Not Up Yet)
Jewish entertainment and educational channel

Auto Channel (September 2005) - http://www.theautochannel.com

Black TV News Channel (July 2005)

Boating Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.boatingchannel.com
Nautical entertainment, informative and competitions

Boxing Channel (May 2005)

Career Entertainment TV (2nd Qtr 2005) - http://www.ce.tv
Entertainment to enrich "people's working lives"

Casino and Gaming TV (2nd Qtr 2005) - http://www.cgtv.com

Destiny Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.destinychannel.com
Ethics channel for 18-34 year olds

Edge TV (1st Qtr 2005) - http://www.theedgetv.com
All kinds of gaming from poker to crosswords to game shows and more

Fashion and Design TV (April 2005) - http://www.fadnetworks.com

Film Festival Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.filmfestivalchannel.com

God TV (February 2005) - http://www.god.tv

Jewish TV (July 2005) - http://www.jtelevision.com
News and reality-driven with a broad range of Jewish entertainment

Puppy Channel (March 2006) - http://www.thepuppychannel.com

Radio TV Network (March 2005) - http://www.rtvnet.com
All of the best radio shows, now on TV

Shalom TV - http://www.shalomtv.com
Covers everything in the Jewish culture

Wine Network (Middle 2005) - http://www.winenetworktv.com

Also, has anybody heard ANYTHING about the Hallmark Movie Channel?
Man, talk about niche channels.

I am still waiting on Ovation, Goodlife, & B-Mania.

Out of the new ones, only America National Network and Destiny look mildly interesting.
Really, at this point, if I were going to start a new station, I give a long hard look at just internet streaming. If there ever was one vision of the future that was a dud, it was the days of 500channels of cable and satellite. It's just too expensive for the cable/sat companies to carry all these stations.
They should make a channel that just play Commercials all day long, not paid programmings but funny and interesting advertisements from all over the world.
LOL. Good one. Another one I forgot about was MovieWatch. Anybody heard anything about that? Unless the contract expires at a certain time, MovieWatch has a deal with DirecTV already for when they launch.
Casino and Gaming TV is probably going to launch. It's already got a deal with Bell ExpressVu in Canada to launch some time in March in Canada. It would be a great alternative to the now completely crappy G4TechTV.

Tsunami Appeal Cricket Match

811...Is it or is it NOT IR controllable...?

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