UHF controller not fully working


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
I have a UHF controller that came with my 510 and the uhf part isnt working i think. It works but only if I aim it right at the receiver like if it was sending IR signals
Yeah make sure the little metal antenna is screwed in, when I put in my 921 I was so excited I forgot to screw it in and couldnt figure out what I did until after I calmed down a bit. :D
yes its screwed in right and all the way. it was working for a month then just stopped. i have no other uhf receivers
A_Pac said:
yes its screwed in right and all the way. it was working for a month then just stopped. i have no other uhf receivers

Just for grins, put a new set of batteries in your remote. UHF needs a bit of voltage.
And seriously check that antenna. It may have been worked loose.

Is anything wrong in my e-mail from Dish Network?

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