U313 for Hopper 3 is now released

I'm very happy that they allowed the 'light' theme to be global now. That one is much easier on my eyes for some reason. It reset my Guide to dark on the Hopper 3 and 4K Joey, but when I went to 'Classic', it made the entire theme light.

I hope they fixed some of the bugs where if you are watching a channel live and it is recording something that it stops when the recording ends and goes into 'pause' mode, but you can't unpause. You have to stop/delete the DVR event and go back to the channel (or do a channel up/down an back). I won't be able to check that until later.
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My OTA recordings after the update may be slightly better. I still get the audio breakups and pixilation is still there.

They did fix the bug when deleting PTAT recordings. The cursor (red square) stays where it was at after deleting a recording instead of jumping back to the first recording.
This update changed how the "Sort:Season,Episode" in a folder is formatted. It used to show oldest to newest episodes. Now it shows newest to oldest. So now you have to scroll down in a folder to watch a series in sequential order.
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I got the U313 this morning and had one spontaneous reboot about 1 PM EDT. I hope it was a random happening, not the start of an old s/w trend.

Not OTA channel.

It happened again on a live show on channel 112 (non OTA). Screen went black, H3 showing GREEN light = ON). Needed reboot to get going again.
This update changed how the "Sort:Season,Episode" in a folder is formatted. It used to show oldest to newest episodes. Now it shows newest to oldest. So now you have to scroll down in a folder to watch a series in sequential order.

Not a big fan of that change at all.

Clearly it would have made way too much sense to just make it a toggle to (gasp) let the user choose which order they prefer, rather than making a unilateral change like they did. :strike
So far so good on the more than 5 folders issue. Created a few extra folders and they are still there this morning. Keeping fingers crossed.
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And I still can't permanently turn off Netflix search - it turns itself back on after every nightly reset. If I don't have Netflix why do I need Netflix search, it just makes the list 3 times longer than necessary!
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Unfortunately, I still get the "USB device connected" message the first time I power on for the day.
When powering on, you now have 3 options: power on to last channel tuned to, smart power on (don't know what that is), power on to Home screen.

The "smart" option is the "feature" they added a while back where the Hopper tries to learn your viewing habits and automatically choose the channel it thinks you'll want when you turn it on. I'm glad to have the old option back to just tune to the last channel viewed!
That was poorly executed considering it would tune me to channels I never even record such as WEtv!
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This update changed how the "Sort:Season,Episode" in a folder is formatted. It used to show oldest to newest episodes. Now it shows newest to oldest. So now you have to scroll down in a folder to watch a series in sequential order.
This change STINKS you would hope they would have provided an option setting to flip flop the sort of seasons.
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This change STINKS you would hope they would have provided an option setting to flip flop the sort of seasons.
Not a big fan of that change at all.

Clearly it would have made way too much sense to just make it a toggle to (gasp) let the user choose which order they prefer, rather than making a unilateral change like they did. :strike

What gets me is I don't think one person here complained of how it was before!!
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Yesterday I created two folders (temp and racing) over the old limit. I moved some recordings into the temp folder. I edited some timers to place the recordings in the racing folder. This morning I checked and the racing folder has disappeared. The temp is still there. I checked my timers I had edited yesterday and they still show the racing folder. When I go to Manage Folders the racing folder shows up. Could it be since the racing folder was empty it won't show up when I look at the DVR list and will show up when one of my timers start? I'll find out this afternoon.

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