May be a bug. I'm just not sure at this point. Received 341 on 1/27 and to the best of my knowledge had no problems until last night.
Have a timer set up to record all PGA Tour events on ch 401. The tournament started on Thursday and I watched just a few minutes of the completed recording a few hours later. Went back into watch the rest of it last night and the folder showed 2 on it. Which would have been correct since round 2 was completed yesterday. Opened it and all it showed was the currently being recorded round 2! No round 1. Backed out of the folder and went back into it and then all it showed was the partially watched round 1 recording? Backed out again and went back in a few minutes later and it still only showed the round one recording.
At this point I just deleted it and went back to the DVR. Folder was still there but now it only the second round in it! Watched it for about an hour and then went to bed. Got up this morning and went to the folder to watch and it's round 1 again! No round 2. Folder says 2 episodes but only round 1 is in it. Checked trash and nothing there.
Just checked the folder and it still says 2 episodes but only the one actually in it and that's the one I deleted? I am completely baffled at this point. Reboot did not help.
Hopper 3, U341