TV5 Monde is now available in HD!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 3, 2008
Portland, OR
I am flabbergasted! This is my favorite channel, and I had resigned myself to watching it in SD forever. Now, here it is in beautiful HD on channel 9666 (the old SD channel was 9857)..

For those who have never watched TV5, it is a 24-hour French language station that consolidates material from a number of French language stations in France, Belgium and Switzerland. News and sports are always broadcast without subtitles, but many of the best programs and most of the movies are subtitled in English. It has a lot of stuff to choose from, and seldom shows the same movie more than 2 or 3 times, ever. It costs $10 a month.

I have not seen any mention of this on either the DISH website or the TV5 website. Complete surprise, or I guess I should say quelle surprise!
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I have TV5 and now along with TVJapan both are HD. Hoping some of the World Pack channels go HD. They put the SD and HD TVJapan channels next to each other but didn't with TV5.
Gald you are happy. Enjoy!! So, what is the channel all about?

The short answer to your question is that it's about history, culture, food, lifestyle, and entertainment, with all programming originating from the French-speaking world.

Daytime is news, kids\'s shows, sports (rugby and soccer), with no subtitles. Nights are movies, mostly with English subtitles, and various specials and serials, the best of which generally have English subtitles. Tonight I watched a two-hour subtitled special on the Jura Mountains, covering its ecology, history, and in general what it's like to live there. Later tonight is the Great Bookstore, interviews with mostly French authors, although they recently did specials on Tolkien and a live interview with Philip Roth.
They had one of the best daily day of record newscast anywhere with great international coverage and a fair amount of domestic news produced by TV2, I think, for international audience. However, they ceased subtitling that newscast and, soon after, I cancelled TV5 from my services. This was, coincidentally, the time when France 24 had just launched. It seemed they wanted to direct us to France 24 for news and leave TV5Monde for the movies and televised stage plays. France 24 is crap next to the international daily TV2 newscast, and the on-air readers and reporters were far superior and had a good amount of French domestic news, and what an EDUCATION on what the French, like us, have to put up with in regards to daily life and their government, racism, public vs. private employment, near daily disruptive strikes and marches, and the pent-up demand by the French people to have the ability to shop on weekends and GASP, some holidays, but the Unions won't have it, even though many French are willing to work on those "sacred" days because they really need the money, or extra time to shop--and SPEND more money, and that is GOOD for the French economy, no?--, in a French economy with highly unemployment that aint no Germany or UK economy while still sending out the checks and providing Universal Health Care whose co-pays never seem to stop rising. However, I would never be as presumptuous as to take away the French 35 hour week. That's their legacy, like the US 40 hour one. Let them keep it. I watched the newscast everyday without fail and got MUCH more intelligent international news than ANY of our US news sources provide, and a lot of it was international that did not have to relate to French or US foreign policy, just really good reports on things happening around the world.

As stated, much, but not all, the content is subtitled, especially just about all the movies and some of the political debates during elections are subtitled. However, a lot of the variety, talk shows, and general entertainment show produced for TV are not subtitled, and they are some of the most entertaining--along with the movies--content on TV5Monde. Glad to hear it is finally in HD. Should have been so a long time ago.
..., I would never be as presumptuous as to take away the French 35 hour week. That's their legacy, like the US 40 hour one. Let them keep it. I watched the newscast everyday without fail and got MUCH more intelligent international news than ANY of our US news sources provide, and a lot of it was international that did not have to relate to French or US foreign policy, just really good reports on things happening around the world. ... .

Forget; the minimum 6-week vacation per year.
Forget; the minimum 6-week vacation per year.
Oh, yeah. I love French culture and Paris and the French are a great people, but they are still Socialist, and the problem with that is that they--mostly the Unions but many French (and I am PRO-Union as it works in THIS country) want to tear down those who properly and legally earn more money down to their level, and the richest French LEAVE France because of the over 50% tax on their wealth, and further, the public employees who have the best paying and protected jobs and others who just wait for checks to come in from the national government forget that it is the PRIVATE industry employees in France who have the burden of paying for ALL of it, and there aint enough private sector jobs to pay for all of France's concessions to it public employees and are STUCK having to pay unemployment to French citizens indefinitely because those people really can't find jobs in France because the French government can't create those jobs, certainly NOT with a socialist system, and even the one haughty Socialist party leader, now current President, has been sounding more like his conservative predecessor by behaving less like a Socialist and more like someone who wants to tweak the model to accommodate more private businesses by being UN-socialistically "pro business." I guess once they all get to be President and see the REAL numbers, phrases like "France is living beyond our means," come rolling of the lips those in government. While the people are hesitant, the government knows it has to at least follow the UK model as a start to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Too long a post, but I can't resist.

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