Tv Broadcast signal`s

But wouldn't that apply just to an earth orbit free of gravitational influence of the land mass? An air path should be no different from a land path as far as straight line heading
Gravity is not a factor here. A ground path is tied to the rotation of the earth's surface and an air path is mildly associated with the movements of the atmosphere. If observed from above the great circle path is a straight line at any one instant but the air path is not tied strictly to the ground path. From an outside observers vantage point the ground path is an arch because the turning earth is not allowing you to drive a straight line. It may be compared to landing an airplane in a cross wind, you point the plane on a vector slightly away from your destination because the wind alters your flight path to match the ground target.
Have a question, is there also a program where you can calculate how high I should set my antenna ?!. live in the built-up area and to place a mast of 30 meters high there, I ask for trouble. Mvg