Here is how you dither a ka/ku put your signal meter on 101 (transponder 1 or 2 from the signal meter screen with the "beeps" if your using the satellite receiver it will require a cell phone and a very play by play relayer on the other end.). loosen the bolts on the az/el assembly underneath that allow the dish to move left or right. rotate the fine tuning bolt (on the right side if you are facing the back of the dish) counter clockwise 2 full turns. record your signal reading. Rotate the fine tuning bolt clockwise counting the amount of turns until you get the same signal reading. take the amount of turns and divide by 2. now rotate the fine tuning bolt counter clockwise again the amount that you just figured. as an example i will illustrate. I have my dish pointed and am getting 96 on transponder 1 for 101. I rotate the fine tuning bolt counter clockwise 2 times. I now have a signal reading of 63% I rotate clockwise 2 times to get back to 96 and another 2.7 times to get 63 again making a total of 4.7 times I had to rotate clockwise to get the same reading as my counterclockwise reading. I divide 4.7 by 2 and get 2.35. I set my dial to zero and rotate back counterclockwise two FULL TURNS, meaning I pass zero twice then three notches. then a half of a notch to account for the .05. At this point the dish should be properly dithered for the azimuth. Your signal for 101 will probably be unaffected maybe higher by 1 point at this point but do not worry as it is the nature of the ku band. You MUST repeat the same process for elevation. and you will have a properly dithered dish.