TUFF TV now on 83.0W

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You just can't depend on free anything. Anything "free" in the USA is BAD and un-American and must be eliminated. Thou shalt worship thy almighty dollar and thy holy profit. Ahmen. :mad:

Preach it girl! :up

Keep it up and someone might give you your own show ;) or have you as a guest on G-19! :p

Actually, I heard almost the same sermon the other night about the new policies restricting charities of all types.:mad:

You just can't depend on free anything. Anything "free" in the USA is BAD and un-American and must be eliminated. Thou shalt worship thy almighty dollar and thy holy profit. Ahmen.

OK, you caught me in a bad mood! If you don't like it... Leave it. I'm sick of people bad-mouthing the USA. Everyone's doing it from the President on down, and I'm tired of it. America is the land of the free. For over two hundred years brave men and women have fought to keep it free. Here we have the ultimate freedom, and we belly-ache about everything. Take a trip to Iran, North Korea, or Venezeula, and I'm sure you'll start to miss the "almighty dollar".
What box or program are you using? I'm sure someone here can get you to the settings to change them.

Ok, so I put my coolsat 6000 on the wire and it scanned the channels and I could see RTV and Tuff TV. (Boooooo :mad:)

No more east & west, just RTV and Tuff TV. :(

But I do not use the coolsat at all, it's just a tool I bought for this sort of problem.

It confirms to me my dish is still spot on and it's now the home theater pc that can't understand what they have changed.
OK, you caught me in a bad mood! If you don't like it... Leave it. I'm sick of people bad-mouthing the USA. Everyone's doing it from the President on down, and I'm tired of it. America is the land of the free. For over two hundred years brave men and women have fought to keep it free. Here we have the ultimate freedom, and we belly-ache about everything. Take a trip to Iran, North Korea, or Venezeula, and I'm sure you'll start to miss the "almighty dollar".

Fine. I'll do that. I'll go to Europe.

I'm sick to my eyeballs of corporate greed and the pilfering of the poor and down trodden little people at the bottom of the food chain.

If it makes you happy to be rolling naked in piles of cash, go for it.

I know where I'm not welcome.

How dare I tread in sacred male pissing grounds.

I'm gone..... Bye guys............

(How the hell do I delete my account here?)
Fine. I'll do that. I'll go to Europe.

If that's your wish. We're all free to do what we want.

If it makes you happy to be rolling naked in piles of cash, go for it.

I don't have piles of cash. In fact I have very little of it. In fact, I could almost be considered one of those poor down-trodden little fellows.

I know where I'm not welcome.

No one ever said you weren't welcome here.

How dare I tread in sacred male pissing grounds.

Male or female... makes no difference to me. You opened the door with your opinion, and I gave you mine.

I'm gone..... Bye guys............

Don't get offended and leave because of what I've said. If you truly believe in something, stand up for it. Just don't throw it around all the time. You have to show a little discretion when you discuss religion or politics.

We're all entitled to our opinions. You're entitled to yours just as I'm entitled to mine. Freedom of speech is one of our inalienable rights, but perhaps we (and I include myself in this statement) should stay away from potentially volatile statements.
but perhaps we (and I include myself in this statement) should stay away from potentially volatile statements.

Religion and politics don't mix thats what I was taught. This forum likes to stay away from politics. It's all about Fun and the hobby that we all enjoy and love :)
Dee Ann, be thankful if you do get anything for free because it is probably costing someone somewhere to give it to you - especially when it comes to FTA.

I run a radio station that is "free" which costs me thousands a month out of my own pocket not to mention my time because I can provide something that people like and are thankful for. Many times I go without things so I can afford to provide others a free signal.

I'm not "rolling naked in piles of cash". And I don't think any of the companies that are on FTA are. You can go to Europe but I know in the UK you will have to pay for Tv licenses to get "free" TV. Nothing is free you see, you have to pay for your share one way or another. Be thankful if someone pays for your share.

I thank RTV and other stations available on FTA for giving us their signal. They pay out of their own pockets to put that signal up for us - usually thousands a month. If they change it, it's their deal. If they see people that don't appreciate it, they can easily take it off.

Sat Guys welcomes everyone. I haven't seen anyone ask you to leave or anything like that. We have only responded to your comments.

I do hope you will be a little more appreciative of the FTA providers since they are doing something they really don't have to do for US
America is the land of the free.

Aw naww!.. first the history & bio signal drops way down.. ...and now rtv west is gone. guy lee.. not a good month. :-(

Hey. America is Free! Here's what you can currently get in America for free. I live here.
Water(from a well you dug or a mud hole.) Electricity(from a solar panel or wind mill.) FTA(Free to air: Channels that no one would ever consider paying for.)
and That's about it. Anything else free would be considered stealing. lol. and you rent your car.(Car Insurance) and You rent your land(land taxes. -TX)
Network drops a good and useful channel and replaces it with a manly man's channel.

Men all around the site rejoice and express their gratitude and joy to have a 24hr channel dedicated to testosterone, blood, guts, violence, morons beating up each other and morons on motors.

One woman voices her displeasure with the channel change and expresses her displeasure at the disproportionate number of male-centric programs on TV and the fact that MEN control what everyone sees, from the source to the remote control. Women being half, if not a little more than half of the population of this planet have no voice. When I bring that up, I am boo'ed down. No surprise there. Things never change.

SERIOUSLY. Look at the line up on RTV and see how many of the programs are male-centric. Leading characters? Men. No surprise there.

Any female oriented programming on RTV? Hmmmmm........ I think not.
At best, they ran Kate and Allie a few times last year. That was the ONE female centric program in their line up.

Take a look. ----> RTV Shows

Every single show is about men or the leading character is a man and there are a few token females in some of them. Eye candy.

You can not deny it. I have my facts straight and I am justified in my complaints.
And now they add another channel that is purely for men and men only?

Wow... How surprised am I with that? I saw it coming with them floating trial balloons on Saturday nights with an hour of Moron TV.

So yeah, I know the score. Sit down and shut up. Women are to be seen and not heard. It never changes. Never will. :mad:

I have said my piece. And now I will do as I have been instructed, I'll shut up and go away and leave the boys to play..


PS. It's not free. We have to suffer through millions of miserable commercials. That's the price we pay.. It pays their bills.
I dont even bother responding to her because she is such a broken record

channel drops signal......post saying the sky is falling
channel gets new pids...the sky is falling
channel shows back screen...the sky is falling

and god forbid a channel that shows up is maybe set towards guys, sports, anything that may not be female related then we hear it.

She's already made her point ad nauseum
-She hates sports
-she hates religious channels
-she hates foreign language programming even if it might be good
-she thinks hunting and fishing are horrible
-she doesn't know how "Buck McNealy" is considered E/I because its a hunting show (hey the FCC decides on it)
-anytime a sports channel or guy channel shows up she complains

If you remember when Equity was going belly up and channels were dropping off G10 (G18) or the network changed we heard about it. Frankly it got old

there....off my soap box ;)
oh by the way.....gary mentioned Tuff TV was coming to KU soon when he posted that Unreliable Sources was back...so we knew this was coming

WOO HOO! TuffTV rocks. Loved it when it was on KKYK on G10

Hey now there is reruns of Unreliable Sources on there (not live ones) :)
I dont even bother responding to her because she is such a broken record

channel drops signal......post saying the sky is falling
channel gets new pids...the sky is falling
channel shows back screen...the sky is falling

and god forbid a channel that shows up is maybe set towards guys, sports, anything that may not be female related then we hear it.

She's already made her point ad nauseum
-She hates sports
...As I sit here with my 2 C-band dishes, and one of my Ku-band dishes, feeding 3 baseball games in here, simultaneously.... FOR FREE... IN HD!!! :D:up
I rescanned and came up with RTV and Tuff TV, I had video on both until I changed channels and back and the screen was black again, I rescanned again and the video came back. they are both working now with a short delay for video to lock in.

Tuff looks like it has a few of the same genre shows as RTV, it's actually a bonus IMO
eh I'm in a chipper mood (knee screwed up, back hurts and on a bunch of pain pills) so I guess I can have fun with this

Network drops a good and useful channel and replaces it with a manly man's channel.
yep. Why need 2 feeds of the same thing when we can have 2 different channels. More is better I say :)

Men all around the site rejoice and express their gratitude and joy to have a 24hr channel dedicated to testosterone, blood, guts, violence, morons beating up each other and morons on motors.
so instead of looking at the schedule you decided to make judgment LIKE YOU DO ON EVERY CHANNEL UP THERE

Seriously...have you looked at the schedule? Here, let me show you some "testosterone" programming on there (per the schedule)
-Bill Cosby Show
-Daniel Boone
-Unreliable sources reruns from the previous night
-Rock Me TV..Watch the world of music and catch all the latest news and videos from country to rock and everything in between on this fast paced series dedicated to established and up and coming artists.
-Xtreme Tourist - Targeted at those on the move who want anything but a day at the beach this fast-paced travel show offers an inside look at physically extreme vacation destinations and wonders of the world.

yep all testosterone :rolleyes:

One woman voices her displeasure with the channel change and expresses her displeasure at the disproportionate number of male-centric programs on TV and the fact that MEN control what everyone sees, from the source to the remote control. Women being half, if not a little more than half of the population of this planet have no voice. When I bring that up, I am boo'ed down. No surprise there. Things never change.
If you actually said something new maybe we'd listen. But instead you spew the same "male hatred" lines and how you hate sports, religious, ethnic programming. How sports suck. How hunting and fishing is evil blah blah blah

SERIOUSLY. Look at the line up on RTV and see how many of the programs are male-centric. Leading characters? Men. No surprise there.

Any female oriented programming on RTV? Hmmmmm........ I think not.
At best, they ran Kate and Allie a few times last year. That was the ONE female centric program in their line up.

Take a look. ----> RTV Shows

Every single show is about men or the leading character is a man and there are a few token females in some of them. Eye candy.
hmmm...RTV has shows from the 70's and 80's...last I checked the programming more often than not had a guy as the leading person. Thats how it was back then..so your point is pretty off target

You can not deny it. I have my facts straight and I am justified in my complaints.
no you're not...see my response about that. And justified in your complaints? You say the same thing every time a channel comes up that you dont like.

And now they add another channel that is purely for men and men only?
Gary said they were adding TuffTV on KU soon and they did. So I'm happy :)

Wow... How surprised am I with that? I saw it coming with them floating trial balloons on Saturday nights with an hour of Moron TV.
oh so I guess all men are morons now? Boy that makes us guys feel good then :rolleyes:

So yeah, I know the score. Sit down and shut up. Women are to be seen and not heard. It never changes. Never will. :mad:
Then why stay here? Seriously? If you are that narrow minded that if you say something we're all going to have "man comebacks" at you. If you wouldnt say the same thing...let me correct that...If you wouldnt piss and moan and bitch when a new channel comes up that you don't like maybe we would take you more seriously.

I have said my piece. And now I will do as I have been instructed, I'll shut up and go away and leave the boys to play..

Its "peace" not piece ;)

PS. It's not free. We have to suffer through millions of miserable commercials. That's the price we pay.. It pays their bills.
yeah its free. Well you have to pay for the equipment one time but its free. :)

If you dont like the program change the channel
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Out Of Touch And Need Help With FTA

G25 @ 93.1W

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