troubleshooting/optimizing a low bitrate Dish Anywhere connection


New Member
Original poster
Sep 8, 2013
Palm desert
?I'm looking for assistance in troubleshooting a low bitrate problem with Dish Anywhere- I'm unable to get higher than 1700 kbps.
(Please forgive if the Hopper forum is not the proper forum for Dish Anywhere issues- let me know and I will post in the proper forum)

I'm in Krakow, Poland, my 922 and 722 slingbox are in Palm Desert, CA.

In Krakow and in the US, I have a 60 Mbps/5 Mbsp (down/up) accounts.

From Krakow, to a Polish server gives me a consistent 17 ms ping with 58 down /5.8 up.

My California connection gets 56 Mbps down/5.4 Mbps up with a 15 ms ping to a server in Irvine, CA.
From Krakow the the same server I get between 3.5 Mbps download and 9.5 Mbps up, with consistent 170 ms ping.

Speedtest from California to the Polish server results in a 6.x Mbps download with a 4.x Mbps upload.

Is there anything i can do to optimize my router or other tips to improve the transfer and get higher bitrates for viewing my beloved programs?
My gut feeling is that since there is a long internet distance between Krakow and California, you probably can't do anything to improve the down/up speeds.

Pairing remote to Joey

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