The signal loss problem surfaces on my 722k every now and then. Recently, however, it has persisted. From what I gather here and other threads on this subject, the problem for many of us (I think I am included) is related to the OTA signal. Because I live out in the country, I have to have my OTA antenna up on a 60ft. tower, deep fringe with rotor and amp. A lot can wrong with a set up like this. The receiver detects a weak OTA signal and shuts down in effect, and gives you the signal loss message, even if you are watching a sat channel at the time. I verified this this morning when the signal loss message was coming on every few minutes, no matter what channel I was watching. I put it on my strongest OTA channel and went from there to sat channels but it made no difference. The only way to stop the signal loss message was to disconnect the antenna lead to my receiver. Once I disconnected the antenna from the receiver I had no more of the blue screen loss signal notices (00-000-00).
It is important to have the antenna connected because I live in such a small market that Dish will never give us our "locals" in HD. If they did I would have no need for an antenna. The only reason I subscribe to the Dish locals is so I can see on the guide what is showing on the SD channel but once I do that, I switch over to the HD channel (which has no programming description) to actually watch.
Now that I know it is OTA related, how do I determine if the problem is my antenna and connections or the 722 is somehow loosing its ability to hold the signals? My OTA signal strength goes all over the place with some stations showing 90 - 100 and then a few minutes later it shows 65 and starts to break up. If I can't find a solution I will have to get cable just to watch my locals in HD and just ditch my antenna system all together. Any suggestions?