triple threat (just rehashing old threads)


AKA Stuart628
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh
I can see now why people are dropping satellite to go to cable. although I am extremely pleased with my satellite (Beats everything in my area) I may actually after 3-4 months with dish network, be dropping them for time warner cable. This is not due to anything Dish Network has done, but something my phone line company has done (sbc) I like many people I am sure, have dsl and phone line, then Satellite. Well to make a long thread short, my Dsl 24.95 price is done and my dsl bill is going up to I think 45.95, now I can redo my contract at 24.95 but for the next 30 days I am out of contract. I was contacted by a time warner employee yesterday, and for 152.80 I can get Road Runner, Digital Cable (with HDTV locals and discovery)(hdtv tier is 7 dollars extra), and digital phone with unlimited local and long distance. I dont know if their is any hidden fees associated with this, but I do know the reason I dumped time warner 4 months ago has been taken care of with all new wiring in my neighberhood. the reason I created this thread was for people who are in my situation of trying to trim extra money every month (I am 24 getting ready to have kids in the next two years) to look and really study the numbers, DSL was great for me, but with the new triple Play with cable, its tough to turn down time warner. As much as I have said DISH network is the best. I might have to go to second place because of the money I can save (by the way I would also get 4 premiums with on demand service for each, and the HDTV service is all untouched signal, meaning OTA quality) enjoy reading and please other people chime in with their thoughts on this as it is informitive thread
ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I too amd looking to trim some extra stuff :)

(when I first saw "Triple threat", first thing I thought of was ECW...Shane Douglas, Chris Candito (RIP) and Bam Bam Biggelo or the original TT..Douglas, Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit) :)
wow, with the news of dish network MAYBE losing viacom that could be crazy

and I use to love the triple threat that you brought up Iceberg!
Iceberg said:
(when I first saw "Triple threat", first thing I thought of was ECW...Shane Douglas, Chris Candito (RIP) and Bam Bam Biggelo or the original TT..Douglas, Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit) :)

I thought the same thing.
time warner in my area is in really good shape, I will get road runner with 6 megs down, all digital channels (meaning the ones I care about they have digital retransmission already in place) and the phone I have been reading has very very few drawbacks! we will see my install date is september 3rd at 12-2
Hmmm. Cable? NEVER!!!

Sure, you could get the "triple threat" package from TW. But it would be a bad deal. Why? Because you can keep your Dish, buy Time Warner cable internet THROUGH EARTHLINK for $41.95, and unlimited Vonage for $25 a month. You'd be paying more for both those services, even bundled, through TW. Their digital phone is $40! That's highway robbery for VOIP. In my case, I have DirecTV, but my total bill for Digital TV (including HBO and DVR service) is about $140. Now, I could add HD to that if necessary, and still be within your price range, and have the added benefit of not having crappy cable for TV. --And I would pay a littel bit of a premium to not have to have cable for my TV. But even unbundling, as I've shown, you can get better deals on the same or superior services.

Just my .02

Qwest keeps mailing me offers, but they deal with Directv and I'm not about to switch carriers, especially when Dish's HD looks so damn good and HD is all I sub to and my local podunk cable will never offer HD.
DesignDawg said:
In my case, I have DirecTV, but my total bill for Digital TV (including HBO and DVR service) is about $140. Now, I could add HD to that if necessary, and still be within your price range, and have the added benefit of not having crappy cable for TV. --And I would pay a littel bit of a premium to not have to have cable for my TV. But even unbundling, as I've shown, you can get better deals on the same or superior services.

Just my .02


first my bill of 150 would be for phone, internet, digital cable, HDTV, and 4 premiums and there on demand. and that bill would be good for as long as I am with time warner. second, my cable company here is far from crappy. it is on par with if not above dish for HD as they dont compress the local signal, and the analog? I could care less as they are already broadcasting the ones I care about in digital also!
first my bill of 150 would be for phone, internet, digital cable, HDTV, and 4 premiums and there on demand. and that bill would be good for as long as I am with time warner.

Isn't the triple play package only for 12 months, and then goes up to the regular prices per piece? This is the issue I am having right, although a little older, in the same boat - and my 12 months is up and my bill went from 99$ a month (for all 3 no HD) to 130$ a month, (all 3 no HD) so I am wondering what I should do now that cable won't let me get that 3 package as cheap as it was before (because I am already a customer)

Just a thought... was wondering how Time Warner is handling it, Cablevision (optimum) in my case has adjusted the prices already for my 13th month :(

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