I was originally set up with two dishes, one to receive 119 & 110, and a second to receive 61.5. Recently I got converted by Dish to a single dish to receive 65.1, 72(?) and 77. However, when I travel I have been using two Dish 500 antennas for the old setup. My question is can I use the existing two antenna combination to receive the new 61.5, 72(?), 77 combination? Another way to ask the question is as follows. Is the curvature of the dish 500 such that it can pick up two of the 3 satellite combination for 61.5, 72(?), 77? The reason I would like to keep the two antenna travel setup is because I boondoggle/dry camp in tree infested areas. I quite often search for a day or two to find holes in the canopy in order to get reception on just 119, 110, and 61.5. Having options for other satellites would make life much easier.