Transformers 2

I like the first one, mostly the human robot interaction. In this one the robots had their movie and the humans had a different one. They barely interacted except to watch human run to avoid being killed by robots.

This film had a huge budget. It was not like they could not afford good writers to come up with a decent movie. This one seemed driven by the special effects people saying look we could have a robot do this, transform in this way, etc. with no reguard to what was needed in the story. Seems like they came up with a list of cool things for robots to do, made the scenes and tried then to stitch it together with some sort of story.

The opening sequence was interesting since it was a complete city rendered in CGI, but they really appeared to mess up the human insertion. It looked like a bad blue screen effect. I guess they have a ways to go to integrate the live action with the CGI.

All good points. You nailed it; there was little to no meaningful interaction between the humans and the autobots. Bumblebee was pushed to the side, given little role.

And another thing... there was at least 25 minutes of that film that SHOULD have ended up on the cutting room floor. All the crap with the starting of college; and the marijuana brownies? GMAFB.
And another thing... there was at least 25 minutes of that film that SHOULD have ended up on the cutting room floor. All the crap with the starting of college; and the marijuana brownies? GMAFB.

I guess the mother character's roll is to try to put the 13 in the PG-13 lable. Last movie she was running around the bedroom shouting about master*****n and this time she was high. It just annoys me how they put these things in there that do not serve the movie in any way and make it less suitable for younger kids.

Who thought it was a good idea to have buck tooth robots jive talking? What demographic was this aimed for? Reinforcing the appeal to KKK members?

Two minutes cut from this movie would have made it much closer to PG, after all it is a movie based on kids toys.
I guess the mother character's roll is to try to put the 13 in the PG-13 lable. Last movie she was running around the bedroom shouting about master*****n and this time she was high. It just annoys me how they put these things in there that do not serve the movie in any way and make it less suitable for younger kids.

Who thought it was a good idea to have buck tooth robots jive talking? What demographic was this aimed for? Reinforcing the appeal to KKK members?

Two minutes cut from this movie would have made it much closer to PG, after all it is a movie based on kids toys.

Agree 100%. My kid was well attuned to the innuendo, and thought the buck tooth robots were horrible.

I'm just glad he phased out on the "Professor, I'll do anything for an A line," considering that I am a professor. :)
I really liked it too. I don't know what all the naysayers were seeing when they saw this movie but it was exactly what it should have been.
I really liked it too. I don't know what all the naysayers were seeing when they saw this movie but it was exactly what it should have been.
If you go to rotten tomatoes you can read the critiques. Its down to 18% among top critics.

On every level this movie is as bankrupt as GM. But there is more to be said about a movie this gargantuan ($200 million spent on robot hardbodies) and galactically stupid. Transformers: The Revenge of The Fallen is beyond bad, it carves out its own category of godawfulness

Rolling Stone
I really liked it too. I don't know what all the naysayers were seeing when they saw this movie but it was exactly what it should have been.
It was supposed to be a CGI extravaganza with actors mixed in but all the revews I have read say that the director, Bay did a poor job of integrating the humans into the movie and parts were so obviously blue screen that it took away from the movie. I would have to say that it was NOT everything it should have been. I loved transformers I but I am dissapointed at the failure of this movie's director to get it right again. remember TRansformers I rated 80% at Rotten tomatoes. To see a movie get 18% and pretend "Oh Well its what it was supposed to be" is burying your head in the sand, and refusing to admit it was a failure..

I thought the first Transformers movie was bad, but this takes bad to new levels. I could almost be convinced that Bay has made a wicked satire on the very type of film this is. That the amassed asininity—the pointless swirling camerawork, the ridiculous pandering to a 14-year-old's notion of sex, the bad jokes, the general air of smarminess etc.—is a gag being played on the film's target audience is not beyond the realm of possibility.

The real draw—apart from the utterly bizarre notion that there are millions of folks who want to see a movie based on a toy from their childhood—is robots fighting and causing property damage. Fine. But Bay and company can't even get that right. The action scenes are a jumbled mess of incomprehensible "stuff happening" that we're supposed to accept as exciting for no reason other than the fact that stuff is happening. You can rarely tell exactly what stuff is happening because it's all shot in close with Bay's peripatetic-cam and chopped into small pieces. Scenes in which you can tell which robot is doing what to which other robot are so rare that they appear to have made it into the movie by mistake
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It was supposed to be a CGI extravaganza with actors mixed in but all the revews I have read say that the director, Bay did a poor job of integrating the humans into the movie and parts were so obviously blue screen that it took away from the movie. I would have to say that it was NOT everything it should have been. I loved transformers I but I am dissapointed at the failure of this movie's director to get it right again. remember TRansformers I rated 80% at Rotten tomatoes. To see a movie get 18% and pretend "Oh Well its what it was supposed to be" is burying your head in the sand, and refusing to admit it was a failure..

I am not pretending anything. I liked the movie. It was a fun movie and kept me entertained for 2 1/2 hours that I didn't think were wasted time.
I am not pretending anything. I liked the movie. It was a fun movie and kept me entertained for 2 1/2 hours that I didn't think were wasted time.

i feel the same. i liked it and apparently so did many. haven't spoken to one person that didn't like it yet but everyone has their own opinions and there's no wrong or right here :)
I liked it and see everyone's comments as being valid . . . my problem was that Optimus survived and the Transformers won . . . it would have been a great cliffhanger to even the score at 1-1 and leave questions unanswered for part 3 (e.g. will Prime rise again? will the Transformers win?; etc.)
I liked it and see everyone's comments as being valid . . . my problem was that Optimus survived and the Transformers won . . . it would have been a great cliffhanger to even the score at 1-1 and leave questions unanswered for part 3 (e.g. will Prime rise again? will the Transformers win?; etc.)

that sounds good to me :up:D

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