I like the first one, mostly the human robot interaction. In this one the robots had their movie and the humans had a different one. They barely interacted except to watch human run to avoid being killed by robots.
This film had a huge budget. It was not like they could not afford good writers to come up with a decent movie. This one seemed driven by the special effects people saying look we could have a robot do this, transform in this way, etc. with no reguard to what was needed in the story. Seems like they came up with a list of cool things for robots to do, made the scenes and tried then to stitch it together with some sort of story.
The opening sequence was interesting since it was a complete city rendered in CGI, but they really appeared to mess up the human insertion. It looked like a bad blue screen effect. I guess they have a ways to go to integrate the live action with the CGI.
All good points. You nailed it; there was little to no meaningful interaction between the humans and the autobots. Bumblebee was pushed to the side, given little role.
And another thing... there was at least 25 minutes of that film that SHOULD have ended up on the cutting room floor. All the crap with the starting of college; and the marijuana brownies? GMAFB.