Transformer review: 30GB not enough

Navy, take a look at the twelve most current threads in the war zone, notice a pattern? If HDDVD is so superior, than why all the BLU-RAY bashing? I think their both good products.

?? You're posting this in a thread bashing HDDVD.


Transformer review: 30GB not enough (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page) Anti-HDDVD

Target seems to prefer BD... HD-DVD camp to claim "it's about quality not quantity.."Anti-HDDVD

Why does PS3 sound like a Jumbo Jet taking off? (Multi-page thread 1 2)
vurbano Anti-BD

Now that the PS3 has flopped as a game machine (Multi-page thread 1 2)
vurbano Anti-BD

HD/BD copy protection blues...
diogen Anti-Both?

Will Transformers Bust!!
JoeSp Anti-HDDVD

Is Sony as desperate as it looks? (Multi-page thread 1 2)
vurbano Anti-Sony/BD

HD-DVD players outsell Blu-ray players 4 to 1.
vurbano Anti-BD (oops, fixed!)

HD DVD players lead in HD sales (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
teamerickson Anti-BD

High Def Disc unit sales - The Digital Bits (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
navychop News Reporting

Netflix Users Favor HD DVD (Multi-page thread 1 2)
teamerickson Anti-BD

Bill "the shill" Hunt debunked
vurbano Anti-Moron

I think there'd be a lot letss bashing and much more cheerleading if it wasn't incited by all the FUD that Blu-Ray spreads, not even by it's proponents, but by Sony itself, with the way it skews reports and mission accomplished style announcements.
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Hey, throw me in with the Anti BDs too.....

If space is such an issue with the extras, ummm, then add a second disc. If you are charging $40 for a title, manufacturers can spring for the extra $3, no?
Hey, throw me in with the Anti BDs too.....

If space is such an issue with the extras, ummm, then add a second disc. If you are charging $40 for a title, manufacturers can spring for the extra $3, no?

If it's just the extras, sure... but I can see cases where it might be a stretch and/or impossible just to fit the entire movie on one disc, depending on what video/audio options are chosen, the length of the movie, etc.
If it's just the extras, sure... but I can see cases where it might be a stretch and/or impossible just to fit the entire movie on one disc, depending on what video/audio options are chosen, the length of the movie, etc.

Personally, and taking the formats out of the equation, i don't mind when something is multiple discs/tapes... but it has to be worthwhile.

Titanic, 2 tapes on VHS. Don't think it was really a factor in sales. If Magnolia came out on HDDVD and was 2 discs, those that the movie caters to would really not mind IMO. If Revenge of the Nerds comes out, puts 3 movies on 2 discs and the 2nd move is split down the middle... you've got a problem. I had a better explination for this but lost it while typign so leaving it at that for now, maybe someone else will take it and run with it.

Whether it's Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, just do it right, whichever way makes the movie the focus and it is presented correctly. Both are going to have their limitations, work around them, give us all the best product, and I'll be a happy camper.
If Magnolia came out on HDDVD and was 2 discs, those that the movie caters to would really not mind IMO.
It has been reported on AVS more than once over the last few years that 2-disc sets have a high marketting value
(from the DVD times, not HD DVD recently sponsored research).

And Transformers had a great plot?
Did they ever explain why they attacked the base in the desert?
And of course the masterbation line added a lot to the movie. :rolleyes:

Visuals were outstanding, but the plot less than so.
Spidey3 is the worst of the spiderman series. That is the point take it or leave it.
If you look back about 2 years you'll find something. But, he finally found the light and has been on a roll ever since. :)
Once I saw it was a Sony money grab with over priced players, strict copy protection and no specifications then hell yes I converted to HD DVD!
Well, now we can wrap up this thread and move onto the Jack Ryan collection debacle that's begun.
Yep. I look forward to getting The Hunt For Red October. In Blu-ray, of course. Sometime in 2009, I figure..........:p

They should have plenty of room for LOTS of EXTRAS! And multiple audio tracks, including HD audio formats. :p:p
Someone here PLEASE answer this question. If HD-DVD disc are so inexpensive to make and produce (as compared to Blu-Ray as most HD-DVD supporters keep stating) then WHY did not Paramount and Dreamworks put TWO HD-DVD disks in Transformers and add a lossless codec?

Come on, they got 150 MILLION DOLLARS to be HD-DVD exclusive and they could NOT bring themselves to put the extras on a second HD-DVD disk? And the reason THEY state that there is NO DolbyTrueHD or DTS-HD MASTER is that there WAS NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON THE 30GB DISC?

This after saying that the HD-DVD format was superior?!? I have to stop now!:haha:haha:haha:river:river:shocked
I will enjoy Transformers. DIdnt you buy it too?

Why yes you did Junior! Lemme guess... you bought the DVD???


OH MY!!!!!!!! what a hypocrite!!!!!! to say that to someone who was buying it just like you did. :haha :haha :haha

Tell me did you hide your copy under your jacket while you shot off your mouth?? :haha


too bad SPidey3 had such a convoluted plot. Easily the worst of the series on BlurRay.

I believe I clearly stated that I bought the HD-DVD so I do not know what kind of point you were making by reposting something that I have already posted.

And yes I had this movie in my had when i said that and this guy saw that. But he had said something to me about HD-DVD being better, which of course I am not going to hear, because that's a lie. As such, I kicked into Blu gear. Just because I bought this ONE movie, because it is a GREAT movie, does not mean that I am totally happy with it. There are certain things that I love, and buy because I LOVE, no matter if there is a problem with it. I LOVE this movie and as such it deserved a purchase even though it is crippled. I see no hypocrisy in that.
I believe I clearly stated that I bought the HD-DVD so I do not know what kind of point you were making by reposting something that I have already posted.
You are a hypocrite criticizing the man for buying the movie when you yourself had a copy of the movie in your own hand. If you cannot understand that I would like to speak to your Hokie High professors.
Someone here PLEASE answer this question. If HD-DVD disc are so inexpensive to make and produce (as compared to Blu-Ray as most HD-DVD supporters keep stating) then WHY did not Paramount and Dreamworks put TWO HD-DVD disks in Transformers and add a lossless codec?

Come on, they got 150 MILLION DOLLARS to be HD-DVD exclusive and they could NOT bring themselves to put the extras on a second HD-DVD disk? And the reason THEY state that there is NO DolbyTrueHD or DTS-HD MASTER is that there WAS NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON THE 30GB DISC?

This after saying that the HD-DVD format was superior?!? I have to stop now!

You really should have stopped sooner, Joe.

Transformers IS a 2 disc HD DVD release. Just like Disney did with POTC, Paramount devoted 1 disk to the movie and included most of the extras on the second disk.

And while the 1.5MBPS Dolby Digital Plus audio track gets a 5 star rating from HighDefDigest, your highly touted DTS-HD MASTER on "Robocop" gets only 3 1/2 stars.
You really should have stopped sooner, Joe.

Transformers IS a 2 disc HD DVD release. Just like Disney did with POTC, Paramount devoted 1 disk to the movie and included most of the extras on the second disk.

And while the 1.5MBPS Dolby Digital Plus audio track gets a 5 star rating from HighDefDigest, your highly touted DTS-HD MASTER on "Robocop" gets only 3 1/2 stars.

Plus only the Samsung 1400 and Pioneer 95FD will bitstream the audio to a capable receiver. The PS3, and most other players, will only take the core 1.5. At least my Panasonic will take the HD-HR extensions.

You really should have stopped sooner, Joe.

Transformers IS a 2 disc HD DVD release. Just like Disney did with POTC, Paramount devoted 1 disk to the movie and included most of the extras on the second disk.

And while the 1.5MBPS Dolby Digital Plus audio track gets a 5 star rating from HighDefDigest, your highly touted DTS-HD MASTER on "Robocop" gets only 3 1/2 stars.

OH MY!!!! You mean there are TWO HD-DVD disks -- 60gbs -- and Paramount still could not give you guys a lossless soundtrack? And you compare Robocop - a movie made -- when the late 80's early 90's to a 2007 Blockbuster title about a japanese animation that turns cars into robots? And you expect Robocop's audio to beat Transformers???

Boy you guys will say anything to protect the shafting you are getting from Paramount. And as for the 5 start rating -- when your format is not really getting support for a lossless codec from the supporting studios I guess that $150 mil was just to act like they were doing something nice.

If you want to compare oranges to oranges how about comparing the technical aspects of Spiderman3 to Transformers. They are both 2007 blockbusters. They both use alot of CGI. They both come on HD discs. Oh but wait -- the BD Spidee comes with not one but TWO lossless codecs!! I can see now why you used Robocop for comparison!:p
Wasting 5 Mbps (6.5 vs. 1.5 for PCM and DD+, respectively) to appease the few that claim to hear the difference?

If you have the bandwidth (and can't use DD+, it's not mandatory!) - go ahead. But claiming it "enriches the movie experience" would be a stretch...


You only say this because your format of choice is NOT really supporting lossless audio codecs. Not one of the studios that is HD-DVD only provides a loseless codec on 1 out of 10 movies they release on HD-DVD. I guess if you are not going to get a loseless codec then to you it is not needed.

Maybe you should listen to a few BD movies with PCM on a decent system that is setup right before you claim that you can not hear the differances. To say that you can not tell the differance really is like all those folks out there who say that there is really no differance between SD and HD Picture Quality.

Sony hedging its bets by adding DivX support to the PS3?

ps3 for only 319 (posted by stuart628)

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