I loved the first two episodes...however, there's something "missing" from this show and I can't put my finger on it. Okay, let's take a stab at it:
1. Dad treats the kid with...well, pardon the expression, kid gloves. You cannot allow a kid to do things that will endanger himself or others.
2. The "let's wrap it all up within 60-minutes" format. The story behind the story (whatever that may be) is getting lost.
3. Why does every action seem to have an impact on someone in Iraq or Japan? This is too far-fetches and needs to be removed from further episodes.
4. Dad appears to have no life outside of tracking the whereabouts of his special kid (Special K)...need to expand the story to includes his personal life. The part about his wife who was killed on 9-11 isn't cutting it.
5. Special K being the narrator yet not speaking during the show is a bit annoying.
6. I'm not buying the Social Worker. Bring in another social worker who Martin is attracted to...yet he fights holding on to the memories of his dead wife. This move would certainly help personalize the characters, and introduce a little tension/conflict in a good way.
7. Special K needs to do something...anything to further his communication with Martin: blink, fart, move a finger, something!!!
Anyway, I know we're only four (4) shows into the series, but it needs to be "tweaked" to better define the story and characters.