Top Ten HD Channels Add Wish List

1. Comedy Central HD
2. Spike HD
3. E! HD
4. FX HD
7. Boomerang (given that most classic cartoons were mastered on film, which can be scanned in in HD, this channel could be awesome if done right)
And, if only to shut the Voomer's up
8. Equator HD (The only "popular" Voom I watched)
9. Rave HD
10. Monsters HD (Although never watched Rave, and I hate horror, exception MST3000 parody, this seems to be the most popular Vooms, so I include them)

And for those of you complaining about networks with no HD being suggested, as a DishHD sub, any new "HD" channel is a new channel for me, period. Stewart and Colbert, plus The Soup are the biggest things I miss about my old package.
1. Starz additional HD channels
2. HBO additional HD channels
3. E! HD
4. Lifetime Movie Net HD
With the number of HBO and Starz channels, that is at least 10.
Maybe some want the channels in HD whether they show HD content or not so they can go to the HD only package and save some bucks. Ever think about that? Sooner or later many of them will have HD content even if they do not currently.
Long term, that's wonderful, but in the short term, it doesn't do a bit of good to pressure DISH Network to add HD channels that either don't exist or don't offer sufficient HD programming to worry about.

I'll admit that there may be one constructive use of wishing for channels that don't exist: that they may be prioritized so that we don't get screwed out of getting channels we want when the bandwidth gets tight.

A bird in the hand and all that...
7. Boomerang (given that most classic cartoons were mastered on film, which can be scanned in in HD, this channel could be awesome if done right)
While mastered on film, most of them weren't conceived in widescreen.

Yes, as a matter of fact it does make a difference. Anyone who tried to watch Animania HD (or Flipper on Family Room HD [aka the Flipper channel]) understands what I'm talking about.
While mastered on film, most of them weren't conceived in widescreen.

Yes, as a matter of fact it does make a difference. Anyone who tried to watch Animania HD (or Flipper on Family Room HD [aka the Flipper channel]) understands what I'm talking about.

even though boom isn't in hd , it would still look way better than what we see now. so i wouldn't mind at all if this was one of them but make it one of the last additions right after the most popular ones. :)
does mtv hd on direct show any videos in hd like MHD? or is it just upconverted
Upconverted. Officially, MTV HD, VH1 HD and CMT HD are considered "HD Ready". I believe that each one of them has shown HD content, but it doesn't happen more than once in a great while.

Does MTV play music videos?

MTV singlehandedly killed the radio star only to turn around a few years later and kill the video star.
While mastered on film, most of them weren't conceived in widescreen.

Yes, as a matter of fact it does make a difference. Anyone who tried to watch Animania HD (or Flipper on Family Room HD [aka the Flipper channel]) understands what I'm talking about.

Granted, there's some wasted pixels, but 4:3 can be HD. Have you seen the Star Trek HD remasters? Heck, I've even seen some stuff on HDNet Movies that was 4:3 becuase that was the OAR. Yeah, they may be unfortunately tempted to stretch or crop the picture, hence why I said it needs to be done right. They would also need to have more than Mr. Magoo and the Pink Panther.
Voom is not going to happen. People need to get on with their lives.
Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall that the VOOM channels have been removed from the satellites yet. Don't you suppose that the VOOM channels would have been unlinked if they truly weren't going to return?
Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall that the VOOM channels have been removed from the satellites yet. Don't you suppose that the VOOM channels would have been unlinked if they truly weren't going to return?

They are, in fact, gone. There are now a bunch of placeholders named "TMP A, B, C etc." assigned to the old Voom transponders.
Granted, there's some wasted pixels, but 4:3 can be HD. Have you seen the Star Trek HD remasters? Heck, I've even seen some stuff on HDNet Movies that was 4:3 becuase that was the OAR. Yeah, they may be unfortunately tempted to stretch or crop the picture, hence why I said it needs to be done right. They would also need to have more than Mr. Magoo and the Pink Panther.

I have seen several programs on scifi and a few other HD channels that were letterboxed on all four side. You have to zoom to get it to be watchable at all. The ones on Scifi were Star Trek that should have been 16x9 HD to begin with.
Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall that the VOOM channels have been removed from the satellites yet. Don't you suppose that the VOOM channels would have been unlinked if they truly weren't going to return?

They are gone...not uplinked. Voom pulled the last five channels they have no interest in Dish other than the lawsuit.
I have seen several programs on scifi and a few other HD channels that were letterboxed on all four side. You have to zoom to get it to be watchable at all. The ones on Scifi were Star Trek that should have been 16x9 HD to begin with.

I'm referring to The Original Series Remastered in HD. This doesn't air on SciFi. Since it was produced in 4:3, the HD version is 4:3.

Big Ten Network Question

Wow - MHD Picture quailty (pics included)

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