Top of HDNews missing? Mitsubishi owners try this:

Ok, here is what I did to my Mitsu WS-65711

First off, this will probably only work for 2003 Mitsu's. Secondly, don't even open these service menus if you are uncomfortable with technical things. Finally, I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

CAPITAL LETERS=press button on remote.

Before you make any changes write down the original value so that you can go back to it if you aren't comfortable with the changes. There is going to be a lot of back and forth, trial and error. Limit any outside distractions.

With Voom HDNews on:

To adjust the screen Height and Width:
2157-press number keys immediately following MENU, the default menu
should switch to green text on the screen.
AUDIO-press to switch mode to jngl. If you pass it you can continue pressing
AUDIO until it cycles back around.
The first Item is 1 hwid-I have determined that this is the horizontal width. Write down the current value, then use the up and down arrows you use to navigate the basic menu to increase and decrease the width. You will have to experiment with this. Mine ended up being 31. When satisfied:
VIDEO-Cycle down to 7 vhgt, again if you pass it just continue pressing
VIDEO until you cycle back around. This is vertical height. Again write
current value and then adjust until satisfied. Mine ended up being set
at 32
To save: ENTER (If you don't want to save just hit MENU)
To exit: MENU
Don't adjust anything else in this menu unless you are a risk taker. I have been informed to not touch HPOS or VPOS.

To adjust the picture position:
Be advised you will likely have to go back and forth between this menu and the previous to get it right.
The initial menu is Coarse, if not hit the number 5
Write down the current value. Adjust 1 hsta until the screen is centered horizontally. Mine is 10 now
VIDEO to cycle to 2 vsta. Write down the current value. Adjust until centered vertically. Mine is 5 now
There is no way to exit without saving.
MENU to exit and save.
Go back to 2157 and correct if needed. I had to go back and forth a few times to get it right.

Once the image is centered and you are happy you will have to adjust the convergence. In the 2159 service menu you will adjust the green convergence and blue and red will follow. Start around the edges and make every line as straight as possible and every intersection perpendicular.

Number 4 to switch from Coarse to Fine.
Use the arrow keys to move the box around.
ENTER to lock onto a point
Arrow keys to move it.
ENTER to unlock.
Move to next and repeat. This is very tedious and I have no idea what the numbers mean. I had to sit about halfway between the TV and my usual viewing position to see the changes easily.
Congrats on getting your picture adjusted wasch_24 :cool: It seems like Mitsu's are fairly easy to adjust.

I'm too much of a wuss to dig into my RCA service menu :no

It's ridiculous that they don't come with the picture adjusted correctly from the manufacturer. :mad:
txdude said:
Congrats on getting your picture adjusted wasch_24 :cool: It seems like Mitsu's are fairly easy to adjust.

I'm too much of a wuss to dig into my RCA service menu :no

It's ridiculous that they don't come with the picture adjusted correctly from the manufacturer. :mad:
Ya know I was thinking that when I was working on it. If they came perfecto then the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF-I think that's what it stands for) wouldn't have a reason to exist. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a pro could do it better and faster. But if the item titles weren't so cryptic then anyone could probably do it.
wasch_24 said:
It is all of the channels. It's just easier to see on 100. After I tweaked the settings the orange and white score board box on Worldsport was considerably further from the edges of the screen. Before I adjusted things I couldn't even see the time or the first two letters of the team name. Now it is a good inch away from the edges of the screen.

Doing four TV's would be a pain in the arse. If you can live with it I would just leave well enough alone.

Oh ok,i missed understood,i thought it was just ch.100,that's the only ch. that does it on my 4 tv's....anyway glad you got it right :up
wasch_24 let me 1st say THANK YOU, this was driving me crazy just one of those little things you know? I did everything you said and it looks great and now I can see the top of HDN when the weather comes on. Thanks for posting this. :D

Mitsubishi 65712 Diamond
wasch_24 said:
First off, this will probably only work for 2003 Mitsu's. Secondly, don't even open these service menus if you are uncomfortable with technical things. Finally, I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

CAPITAL LETERS=press button on remote.

Before you make any changes write down the original value so that you can go back to it if you aren't comfortable with the changes. There is going to be a lot of back and forth, trial and error. Limit any outside distractions.

With Voom HDNews on:

To adjust the screen Height and Width:
2157-press number keys immediately following MENU, the default menu
should switch to green text on the screen.
AUDIO-press to switch mode to jngl. If you pass it you can continue pressing
AUDIO until it cycles back around.
The first Item is 1 hwid-I have determined that this is the horizontal width. Write down the current value, then use the up and down arrows you use to navigate the basic menu to increase and decrease the width. You will have to experiment with this. Mine ended up being 31. When satisfied:
VIDEO-Cycle down to 7 vhgt, again if you pass it just continue pressing
VIDEO until you cycle back around. This is vertical height. Again write
current value and then adjust until satisfied. Mine ended up being set
at 32
To save: ENTER (If you don't want to save just hit MENU)
To exit: MENU
Don't adjust anything else in this menu unless you are a risk taker. I have been informed to not touch HPOS or VPOS.

To adjust the picture position:
Be advised you will likely have to go back and forth between this menu and the previous to get it right.
The initial menu is Coarse, if not hit the number 5
Write down the current value. Adjust 1 hsta until the screen is centered horizontally. Mine is 10 now
VIDEO to cycle to 2 vsta. Write down the current value. Adjust until centered vertically. Mine is 5 now
There is no way to exit without saving.
MENU to exit and save.
Go back to 2157 and correct if needed. I had to go back and forth a few times to get it right.

Once the image is centered and you are happy you will have to adjust the convergence. In the 2159 service menu you will adjust the green convergence and blue and red will follow. Start around the edges and make every line as straight as possible and every intersection perpendicular.

Number 4 to switch from Coarse to Fine.
Use the arrow keys to move the box around.
ENTER to lock onto a point
Arrow keys to move it.
ENTER to unlock.
Move to next and repeat. This is very tedious and I have no idea what the numbers mean. I had to sit about halfway between the TV and my usual viewing position to see the changes easily.

This is great information. Thanks for putting it together with such great detail.

Tom R.
wasch 24...Thanks a million for posting your process!!!
Once I get my TV back into it's new home (wall unit) I will give it a try. Hopefully it will work the same on my WS55413 2004 model.
It doesn't seem to be as intimidating as I thought, as long as I write down the current values like you stated.

Question...Are these changes affecting all the inputs or just the one that you are viewing when you go into the service menu? (I assume DVI as is in my case) The reason I ask is because I don't see this overscan issue on my other inputs.
truqui said:
wasch 24...Thanks a million for posting your process!!!
Once I get my TV back into it's new home (wall unit) I will give it a try.
I doesn't seem to be as intimidating as I thought as long as I write down the current values like you stated.

Question...Are these changes affecting all the inputs or just the one that you are viewing when you go into the service menu? (I assume DVI as is in my case) The reason I ask is because I don't see this overscan issue on my other inputs.
Exactly, it only affects the input that is currently selected and you have to be in that input when you start the menu. Also, I am connected to the INT-DTV input for my prog. scan DVD as well as the STB for Voom and it still saves the settings for 480p and 1080i separately. You will see SD when you are currently in 480i or p and HD when you are changing the 1080i.

Another note, I was also able to do away with the red push that is prevalent on Mitsubishi's. My tint used to have to be all the way to the green using DVE and now it is right in the middle. I just wish I could get some calibration patterns for the 1080i. I haven't checked yet but Ilya started a thread asking if sometimes Voom displays them on the Cinema channels. We'll see. I'd be glad to post what I changed for the red push if anyone is interested.

I didn't notice at first that you have an '04 here are your codes:
Substitute 2157 with 0357
Substitute 2159 with 0359
LOBO2999 said:
wasch_24 let me 1st say THANK YOU, this was driving me crazy just one of those little things you know? I did everything you said and it looks great and now I can see the top of HDN when the weather comes on. Thanks for posting this. :D

Mitsubishi 65712 Diamond

Yeah, I know. It was a minor detail but when you are waching the brilliant HD picture with friends and family on your multi-thousand dollar TV the last thing you want to hear, or even think to yourself, is "Gee, why is part of the picture missing?" :)
truqui said:'re the man!!!
Ok, Ok that's enough :o just remember folks I am not an ISF tech and all the ones that I vamped this info from were very forthcoming with the warnings of potential disaster. Just remeber to be careful! :)
I just got VOOM and noticed this problem today. I have a Panasonic 36" 4:3 CRT HDTV. Would overscan be my problem too? Because since I have a 4:3 screen, all HD content is letterboxed, so it's not like it doesn't have room for the image. I have previously adjusted the overscan on the sides because movies were being chopped off, but really didn't do much with the top/bottom overscan.
slffl said:
I just got VOOM and noticed this problem today. I have a Panasonic 36" 4:3 CRT HDTV. Would overscan be my problem too? Because since I have a 4:3 screen, all HD content is letterboxed, so it's not like it doesn't have room for the image. I have previously adjusted the overscan on the sides because movies were being chopped off, but really didn't do much with the top/bottom overscan.
It depends, is the amount missing compareable to the pics back in post #20?
If you can see the whole word at the top during the weather then that is about as good as it will get. It seems that pointblank was right when he said he thought the Voom STB has a default overscan of 2% because no matter how much adjusting I did I still couldn't get the gap between the words and the top of the image.

Also, try setting your STB to force a wide picture into a narrow screen in the option&settings-system settings menu and see if it is still happening. If it is still clipped a little, but you can actually see the tops of the letters during the weather that's as good as it will get.

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