Too Much $$$ to upgrade, going to DISH

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I've had experience with both E* and D*. This is just MY OPINION, but I prefer D*'s hardware over E*'s. I remember having issues and spending more time on the phone w/ cust. svc. because of hardware issues with the E* recievers. Also, from a business standpoint, D* seems to be doing a good job at moving forward and planning for the future, so my vote is for D*.
What hate about E* is that when they release something new only new sub can get (try and get a 942) D* does not do that.
vurbano said:
For who??? those that live in an O&O or those that can get a waiver.:rolleyes:

No, actually it's GREAT for us that are smart enough to have "moved" & solved this problem quite nicely, thank you. :p :D No muss or fuss over waivers, either.

BUT, putting the networks question aside - then WHAT makes E*'s prog lineup SO much MORE compelling than D*'s??? Other THAN the networks, seems pretty much a wash to me - but you ARE aware that D* is definately going to be launching ESPN2 later this year, so that's another point for D*.
charper1- I think you are misunderstanding a few things here
1. locar retailers are required to warranty and service their installs for 6 months
2 a customer of a local retailer calls that retailer for service, complaints, and cancellation
3 the local retailer's phione # is programmed into the recievers "for service call" area

So- a local retailer gets direct feedback via their own installs, and is obligated to fix whatever the customer needs (because the local retailer gets charged back if the customer cancells). I am not sure if you are familiar with the industry, but sc30 or return trips within thirty days are a part of it. Most places i have worked for strive for less than 10% of jobs getting a return trip- a lot of returs are trival vcr/dvd how does this work things, some eq failtures, tech forgot to set a remote.whatever....all sorts of reasons. So you understand here- If a large scale problem is going on- local retailers (ones that pay attention) absolutley know about it. So what I am telling you is we installed hundreds of 522- and we DID NOT HAVE large scale service issues, or massive cancellations as you suggest. Why do you think chargebacks mean high cancellation rates?People are not cancelling like you suggest- one wonders where you are hearing these things

and also the modulated tv 2 output actually looks good, i would bet 90% of people couldn't tell on a 27' or smaller set-
madisondish said:
charper1- I think you are misunderstanding a few things here
1. locar retailers are required to warranty and service their installs for 6 months
2 a customer of a local retailer calls that retailer for service, complaints, and cancellation
3 the local retailer's phione # is programmed into the recievers "for service call" area

So- a local retailer gets direct feedback via their own installs, and is obligated to fix whatever the customer needs (because the local retailer gets charged back if the customer cancells). I am not sure if you are familiar with the industry, but sc30 or return trips within thirty days are a part of it. Most places i have worked for strive for less than 10% of jobs getting a return trip- a lot of returs are trival vcr/dvd how does this work things, some eq failtures, tech forgot to set a remote.whatever....all sorts of reasons. So you understand here- If a large scale problem is going on- local retailers (ones that pay attention) absolutley know about it. So what I am telling you is we installed hundreds of 522- and we DID NOT HAVE large scale service issues, or massive cancellations as you suggest. Why do you think chargebacks mean high cancellation rates?People are not cancelling like you suggest- one wonders where you are hearing these things

and also the modulated tv 2 output actually looks good, i would bet 90% of people couldn't tell on a 27' or smaller set-

Installs, installs, installs... All these things you mention are all INSTALL based problem comments, not provider issues. If a user has a service provider issue, channel problem/PQ issue, billing, it ALL handled via the provide, they do not call you. If they are, its because they are being routed away from the provider for whatever reasons. Like making damn sure they DON'T cancel. Most people cancel based of the provider and their bad software issues, or lack of promises kept, or bad customer service, not because of bad installs.

27" or SMALLER? Stone age. I guess 27" and larger isn't COMPELLING? Give me a break! When I had my 811 and 322 they were the BIGGEST hunks of crap ever built, and the picture quality on the 322's RF out was super crap, worse than a VHS and YES it was on a 36", but GOD forbid I have a decent TV to watch, I guess I should down size it to accept the crap. Yes I cancelled early and most the people I know that got these boxes did the same thing. Its called real world experience, not based on what a CSR or installer tells me. Say what you want, I have been there and gone through it, I know you are just standing up for your biz.

AND for the record I am not the one that mentioned any number on cancellations, I think it was you and I just remarked about it.

BUT this really has become a dead horse issue/thread, people will go with whom & what they like. People that install a service will defend it.
radionews said:
Directv told me yesterday that I needed $49.99 each to upgrade the 2 receivers I have to get my locals plus $99 to get a DVR unit. I understand that the stuff cost $$$ but $200 for a customer of 7 years seems a little high to me. (Now opening a can of worms) Checked with Dish Network, looks like it would be a few bucks cheaper a month, even with DVR, same channels that I watch and no $$$ as they give new customers free equipment. Got free equip with Directv when I signed up too, would have paid for upgrades but $200 is a little much, i think.......

So, did you take Robert up on his offer? .... Sometimes cheaper isn't always better.... Since you've seem to be a satisfied D* customer, perhaps some second thoughts are in order before going to E*

Charper who installed your system? More than likely it was installed incorrectly. We have done thousands of 522's and don't have near the problems, that some in the forum state. Do you have the correct size cable in your house? Did you split the 322 #2 to much without amplifying it? Was the attenuator still on the 322 or did you remove it? I have both systems, did have all 3, and have never had any trouble with any of them. I run a large retailer in the upper Midwest and have never had prolonged issues with either provider. I actually do a lot more conversions from D* to E* because of D*'s customer service. To each their own I guess

Enjoy your new Directv system!
Enjoy their customer service.
Enjoy their higher prices.
Enjoy their promises.
Fredinva said:

Enjoy your new Directv system!
Enjoy their customer service.
Enjoy their higher prices.
Enjoy their promises.

Thanks Fred I know I will enjoy everything they have to offer. I'll also enjoy the extra $10 a month I'll have in my pocket.
<<<Originally Posted by Fredinva
Charlie doesn't make promises he can't keep.>>>

That's almost obscene it is so untrue. I wouldn't trust Charlie if he said grass was green.
I am staying with Directv

A lot of interesting talk on this thread that I started recently. Called Directv to cancel and said we was going to Dish. All said and done, D* is hooking us up with new receivers to get locals and a DVR. not sure what models they are, my wife made the call (anyone have an idea??) but they will be over in a couple days and there will be no charges for the upgrades.
That tells me a lot about the way the two different companies take care of their subscribers. When I called up to cancel Dish last week after having them for over 7 years, guess what they came up with to get me to stay? 2 months with no DVR fee! :haha !sadroll. What a piss poor company. I'm with them over 7 years, never late on a payment, they offer me a whopping $10 in incentives! I laughed so hard at the CSR I almost hung up.
kbohip said:
That tells me a lot about the way the two different companies take care of their subscribers. When I called up to cancel Dish last week after having them for over 7 years, guess what they came up with to get me to stay? 2 months with no DVR fee! :haha !sadroll. What a piss poor company. I'm with them over 7 years, never late on a payment, they offer me a whopping $10 in incentives! I laughed so hard at the CSR I almost hung up.

You've just met that basis for what it truly means when somone says "cheap charlie" around here. :eek:
radionews said:
Directv told me yesterday that I needed $49.99 each to upgrade the 2 receivers I have to get my locals plus $99 to get a DVR unit. I understand that the stuff cost $$$ but $200 for a customer of 7 years seems a little high to me. (Now opening a can of worms) Checked with Dish Network, looks like it would be a few bucks cheaper a month, even with DVR, same channels that I watch and no $$$ as they give new customers free equipment. Got free equip with Directv when I signed up too, would have paid for upgrades but $200 is a little much, i think.......

Ok--- So if it would cost you $200 for 3 new units--- Dish charges you $5/ month to lease.

so $200 compares to $15/month--- in one year, you will have paid the same amount with Dish. Except a) you will continue to pay as long as you are leasing recievers, and b) you will have inferior technology.

I had Dish for 4 years, havent looked back for one second after changing to D* last year. Great stuff.
Let's look at this from MY point of view as we do BOTH installs.

Bottom line:

For customers that want about 120 channels worth on standard receivers, it's not much different between the two.

When you want less than 120 channels, you go with DISH for lower-priced digital packages.

When you want more than 120 channels, you can either go with DirecTV for maybe 25 more or 60 more with DISH.

If you want NFL Sunday Ticket, no question, you have to go with DirecTV.

If you want international, go with DISH as DirecTV has only a few exclusives and have a bad implementation policy of 72.5/95 dish + elliptical dish on an install. For those customers, they have to pay $150 for the 95 dish if for international programming AND $100 for the 6x8 switch which is very expensive to buy. BAD planing by DirecTV on that part and our customers suffered from that.

If you want HD, this is a toss-up. If you live in an area where you can get the networks in HD, then go with DirecTV. But if you don't want to pay the upfront cost of an HD receiver with DirecTV and can't get too many networks in HD, go with DISH. By the way, DISH is coming with LIL HD by this year for major markets. Don't ask me more on that or I'll get in trouble. On the same token, DirecTV is coming out with a 4-satellite dish and I don't think I'm supposed to reveal that either. ;)

If you want DVR, this is also a toss-up. If you don't want to pay $99 upfront and get $50 back in a mail-in rebate, get the 522, 510, or the 625 from DISH. Otherwise, get the TiVo for its NBR and dual-tuner capability. However, the TiVo IS TOO SLOW FOR ITS GOODNESS. Why they'd make the darn thing so slow and implement a fix so late is beyond me. DirecTV is NOTORIOUS for releasing crucial fixes really late. DISH makes buggy software but it doesn't affect as many customers as DirecTV.

If you don't want to pay up-front for either DVR or HD, get DISH. If you want to save money by doing dual-tuner receivers, get DISH. If you want simple, stable receivers for a few extra dollars and a peace of mind, get DirecTV. If you don't mind receivers or dishes going bad every few months or with the buggy software, get DISH and enjoy the savings.

There you have it, my POV from selling both customers. DirecTV has more reliable receivers and equipment (though the new D10's are causing more problems than the Hughes we carried before), while DISH has some QC problems on some of their parts. I like both but in the end, I got DISH for my home as DirecTV would have cost more upfront. I have a 921 and 2 311's as a Free DISH deal. No way I'd have paid $650 for a HD Tivo even at cost. The 921 was only about $350. ;)
bsic- even if you own those 3 dtv boxes, you still pay an additional ao fee of 4.99 on 2 of them . Dish network includes one receiver in their base price(just like directv), so they are really the same, that is 3 ird's, 2 get charged. Now here is where dish and their leased equipment saves you- a dish ird can be dual tuner, or run 2 tv's. My 522 is $5 a month cheaper than my previous dtv tivo + std reciever combo. plus now I have dvr in my bedroom too. or if buying equipment is better check out the 501 or 508- there is no dvr fees on these recievers
madisondish said:
bsic- even if you own those 3 dtv boxes, you still pay an additional ao fee of 4.99 on 2 of them . Dish network includes one receiver in their base price(just like directv), so they are really the same, that is 3 ird's, 2 get charged. Now here is where dish and their leased equipment saves you- a dish ird can be dual tuner, or run 2 tv's. My 522 is $5 a month cheaper than my previous dtv tivo + std reciever combo. plus now I have dvr in my bedroom too. or if buying equipment is better check out the 501 or 508- there is no dvr fees on these recievers

Hi Madisonbdish-

I wasnt referring to mirroring charges which are identical for both providers. I was talking about the lease charges. Lease = rent, and last I checked renting meant you paid to borrow something- this was $5 per box when I was with dish, IN ADDITION to the mirroring fee of $5 per box you pay for any recievers beyond your first.

Its like leasing a car vs. buying. You spend a lot of money with both, and you have nothing to show for it at the end of a lease. You just make payments your whole life without owning anything-- so leasing is NOT a cheaper way to go in the long term.
Upgrade Day

They said they would be out between 8am-noon on Saturday. They called at 10am and said it wold be closer to noon. at 11am the installer called said he was waiting for another installer to meet up with him as D* didn;t tell him he had 5 installs that day, said just one, and he need more receivers. He said it would be around 2pm. He arrived at 1pm and an hour later had the bigger dish up, the FREE Phillips 708 receiver/tivo running and the locals were coming in on the other receiver. (man they look good when compared to the antenna we were using!). the installer was nice, hid the new cable well and tacked it up nicely out of the way. as far as the Tivo goes......IT IS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!
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