Too Much $$$ to upgrade, going to DISH

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I had DirecTV and hated it. To me the Tivo is the worst receiver I have ever used. I had nothing but problems with it. It was slow. Has bugs. The remote is unconfortable. Don't beleve the fanboys saying that the 510 is a digital vcr. It is much more than that. We all have one now and we love it. We had Dish, went to DirecTV and hated it and suffered with it for a year and now we are back with Dish. I will never go back to a Tivo even if you paid me to.

Also like we care anymore but when we canceled DirecTV they did not even care or call us to try to get us back. Dish called us a few days after when we came back to make sure everything was working. Shows how much DirecTV cares.
reddice said:
Don't beleve the fanboys saying that the 510 is a digital vcr. It is much more than that.

Yea, so how's the name based recording work on those 510's - which is, duh, what a DVR is SUPPOSED to do. (particular if you are being charged for the privilege AND PER DVR to boot!) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: But, I guess if one is not smart enough to understand the concept, then I guess it's a moot point.

Also like we care anymore but when we canceled DirecTV they did not even care or call us to try to get us back. Dish called us a few days after when we came back to make sure everything was working. Shows how much DirecTV cares.

Probably more than WE do here (for the 1000th time you've posted this) ... :p :rolleyes:
Without a doubt the most unusual thing I have ever heard. I have switched thousands of Dish customers who all unanimously say exactly the opposite of reddice's post.

I do remember one person who actually dropped DIRECTV and went to dish. They actually broke the Dish contract and came back home to DIRECTV.

I do understand and appreciate everyones feelings and agree that what is good for most may not be good for all people.

DTV TiVo Dealer said:
Without a doubt the most unusual thing I have ever heard. I have switched thousands of Dish customers who all unanimously say exactly the opposite of reddice's post.

I do remember one person who actually dropped DIRECTV and went to dish. They actually broke the Dish contract and came back home to DIRECTV.

I do understand and appreciate everyones feelings and agree that what is good for most may not be good for all people.


Robert, I am sorry, it is just pathetic what you said - thousands and one :D
You as a dealer should advertise D*, but you shouldn't trash the competition. That is actually why I did not switch to D*. For almost a year being a V* customer I heard bashing, trashing V* from many, many D* fans and only few E* fans. Now V* is gone and all these HD-lite evangelists started bashing and trashing E. It is just pathetic. :D
He didn't bash the competition in the slightest. He said exactly what you would expect to hear from someone who deals in D*. If you had an E* retailer posting, they might say the exact opposite. It's not a bash, it's a matter of their experiences.
I just got my 942 HDDVR. I am leasing. It costed me $250 with no monthly payment for the lease because I got the Americas All package. That sounded to me like a good deal, especially since the 942 apparently is no MPEG4 compatible. I think it will be a long time before I have to change to MPEG4 because I live in a small town that probably won't get locals over the satellite any time soon, if ever. So far it is great. I was a Voom subscriber and I think that the picture quality for SD is better than it was for Voom. I am disappointed with the HD programming though, but Directv is not any better. So far the 942 works great have not had it lock up yet. I have not played with the DVR much but is does work well. Anyway I am satisfied with it so far.
Name based recording is good but I can live without it. How is is hard to go into the guide and choose what programs you want recorded for the week. It is a little work but I prefer it over the Tivo. If they add NBR to the 500 series it would be great.
Actually I loved VOOM. I was a VOOM dealer and appreciate that VOOM delivered an excellent product. Another great thing VOOM did was push it's competitors to focus on more HD content.

I am sorry about my post and I have never bashed any competitor, but my statement is 100% truthful.

reddice said:
How is is hard to go into the guide and choose what programs you want recorded for the week.

For $5 a month AND per DVR to boot, IT'S DAMM HARD!!! :p ;)
But I guess in your world, it makes SO much more sense to have to do this week after week after week, than just doing it one time & letting the machine do the work that YOU are paying it to do. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
VMsat said:
I am disappointed with the HD programming though, but Directv is not any better.

Hmm, ok lets see...
D* has ALL four of the networks in HD, while E* only has ONE
D* has UHD, though E* does have TNT-HD

OK, so why is D* NO better now??? :confused: :confused:
reddice said:
Name based recording is good but I can live without it. How is is hard to go into the guide and choose what programs you want recorded for the week. It is a little work but I prefer it over the Tivo. If they add NBR to the 500 series it would be great.

But how much easier is it to go in once and say to record are new showings of such and such program and not worry about reruns or if they move it to a special night? Without NBR, DVR's are just a VCR with a harddrive vs. a tape.
ShadowEKU said:
their basic receivers work great... as soon as you start to get higher in the tech they dont work. 311-510's work well... 522 and 811 and up just flat out dont work.
Been with Dish for years. Receivers 3000, 4900, 311 and 811, have upgraded equipment over the years and last month 2 smart cards no problems with customer service or equipment.
reddice said:
Name based recording is good but I can live without it. How is is hard to go into the guide and choose what programs you want recorded for the week. It is a little work but I prefer it over the Tivo. If they add NBR to the 500 series it would be great.

It's not "hard" at all, but when the competition is offering something better and more advanced (whether or not you believe that is moot) for the same price something is wrong. I would have no trouble recommending Dish to freinds if they still had receivers like the 501's and 508's that didn't require a $5 a month fee. Tack on another $5 a month if you have a 522 and don't have it plugged into a phone line :rolleyes:. I thought Dish was on the right track by not charging a monthly fee for their DVR's. Some people don't want or care about the things that Tivo does so let them have a DVR that does what they need it to with no fee. Then Dish got greedy with the intro of the 510 and figured they had a "Tivo" too so why not start charging for them?

Dish charging this fee for the 510 is ludicrous. Now I do the best I can to keep anyone I know from signing up with Dish. I've seen and used Dish 510's, 522's, and Directivo's and the difference is night and day. The Directivo is a much more stable machine with a much better GUI. I won't even get into all the things it can do like wishlists, folders, suggestions, etc. All things the 5xx series DVR's can't do. All this for the same price as the Dish DVR's each month.
boy, after reading this thread one would thing all 522's are bad. as an installer i can assure you the opposite is true. We dont go back on all 522 jobs, not even a quarter of them. A few bad apples(and a few haters) make the problem seem way worse than it is. And by the way dish is cheaper. do a comparison on a 4 room system- dish has the potential (with their dual tuners) to save $10 a month in ao fees. not to mention the dish 522 lets you watch two things in two seperate rooms at once. you would need two 99 tivo units to do this with dtv. plus dish has no contract think about this and then consider retailers get charged back for people that cancell (within 6 moths is the worst) so do you really think local retailers would bother with the 522 if they were as bad as the "haters" make them seem. I think not.
I would think as an installer you wouldn't go back at all. Normally after the install you are not liable unless you goofed, otherwise the customer will have to call the provider, not the installer so you would never hear about those. So that reason doesn't hold much water.

As far as saving the mirror fees by using the RF out line, that is another bad idea as the picture quality is junk. This option is for people more worried about costs than quality.

Once again the "rental" idea E* uses actually costs the customer more in the long term for lesser hardware and has been proven time & time again. AND your own quote "and then consider retailers get charged back for people that cancell (within 6 moths is the worst)" just proves how many E* subs are actually calling to kill the service once the see it in their homes.
madisondish said:
boy, after reading this thread one would thing all 522's are bad. as an installer i can assure you the opposite is true. We dont go back on all 522 jobs, not even a quarter of them. A few bad apples(and a few haters) make the problem seem way worse than it is. And by the way dish is cheaper. do a comparison on a 4 room system- dish has the potential (with their dual tuners) to save $10 a month in ao fees. not to mention the dish 522 lets you watch two things in two seperate rooms at once. you would need two 99 tivo units to do this with dtv. plus dish has no contract think about this and then consider retailers get charged back for people that cancell (within 6 moths is the worst) so do you really think local retailers would bother with the 522 if they were as bad as the "haters" make them seem. I think not.

LMAO! Yea, the 522's are perfect machines. The forums are full of people praising them. What was I thinking? :rolleyes:

In the amount of time since my last post I watched a couple of hours of pre-recorded shows on my 522. Other than at least a dozen sound dropouts, the usual pixelation, and the annoying pop/chirp sound I get when I use the repeat key the machine performed flawlessly. I don't know why I'm counting down the days until my Directivo gets here. Meh, I must be a hater :rolleyes:. Like I said before I NEVER had a problem with my 510.

Dish is cheaper for the equipment when you're a new subscriber. If you're a current subscriber they could care less about you. Up until a month ago you couldn't even buy a 522 from Dish if you were a current subscriber. Lease only and they had this "great" deal of $99 installed. Remember that you don't even own the 522 after you give them that $100.

I bought my 522 off Ebay brand new for $160. Therefore Directivo is $110.00 cheaper, after rebate, for me. That's enough money to enable me to drop a 250gb hard drive in my Directivo, something that can't even be done with a 522. Dish now sells the 522 for $299.00 (once again doing their current subs a big favor) so in effect the Directivo is now a steal.
Im not a dish hater... but maybe the 811 has gotten better... when i had my tivo hooked into mine after 2 days it had to be rebooted because i did not put it in standby... unacceptable... the 522's would lock up on me literally every time i watched a show... unacceptble... the 510's worked great except for a few days when a bad patch was released.... my biggest problem with the 522 is that you cant watch anything that is time shifted.... when i sit down to watch tv (say stargate gfor example) you can be in a nice intense action sequence and you start getting pixelation, audio pops, sound drop outs.... if i wax in a theater ide demand my money back... its just freaking annoying.... i know the 30 minute fix is to reboot the box... I have 2 directivos... one hasnt been rebooted since january... the only reason i did the other one is because i had to move it.

NBR... yeah my wife prasised the Tivo every way from sunday when American Idol got screwed up and had to be done on another day and the tivo grabbed it. Or when some of these thursday night shows change from 30 minutes to 40 or an hour... it grabs those too... the 522's nbr always flaked out in those situations so i gave up on it... that combined with multiple non working 811's left me cold... i dont hate... if they got good stable equipment i might come back one day... but in my 5 months with D* i am 400% more satisfied than my year with e*
reddice said:
To me the Tivo is the worst receiver I have ever used. I had nothing but problems with it. It was slow. Has bugs. The remote is unconfortable. Don't beleve the fanboys saying that the 510 is a digital vcr. It is much more than that.
Wow! It's there supposed to be fine print stating that this is a "paid advertisement?" You are entitled to your opinion I am just floored by it. I once had DISH too, I was forced to cancel because my 501 rarely functioned and my buddy had Tivo ... best thing since scliced bread I say.

Also ... on topic ... VE will give you a sweet deal, but Robert, don't you think he should call retention and push for HD?
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