I agree. Looks like your typical action movie. Should provide a decent enough distraction, and Ill probably give it a look.It's just a movie! I watch movies for the entertainment, not to pick apart.I'll watch ...
I agree. Looks like your typical action movie. Should provide a decent enough distraction, and Ill probably give it a look.It's just a movie! I watch movies for the entertainment, not to pick apart.I'll watch ...
I agree... but to a point.It's just a movie! I watch movies for the entertainment, not to pick apart.I'll watch ...
And not just that, but a ragtag group of young adults helps take America back! Not the national guard or the cops or any of our allies, but these young scrappers.. *BLECH* Like I said, it's basically like they made a movie of the game Homefront, but at least that was SLIGHTLY more believable as in that story, the Koreas re-united after the death of Kim Jong Il and that's how they united and rose to power by conquering other territories before USA.
They're trying to release this in Korea also, and they're trying to do it by replacing all the North Korean flags and such with ones from China. I'm sure that people from China will LOVE the idea that Hollywood thinks that all Asian races are interchangeable and that they feel they can be swapped with the craziest of the bunch.
I'd argue you'd have more fun watching people play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 than watching this.
Acutally the movie started out with the invasion being from the chinese. It was later changed to North Korea.
So he sucks like his dad.I watched Red Dawn last night. If you want to completely ignore the plot holes it is not too bad a movie. They seemed to have a lot of good action and stunt work, but it was really hard to tell since they tended to use the jerky camera work to hide all the hard effort. The acting was wooden.
Did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I was entertained as I was amazed over and over again by the plot holes. It is almost so bad that it is good.
Would I see it again? No
Would I recommend it? Generally No, but to a very narrow audience perhaps. My 15 year old nephew liked it, it was like a real life modern warfare.
So, I guess the target audience is teen age video gamers that think it is entirely plausible that a metropolitan area of around 3 million people could be rescued by a few teens using modern warfare tactics. No one outside of the few teens that escaped into the surrounding woods would fight for their homes, and yet after seeing the heroic acts of bravery perhaps a few more would volunteer to join the "resistance".
The premise is that the west coast was invaded by a North Korean led force of Asian powers, and the East coast was invaded by Russian led forces. The middle of the country was essentially still the US. Yet the middle of the country was only able to muster up 3 retired marines to help 3/4 of the way through the movie? No one had any guns in Seattle to fight back with? They had to kill the invaders to salvage their weapons? The group of teens is able to move in and out of the city at will, but the rest of the population is stuck? Where do these plot holes end?