Told by Dish that Hopper can be used with Tailgater...

I guess if the hopper can work with out a node in place then technically the tailgater would work the hopper...
But can the hopper work with just a direct line from a 1000.2?
I'll have to try but iam thinking no
I was just on Dish's online chat, and had the following exchange:

Sean T (ID: F1F): I checked with my supervisor and you can use the Hopper with the Tailgater and you need to connect it with ID setup.
[Me]: What is ID setup?
Sean T (ID: F1F): I am sorry for the wrong typo, you need to contact the ID verification team.
[Me]: Oh OK, so if I upgrade I can just take the box with me and hook it up to the Tailgater dish when I'm tailgating?
Sean T (ID: F1F): Let me check with my supervisor, please give me a minute.
Sean T (ID: F1F): Thank you for your patience.
Sean T (ID: F1F): I checked with my supervisor and yes once you upgrade with Hopper you can connect with Tailgater.
[Me]: I can't use the Joey with the Tailgater though, right?
Sean T (ID: F1F): Yes, you cannot use only the Joey with the Tailgater.

Can anybody verify this? It's really the only thing holding me back from upgrading, and everything else I've read says that it won't work. I don't want to go ahead and upgrade and then be stuck out in the cold when football season gets here.

I want to apologize for the misinformation, the Tailgater is only compatible with the VIP 211k.
Sean T (ID: F1F): I checked with my supervisor and yes once you upgrade with Hopper you can connect with Tailgater.
[Me]: I can't use the Joey with the Tailgater though, right?
Sean T (ID: F1F): Yes, you cannot use only the Joey with the Tailgater.

Haha! I have this difficulty with my wife all the time, but she is not a native speaker of English. Don't know what's wrong with the rest of you.

Sean in the last line is answering in shorthand, "Yes" to a negative question by thehumancow. So let me expand Sean's words so that they are no longer ambiguous.

Sean T (ID: F1F): Yes, [that's right]. You cannot use only the Joey with the Tailgater.

Now it would be good news if the Hopper can control a Tailgater. So far as we know, only the 411/211/k can do that. Off the top of my head, I don't see how receivers with multiple tuners could do that. Multiple Tailgaters?
I want to apologize for the misinformation, the Tailgater is only compatible with the VIP 211k.

That's what I thought...glad I confirmed on here before upgrading. This is really the only thing holding me back. Hopefully Dish will get it figured out one day.

Any reason why I couldn't just connect it to a regular satellite dish while at a tailgate?
Tailgater says it can get to 110, 119 and 129. all you need is 119 to make the hopper work. What if I hook up a node to the tailgater like i do the regular dish? Then plug that into my Hopper?
Tailgater says it can get to 110, 119 and 129. all you need is 119 to make the hopper work. What if I hook up a node to the tailgater like i do the regular dish? Then plug that into my Hopper?

The Hopper doesn't have the software to operate the Tailgater. The 211/211k/411 are the only receivers that will work with the Tailgater.
There is software in the 211 that knows when it is connected to the tailgater and tells the tailgater where to point. The hopper does not have this software and probably never will. There is a reason only the 211 will work with the tailgater.
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To use the hopper in an RV, you would need the proper LNB, which would require a standard Dish Antenna, likely on a tripod. It would enable the multiple tuners to work on separate satellite signals. A Joey could also be used in this case in conjunction with a hopper but not stand alone. A tailgater antenna would not be suitable for a hopper (because of the multiple tuners) as a tailgater antenna can receive only one signal from ONE satellite at a time, thus Wally's are best suited for tailgater antennas as they only have one tuner. This is also why when you connect two Wally receivers to a tailgater antenna, they both have to be on the same satellite, they can watch different channels only if both channels are coming from the same satellite. On a tailgater antenna, if you select a channel that is coming from a different satellite, there is a momentary lag while the antenna adjusts it's aim to pick up a different satellite, and if you have two Wally receivers connected, it will knock the second receiver (slave) off line until it also is tuned to a channel on the same satellite as the first receiver (master) and may require a reboot of the second (slave) receiver to work.
To use the hopper in an RV, you would need the proper LNB, which would require a standard Dish Antenna, likely on a tripod. It would enable the multiple tuners to work on separate satellite signals. A Joey could also be used in this case in conjunction with a hopper but not stand alone. A tailgater antenna would not be suitable for a hopper (because of the multiple tuners) as a tailgater antenna can receive only one signal from ONE satellite at a time, thus Wally's are best suited for tailgater antennas as they only have one tuner. This is also why when you connect two Wally receivers to a tailgater antenna, they both have to be on the same satellite, they can watch different channels only if both channels are coming from the same satellite. On a tailgater antenna, if you select a channel that is coming from a different satellite, there is a momentary lag while the antenna adjusts it's aim to pick up a different satellite, and if you have two Wally receivers connected, it will knock the second receiver (slave) off line until it also is tuned to a channel on the same satellite as the first receiver (master) and may require a reboot of the second (slave) receiver to work.
Note that the post you replied to is from 2012. Hoppers also work well with an RV roof mounted Winegard Trav'ler self aiming dish.

And welcome to Sat Guys!
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"Yes, you cannot use only the Joey with the Tailgater."
"No, you cannot use only the Joey with the Tailgater."

Yes = No :D
The yes was agreeing with a statement made by the customer. There was no use of the word no in terms of this.