To Me Getting HDNET or InHD is a moot point if...

"Maybe thinking about the big picture a bit will help us find a little patience for dealing with these smaller issues. At least they might seem smaller given a different perspective."

I'll be more willing to think about "the long haul" and "the big picture" if I weren't paying real dollars in the short term NOW :)

I mean, isn't the reason we're with Voom they're (supposedly) the HD leader now, as opposed to D* or cable which no doubt will have lots of HD eventually?

HD delayed is HD denied!
My sights will always be set on seeing all television programming in HD. The HD channels are going to just trickle in during this analog to digital transition. It's always going to seem like we don't have enough until we have it all. Even then, people will bitch and moan about something else. It's the way of the world.

I knew what the channel line-up was when I signed up for VOOM. I did it for what they have NOW. Yes, VOOM is the current HD leader. However, I don't have any expectations that they'll be the leader tomorrow. If D* or E* takes over as the HD leader, then I'll switch.

In any case, I'll enjoy what HD programming I have now where ever I get it. Any new programming or channels that come along are just icing on the cake. I guess I'm just someone that manages my expectations a bit differently.
All I want is for at least one provider to be able to provide all the HD channels. I really don't care who it is whether it be Voom, Directv or Comcast. I can't afford to carry multiple providers to achieve this. Right now I'm with Voom because they are the closest, but if Directv gets INHD then that might sway them in my favor because baseball in HD is a high priority for me. Problem is that they (D*) will probably require me to lock in with them for a year or 2. When Comcast Sportsnet HD debuts in Chicago in October, then Comcast might have the most in my mind. But if one of the providers could just have every available channel that would solve alot of my problems. Each one is lacking at least a few channels.

The lack of bandwidh is NOT preventing V* from getting any channel NOW (which is the case for D* and E*). So my take on the exclusive channels is that they should continue adding/improving content as oppose to eliminate channels. Some of that is already happening - a good example being the upcoming EquatorHD replacing Epics (which would become part of Cinema10).
thugnerd said:
Right now I'm with Voom because they are the closest, but if Directv gets INHD then that might sway them in my favor because baseball in HD is a high priority for me. C
If D* gets inHD, why V* wouldn't do it? The only barrier preventing V* from getting inHD is the "Only on cable" logo and according to some AVSForum members that would change soon.
Im making the prediction right now that VOOM will add INHD before Directv does.
Walter L. said:
If D* gets inHD, why V* wouldn't do it?

I don't know, you tell me. All I know is when I turn on my Voom box, I can't find INHD anywhere. According to reliable sources, INHD has been available to all providers including satellite from it's inception, yet none of the satellite providers has chosen to pick it up yet. And until one of the providers has all of the channels available, which provider has the best choices of hdtv offerings is up for debate, can differ per individual tastes, and can change on a weekly basis.
thugnerd said:
IAccording to reliable sources, INHD has been available to all providers including satellite from it's inception
That's the part that I don't buy into. Why would cable companies create inHD and make it available to DBS from day 1? I think that they must have had some kind of exclusive contract - perhaps 6 mos or at least until inHD become very well established.
that's why voom has to get HDnet and INDH. If a voom channel has exclusive that we want to see then we tune in to the voom channel, if HDnet has it then we tune in to HDnet. The point is to have all channels so that we dont miss out on anything!!!!!!
isnt that what voom is all about?, as voom subscribers we want the all HD programming available out there....
Things might change, but when I had Comcast with INHD they were *really* pushing the "only on cable" aspect (even on the channel bug).
All I Know Is The People I Know Who Have Dig. Cable Say INHD Is The Best Thing Since The Invention Of The Bong, NO! NO!, I Mean Sliced Bread.
I have digital cable and InHD is NOT that great, IMHO. Reminds me of when I got my OTA HDTV tuner. Watched the PBS loop over and over. Cool at first, but a while it was boring. Whenever I tune into InHD they either have bodybuilding or some lame 80's movie.

Other than the three baseball games a week, I find myself not watching InHD.
I just cancelled my Digital/HD cable from Time/Warner and while the InHD was pretty good I do not think it was earth shaking. I did watch a few of the baseball games and on occasion the picture was nothing special. Mind you I think it was the camera angles etc. Perhaps lack of experience on the operators part.

I was much more impressed with some of travel/city features that were shown on InHD but they should also be available on Voom.

Just my opinion.


Looking for a VOOM channel listing guide online please

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