To Me Getting HDNET or InHD is a moot point if...

vurbano said:
you really see voom commiting HD trucks costing millions and numerous cameras costing 150k a piece to cover HD sporting events accross the country? You have to make a commitment even before they will manufacturer a truck for renting, dont you? I just dont see voom having the bucks, hell they dont even have enough credit to spin off yet do they? Covering these sporting events is very expensive. And then there is a learing curve.

I guess that is the great debate. Can they? Will they? Should they? Only time will answer the first 2 questions. I'm merely postulating that the answer to the 3rd question is a resounding YES.

You can't tell me if they had the content you wouldn't watch it. You don't think others feel the same?
theph0xx said:
I guess that is the great debate. Can they? Will they? Should they? Only time will answer the first 2 questions. I'm merely postulating that the answer to the 3rd question is a resounding YES.

You can't tell me if they had the content you wouldn't watch it. You don't think others feel the same?
O hell yes id watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I think theres a big cost difference in renting a truck and covering a couple of hockey games a week as opposed to trying to cover 11 events or so in 14 days as someone indicated earlier that inhd is doing from june 3 -17. I think CYUHNKE is right. They would be better off aquiring inhd or hdnet
I have seen alot of HDNET and its some of the best HD out there. That beng said....I still didnt watch it much. INHD I have never seen and I would like VOOM to add INHD 1 and 2 rather than take on trying to compete with these ch's. I think VOOM has too many exclusive ch's right now and they are a little bit over their head with it. Theres no way they could fill all of the exclusive ch's with programming everyday that doesnt repeat itself.....or isnt like MOOV . Its a big nut to chew all of those exclusive ch's being new at once. I read somewhere in these forums that VOOM should have started with a smaller amount of exclusives and then developed the programming on those exclusives and then expanded. I would like INHD but Im also interested in the new Equator HD ch starting soon.
vurbano said:
They would be better off aquiring inhd or hdnet

Better off? Of Course!
Feasible? Highly Questionable
Alternate Options? Yes
Feasibility Of Alternate? Just As Questionable
Love HD? Yes
Need More HD? Yes, now please.
Leave Voom Over It? No

Summary of my argument? Yes :)
vinnyv07 said:
I have seen alot of HDNET and its some of the best HD out there. That beng said....I still didnt watch it much. INHD I have never seen and I would like VOOM to add INHD 1 and 2 rather than take on trying to compete with these ch's. I think VOOM has too many exclusive ch's right now and they are a little bit over their head with it. Theres no way they could fill all of the exclusive ch's with programming everyday that doesnt repeat itself.....or isnt like MOOV . Its a big nut to chew all of those exclusive ch's being new at once. I read somewhere in these forums that VOOM should have started with a smaller amount of exclusives and then developed the programming on those exclusives and then expanded. I would like INHD but Im also interested in the new Equator HD ch starting soon.
I agree with you. But dont you fear that this equator channel is likely the same problem as the rest? And that say 3 channels could be combined into one (rush, rave, equator) and might actually become something that would be coveted by other providers?
I don't understand this debate. Why would VOOM want to compete directly against ESPN, TNT, etc on getting sport coverage when it already carry those channels? Also, if/when inHD ends the "only on cable" crap why wouldn't VOOM carry it?
theph0xx said:
Your argument goes both ways, what if in the next instance Voom is playing the game that HDNet does not have that you desperately want to see?

If HDNet was soo crucial to you that you left Voom because they did not acquire it, then you would be missing out on the Voom exclusive.

If you are saying you are sticking with Voom no matter if they get HDNet or not then I see your point. You really would need HDnet to see ALL available content. I was aiming this thread more at people who will be dumping Voom if HDNet or InHD does not appear soon.

True - and I'll never leave Voom because of WorldsportHD. I'm just saying that I'm considering getting Dish's HD package A La Carte (or maybe even D*TV so I also get ST) to supplement my Voom subscription - but that's $15/mo (or more) that I'd rather go towards Voom programming.
I dont think voom would or could compete against espnhd. I think its a possibility they might be able to land some college baseball or NHL games. But never compete. ANd I think it would be better to get inhd. I dont really think we are disagreeing here.
vurbano said:
ANd I think it would be better to get inhd.
Agree. And the only barrier I can possibly think of is the "only on cable" crap. Now, assuming that the AVSFourum guys are right (in that not such barrier exists anymore) then I don't see why VOOM wouldn't get such channel, independently of whether or not D* and/or E* also do it.
Walter L. said:
Agree. And the only barrier I can possibly think of is the "only on cable" crap. Now, assuming that the AVSFourum guys are right (in that not such barrier exists anymore) then I don't see why VOOM wouldn't get such channel, independently of whether or not D* and/or E* also do it.
Walter theres something strange going on about the negotiations with INHD. Dont you think? very contridictory views out there about inhd wanting to be on dbs (i hear it all over AVS) vs this "only on cable" excuse I keep hearing on this forum. The fact that INHD was in the lineup when voom launched yet still no contract? Dont you feel that if its over, if negotiations have failed, that the users deserve a reason why? 6 months is a long time dont you think? too still be in limbo.
vurbano said:
Walter theres something strange going on about the negotiations with INHD. Dont you think? very contridictory views out there about inhd wanting to be on dbs (i hear it all over AVS) vs this "only on cable" excuse I keep hearing on this forum. The fact that INHD was in the lineup when voom launched yet still no contract? Dont you feel that if its over, if negotiations have failed, that the users deserve a reason why? 6 months is a long time dont you think? too still be in limbo.
My guess is that the initial negotiations (when VOOM started) failed because the cables companies opposed. Perhaps, at some point inHD decided to cut the "only on cable" crap and there was a 2nd round of negotiations (very recently or still on progress) and that time they reached an agreement. The AVSForum rumors and the fact that VOOM saved the last 2 HD channel slots make me believe we'll get inHD soon :)
Walter L. said:
My guess is that the initial negotiations (when VOOM started) failed because the cables companies opposed. Perhaps, at some point inHD decided to cut the "only on cable" crap and there was a 2nd round of negotiations (very recently or still on progress) and that time they reached an agreement. The AVSForum rumors and the fact that VOOM saved the last 2 HD channel slots make me believe we'll get inHD soon :)
Wow, I wish I could stay as positive about it as you.
vurbano said:
Wow, I wish I could stay as positive about it as you.
Well, think about it. Wouldn't it be easier for VOOM to have used the 2 available HD channels for DivineHD and EquatorHD and then say "we have 39 HD channels" For some reason, they need those 2 channels before the additional capacity is available (October). We know that HDNet is not coming so what else could it be?
Walter L. said:
Well, think about it. Wouldn't it be easier for VOOM to have used the 2 available HD channels for DivineHD and EquatorHD and then say "we have 39 HD channels" For some reason, they need those 2 channels before the additional capacity is available (October). We know that HDNet is not coming so what else could it be?
wealthhd, and i think there would be a revolt if they tried do disguise more content starved exclusives as anything else but part of the 21 exclusives.
My first impression of Voom's exclusive channels was: too little content spread out on too many channels. This has the perverse effect of making you feel like there's less than nothing on worth watching. When I was on D*, I had like 4 HD channels to flip through, and if I found nothing to interest me, I could get on with my life. With Voom, I have a lot more channels to flip through, and when I still find nothing to interest me, I'm left feeling even worse. I know that's irrational, but I think Voom is failing on understanding viewers' psychology.

I would definitely consolidate ultra and gallery and auction into one channel.

(Btw: Auction? who the *^&! thought this was a good idea? Whate the hell was the thought process here? Ooh, let's make a channel showing pricey collectible 99.9% of the populace wouldn't be interested in, much less afford or buy. Oh and I got news for them: those remaining 0.1% don't watch TV anyway! They're too busy getting their hair done and shopping. If they had an HDTV, it'd be just a plasma they hang somewhere strictly for looks).

Sorry for ranting, but it bugs the hell out of me b/c it seems that Voom cares more about touting "21 exclusive channels" than actually giving viewers something of value. Remember, you can actually do worse than having a channel few or no one watches: by having a channel that makes the viewers say "why am I paying for this ****?" Cable is filled with channels most people don't care about, but you cannot have this with HD because 1) people have higher expectations; 2) it cost more to produce HD and 3) HD uses more bandwidth.

Mark Cuban spends 100M and counting on his Hdnet venture. And it took hdnet a long time to get to where it is. Does Voom plan on duplicating that? They'll burn through their capital and fold first before they can get enough subs. Or does Voom only want to make itself attractive enough for a buyout?

If Voom cares about its customers, it must acquite acquire acquire while it shores up its proprietary content. If it doesn't have enough bandwidth NOW, it must eat its own words and reduce the 21 channels to make room. Once it goes mpeg4 and the content improves, it can spin the channels back out. Even if it can't make any deal, reduce the 21 channels anyway so the viewers won't think it's "wasting" the bandwidth.
barth2k said:
I would definitely consolidate ultra and gallery and auction into one channel.

If Voom cares about its customers, it must acquite acquire acquire while it shores up its proprietary content. If it doesn't have enough bandwidth NOW, it must eat its own words and reduce the 21 channels to make room.

How genius would it be if they combined ultra/gallery/auction into one channel, and then gave us InHD1/2, WealthTv, AND AMC-HD.

Man what a dream come true! I think at that point all the bases would be covered.
Let's think about this ...

Voom has room for 39HD channels. Right now, they're only using 37 - and you're asking them to consolidate channels? WHY!??

I'd much rather have Auction, Gallery, and Ultra all spread out so there's a better chance something worth watching is on.

When they release the DVR or when they run out of capacity and there are new channels to add - THEN start consolidating (or expand capacity).

Until then, I enjoy my channel flipping - as there's always SOMETHING in HD that is worth checking out. If I only had 4 channels to flip through, I think I would go insane. Thank you VOOM for 21 extra commercial-free eye-catching HD channels. ;)
deArgila said:
Let's think about this ...

Voom has room for 39HD channels. Right now, they're only using 37 - and you're asking them to consolidate channels? WHY!??


the argument is this: We have room for 2 more channels. Currently, there are 5 HD channels broadcasting that could be added (HDnets, InHDs, WealthTV) and one that I believe is supposed to be coming soon (AMC-HD). Some of us feel as though Auction/Ultra/Gallery are targeted to similar viewers, and don't have enough individual content to really justify 3 separate stations. A reduction of 3 channels to 1 frees up an additional 2 stations. 2 + 2 = 4. Since we all suspect HDNets will not becoming at all, or at the least not soon, it means that the InHDs, WealthTV, and AMC-HD (when available) could be added. For some of us this would be a more appealing option than only adding 2 new stations.
If VOOM does not have any new channels to broadcast (which we have to assume is the case, but we'll never know for sure), then combining is a moot point. There's no sense in sitting here fussing over it with empty slots available. Besides, they're never going to lower the number of exclusive HD channels below 21 anyway. Marketing painted them into a corner by fixating on the quantity of channels rather than the quality. It's pretty typical in large companies that the marketing depts always cause huge headaches in operations. I've seen it many times in large companies that I've worked for.

Rather than focus on a particular channel or two, we should be more worried about whether VOOM's capacity to deliver HD content stays ahead of the growth curve of available HD programming (flat as it is at the moment). I'm talking about over the long haul though, not just the here and now. That to me is a much more interesting subject than all this fuss about making room for one or two channels. VOOM will soon have more sat capacity as well as the new compression scheme. That'll get us past the current bump in the road. How far in the future is this fix good for? What is the growth rate of HD programming compared to the growth rate of VOOM's capacity to deliver it?

Maybe thinking about the big picture a bit will help us find a little patience for dealing with these smaller issues. At least they might seem smaller given a different perspective. :)

Looking for a VOOM channel listing guide online please

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