To Mac Or Not to Mac?


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Supporting Founder
Jan 12, 2005
I have always been a pc guy. The only times I have ever used apple computers was back in high school some 10+ years ago. So I went to the company Christmas party this year and I won the grand prize which was a brand new iMac 21.5". I dont know if I want to keep it to mess around with or try to bring it to best buy and see if I can get a store credit if not sell it, I have already been offered up to $1,000 for it. My wife wants thinks macs or better for photo and video, but I believe anything you can do on a mac can be done on a pc just as easily. We both have laptop and usually sit on the couch watching tv with the laptop, I just dont know how much use we would get out of the mac. If I did trade it in I was looking at getting a dslr either the canon t2i or t3i. I won this on Monday night and it has been sitting in the box unopened until I decide what I want to do.
I've used them all. Macs just work. Not to say they won't have hardware problems from time to time, but the OS and apps work. Your wife is correct about the video and photo capabilities are easier to work with. Things just work on with OS X.

I'd say, use it for a few months and see how you like it. If you don't, you can still sell it on eBay for a good price. One other benefit of a Mac is that they have the best resale value of any computer.
berck said:
I've used them all. Macs just work. Not to say they won't have hardware problems from time to time, but the OS and apps work. Your wife is correct about the video and photo capabilities are easier to work with. Things just work on with OS X.

I'd say, use it for a few months and see how you like it. If you don't, you can still sell it on eBay for a good price. One other benefit of a Mac is that they have the best resale value of any computer.

Agreed. Try it. What do you have to lose?

Was a pc guy all my life. Switched to Mac and will never go back. Ever.

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I HATED Macs until my Bosses Son showed me his...

I am now a Mac fan and would never buy anything else. They just work and work great. And it is so great to run Mac OS, Windows 7 and Unix all on one machine at the same time!

Got to be honest, its very rare I ever boot up the Winodws now thats how good the Mac OS now.
I have always hated MACs as well. Bought my wife a MacBookPro about 6 months ago and she loves it. She will never go back. For me, using the MacBookPro has only reinforced my like for the PC; so much that I went out and bought a Vaio that will run circles all over my wife's MBP.

It all depends on your needs and your likes. Many people switch and never go back. Many still use and like both. Some, like myself, try it out and go right back. I think what gives PCs a bad reputation is that there are so many junky low quality pieces of junk on the market. The frustration people have with junky PCs is enough to make them want to switch.
I have a MacBook Pro, but I still prefer Windows, just because this is what I am used to. I don't find Mac OS easier to use, it's a question of personal preference and experience, I guess.
And I don't find Mac OS and its software to be more stable at all. It crashes on me more often than Windows 7.
Aside from the personal preference it's also a question of software. If you already have a ton of software for Windows, why waste time and money, on buying, re-installing and, most importantly, re-learning all that stuff?! Keep in mind that even when the same software vendor offers versions for both Mac and Windows, those two versions are often very different. Microsoft Word for Mac is very different from Word for Windows, for example. Don't expect that the same features and the same user interface will be present in both versions. It's more like learning a different product.
I have a MacBook Pro, but I still prefer Windows, just because this is what I am used to.
I don't find Mac OS easier to use, it's a question of personal preference and experience, I guess.
And I don't find Mac OS and its software to be more stable at all. It crashes on me more often than Windows 7.
Aside from the personal preference it's also a question of software. If you already have a ton of software for Windows, why waste time and money, on buying, re-installing and re-learning all that stuff?!
My wife's MBP has crashed or frozen up more often (3 times in 6 months) than my Vaio (has yet to crash) and my home built desktops (crashed only one in 2 years).

The nice thing about the MBP, every time it has crashed, when we got it back up again every single program started back up exactly where it left off.
The biggest thing Mac OSX brings to me is the ability to use the software created exclusively for it, and the reality is as a researcher, there has been a lot of creative programming that has occurred in the Mac ecosphere, and I simply have found several programs that have revolutionized how I work, which simply are not available in the pc world. Case in point: DevonThink Professional. Total game changer for me.

Do Mac programs crash? Sure. But as dodger king pointed out, when it does, everything comes back. - even more so with lion.

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I'm running a four year old MBP that started with Tiger, and is currently on Snow Leopard. It still runs great and has on each upgrade I did during that time. I've never been able to run any Windows machines the same way. I've always had to purge them at some point and clean the system. Too much crapware gets into it.

One other thing I found is that the sleep feature really worked. The only thing is that I would need to reboot the computer after a month or so because I'd had it on so many different networks that it flush the caches.

I have found that by keeping Windows in a VM within OS X has helped keep the Windows OSes cleaner. I only use them for needed applications or development. All the rest of the stuff (email, web, etc) stays in OS X.
We have 2 Mac Mini's (the ones released earlier this year with sandy bridge CPUs) as my wife's 6 year old PC finally bit the dust and since she does all of our bills and our budget on her computer I wanted something for her that was easy to use and reliable. She loves it!

I also replaced my power hungry desktop with one as I deal with Windows all day long at work and I don't want to have to deal with Windows 7 at home. The power usage of the Mac Mini is amazing, and I love the interface so much more than a Windows machine. I haven't restarted either Mac Mini since the last updates that required a restart. All of the programs I used on my Windows box before I can use on the Mac as either they have Mac versions or I found alternatives.

We still have a Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 7 for whenever we're out of the house and my wife needs to do her homework, or the rare occasion that I have it and want to watch a Blu-ray movie.
Well you guys all convinced me. Ill open it up and give it a try. Its not like I paid for it so if I dont like it and sell it its still pure profit. Thanks for all the reponses.
Looks like I'm too late but I'll say it anyway. You've had a $1000 offer? If someone had given you a $1000 gift certificate would you have spent it on this mac or something else? There's your answer. Its not mac or no mac, its $1000 or mac. Its also desk or couch since you are currently a laptop family. I'd take the $1000 and use it on something I actually want. It will be worth more unopened if you haven't opened it yet.
Gardenman2002 here,

Im a mac family. I own a clamshell g3, 2imacs,one ibook g5, and some older macs too. I used to be a die hard windows fan until it crashed while doing a report at work. zip- gone forever. I honestly have never had a mac crash on me yet and its been over 8 years now. i will never go back. The video and graphics capbilities are endless, even though i dont own a camera.Try it , you will find its very user friendly, and lacks the blue screen of death.
Looks like I'm too late but I'll say it anyway. You've had a $1000 offer? If someone had given you a $1000 gift certificate would you have spent it on this mac or something else? There's your answer. Its not mac or no mac, its $1000 or mac. Its also desk or couch since you are currently a laptop family. I'd take the $1000 and use it on something I actually want. It will be worth more unopened if you haven't opened it yet.
That is a good point. Many of the PC Laptops the same price as the MAC may actually be better. The issues that often occur is when someone is deciding to spend $500 on a PC laptop vs $1000+ on a MAC Laptop and wonder why the MAC is better.
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Well you guys all convinced me. Ill open it up and give it a try. Its not like I paid for it so if I dont like it and sell it its still pure profit. Thanks for all the reponses.

We look forward to your review.

It does take a bit of time to get used to a few of the Mac OSX ways of doing things, but in general, its a pretty easy switch.
well I opened it up this afternoon and set it up. Basically just plugging in the power cable to the back of the monitor the batteries were already in the mouse and keyboard. Been playing around with the video and picture editing capabilities of this machine. So far love the big screen and find it very easy to use the pre installed software iMovie, iPhoto and Garageband to create things. I took a video the other night with my cell phone and sent it to my email so I could edit it on my pc. Well I was having an issue viewing it in window movie maker so I couldn't edit it, within 10mins I had it loaded onto the mac and edited down to the length I wanted and uploaded to facebook for everyone to see. Much much easier then on the pc. The keyboard is going to take some getting use to as it is very tiny.
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Good for you on the video. You should see the amazing things my kid does with garageband - and he only uses the iOS versions (soon he will get his own mac-mini).

As far as the keyboard, I am not a fan of them either. So I bought a keyboard designed for OS9 from Amazon for $20.

The function keys don't all work with OSX, but I rarely use them anyways. The keyboard has a good tactile feel, and it has the proper control, option, command setup. For $20 it was worth it - and has 'real' keys.

If you keep the mac, I think you will definitely want to spend the $69 on a magic trackpad, so you can truly experience the power of gestures in OSX; it transforms how you work with the machine, and is well worth it.

Best streaming device for?

I did it again! Bought another windows 7 computer.

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