I'm more concerned with Marv Albert's teeth. Those things are hideous. I guess it's from all that biting. :shocked
Anyway, the HD looks fantastic!!!
Anyway, the HD looks fantastic!!!

Acerone said:ESPN HD should look like this...... All the time.
Sean Mota said:TNT-HD is the true "Revolution". ESPN-HD cannot even tie TNT-HD shoes... Learn ESPN how to do HD. Two thumbs up for Turner. He has done it exceptionally well so far. Look even the press conferences in HD! try to get that from Espn. Be ashame ESPN be ashame and star spending some money and stop asking for more money. Truck or no trucks no excuse!!!!
vurbano said:This channel kicks A$$. fricken post game show is even HD. commercials HD. Upconverts its hard to tell the difference. A very valuable HD addition.
Eschu? compare the TNTHD PQ with d*'s..... opps sorry they dont have it do they? Dont that feel good people?