As has long-ago been arrived at in the ATSC 3.0 threads.Then it probably isn't getting shut down anytime soon.
Reading existing threads is often much more educational than sprouting a dozen new ones.
As has long-ago been arrived at in the ATSC 3.0 threads.Then it probably isn't getting shut down anytime soon.
HI. I can't tell from this thread which is the better way to go. I have 2 tv's now with DTV. Both are HD DVR units. Between them i get about 600 hrs of HD shows. What i really like is that i can schedule 100 shows to record on one receiver and 50 on the other. Better yet, when i Play Back shows... they are all combined into the same playlist. So from either TV, all shows are available to watch.
I'm looking to cut the cord. I'm finally there.
I have a root top Antenna and on my 2 of my TV's, if i switch to the TV input, i get all the broadcast channels.
My basic setup... in the Livingroom i have a nice little Stereo Receiver and a lot of speakers. It's nice. I have a DTV receiver connected to the stereo as well as a ROKU 4.
In bedroom 1 i have just a HD TV, DTV receiver and a Roku 4
In bedroom 2, i have an OTA tuner and a Roku 3
I also have a lifetime subscription to Plex as i see that come up now and then.
Some of my questions.... what would be the better setup for my family? The Tablo or the TIVO?
From what i read in the forums, i need to confirm... can i really buy a Tivo Bolt with maybe a 500Gig HD, and immediately swap the hard drive with a 4TB drive and it will work?
If yes, then again, i can get a TIVO Bolt with a small HD installed, and buy the lifetime subscription. I can then get a TIVO Mini for the other 2 TV's and i think... i should be good. If i really wanted to, i can then add another 1TB external drive to the Bolt???
I saw on Amazon that with the TIVO MINI's, there are 2 different kinds. One is the basic mini which costs $119 and the other has an external HD connector and costs $179. Can i get a BOLT with 1TB, add an external 1TB HD to it, get the Tivo Mini for $179 and add a 1TB hd to it, and then for the 3rd tv, get the basic Tivo Mini for $119? IF i did this... would i have then a similar setup to what i have now with DTV? I can schedule shows on 2 tv's with all that storage and then play back on all 3?
I'm kinda confused because of the fact that there are the 2 Tivo Mini's.
This setup gets kind of expensive though as it's a lot of hardware.
I really don't care about streaming broadcast TV to my phone or computers... for me, this is not a selling feature.
So... can you help confirm? Again, if i can truly install my own 4TB (or 6 or 8TB) HD inside the Bolt i can then do 2 of the cheaper Tivo mini's and all is good.
If not though, then i'm back to the Bolt, both types of mini's and external HD's...
Lastly, is one of the appeals of the Tivo is that in addition to recording shows, i can watch them Live too? And then when connected to the stereo, it's just like having a DTV receiver? Otherwise, we watch TV which has a built in tuner but i don't know how to get that to connect to the stereo.
The other option i found is the Tablo... my understanding here is that it does not connect to any TV. i can add any size hard drive however the only way to watch TV is to do it through the PLEX app.
Does that include LIVE tv, through the Plex app?
One question i saw here that i didn't see the answer for was if you use PLEX, how do you change channels? I use the harmony remote controls.
It seems that the Tablo option would be a LOT cheaper... but there must be some big appeal to the Tivo that i'm missing.
So i'm back to... what would be the best solution for my family? Thoughts?
I appreciate your help.
I lean towards Tivo due to the HDMI connections however, one huge piece is if it's true that i can open it up right away and add my own LARGE HD and it will indeed work vs giving me some kind of error and then i've voided warranty due to opening the box up.
Thanks again. Sorry for repeating myself a few times.Just trying to learn... this is new for us.
Tablo does have 5.1 surround sound . The software enabling it came down months ago. Next feature to arrive in March by software is auto skip of ALL commercials including older Tablo receivers. Can't wait. You can easily read up on all the software on the tablo website. www.tablotv.comDid we ever get an authoritative answer on the 5.1 audio question with respect to the Tablo?