Not necessarily. TiVo only has to file another motion, for contempt of an injunction against infringements.
When the motion is filed, they can simply attach past case law and past evidence to show the court the comparasion that the ViP series isn't much different than the infringing series as it relates to the Software Claims. You know, the old "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck". DISH/SATS would have to refute that motion with their argument that the ViP's do a Time Warp process differently than their infringing counterparts.This is tongue-in-cheek...
Amazing innovation is combining existing products to form a new product? So TiVo (and their Time Warp patent) is an amazing innovation?
But let us remember, if the 922 follows the same processes as a 942, it doesn't matter how Sling capability works, as it is being added to a box that has been ruled infringing (the 942).