TIVO vs E*

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Ahh, but DISH/SATS even admits that the new software downloaded to the 622/722 was to avoid the injunction (and therefore infringement). So until TiVo makes the move to get some kind of judgment on the 622/722, it is moot.

And realize that TiVo doesn't want a licensing agreement with DISH/SATS on the eight named models of DVR. They also want royalties on the ViP series. So I can understand why DISH/SATS doesn't want to settle: it will cost them a TON of money than it would going through the courts, until damages for contempt are established.

It is better financially to be reporting $100 millions' in one-time payments to TiVo than to be encumbered by that expense every quarter. It makes the stock look better.

And TiVo can name any price for their licensing fee. What's DISH/SATS going to do, take TiVo to court over unfair proposed royalties?

Do you always use red herrings to avoid losing an argument? Who mentioned finances?

And besides, whatever dish does to placate their subs amidst all this nonsense isn't much to go on either. So...keep trying, I guess...
vampz26 said:
Do you always use red herrings to avoid losing an argument? Who mentioned finances?
Finances? It is just one reason Charlie doesn't want to settle. And it is immaterial to infringement of the patent claims.

Just like MPEG2 and MPEG4 are immaterial to infringement of the patent claims.
Finances? It is just one reason Charlie doesn't want to settle. And it is immaterial to infringement of the patent claims.

Just like MPEG2 and MPEG4 are immaterial to infringement of the patent claims.

You must have been talking with someone else when you mentioned finances.

But yes, mpeg2 and mpeg4 differences are immaterial to the current patent claims because as the hardware in question only used mpeg2. Its future claims that I'm talking about, and the possible design changes that mpeg4 could initiate.
Credit Suisse

Rogers just said at the Credit Suisse conference that Dish has admitted that the software on the newer models is the same as on the infringing devices.
He is no an expert any way, so he is grasping a straw. :) I'm agree, he should be ignored, before he will educate himself in parsing digital broadcasting stream.

Lol...ignore me and listen to a judge who probably can't even use email. Lol. Man...Tivo 'supporters' lose credibiliy by the minute around here. Lol...

Look, my expertise in the area mpeg2 and mpeg4 is a tinkerers expertise at best. I am a systems architect for a living and usually only dive into the geeky stuff for fun. But no matter how you look at it, my tech knowlege is definely superior to anything greg has muttered thus far, and certainly superior to folsums, so...take that any way you like, but for what its worth, your personal attacks aren't necessary. :)
We are edging closer to the level of personal attacks again. Keep it on-topic and avoid the personal attacks. And when using a source, please document it. Thank you.
I just can't get over the fact that I was ruefully attacked just for speculating. As if that's a punishible offense or something.
Rogers just said at the Credit Suisse conference that Dish has admitted that the software on the newer models is the same as on the infringing devices.

Source on this, and who is Rogers?

Please do not assume we know who you are talking about. Thank you.
Rogers is CEO Tom Rogers of TiVo. I can assume links to the transcript from the Credit Suisse conference will be provided sometime within the next week. Thomas22 is listening to the conference now (at least that was his earlier post).

MPEG2 and MPEG4 tech geekspeak aside, it is the source object, the transform object and the sink object which would be of great benefit to understand in the newer models. And I am fairly certain those objects did not change in the implementation of the ViP-series DVR's, just because the ViP-series can also decode MPEG4 (as they do decode MPEG2, like the infringing devices).
Rogers is CEO Tom Rogers of TiVo. I can assume links to the transcript from the Credit Suisse conference will be provided sometime within the next week. Thomas22 is listening to the conference now (at least that was his earlier post).
Yep. It's been over for a while. The patent suit comment came in the last five minutes of the conference. It was plain and clear. It should be available at tivo.com.ir tomorrow.

"Global Media and Communications Convergence Conference

This presentation will be available on June 11, 2009 at 01:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time.

TlVo Inc.
Tom Rogers, CEO"
Yep. It been over for a while. The patent suit comment came in the last five minutes of the conference. It was plain and clear. It should be available at tivo.com.ir tomorrow.

"Global Media and Communications Convergence Conference

This presentation will be available on June 11, 2009 at 01:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time.

TlVo Inc.
Tom Rogers, CEO"

Thank you.
Rogers just said at the Credit Suisse conference that Dish has admitted that the software on the newer models is the same as on the infringing devices.

When did Charlie admit that? If Charlie admitted so most recently, then that supports Greg's theory that E* just downloaded the new software to the VIPs, after the new software was found to continue to infringe by the judge. If so one must wonder why they downloaded it to the VIPs? Unless E* was confident the new software does not infringe and they can win on appeal.
If Charlie admitted so most recently, then that supports Greg's theory that E* just downloaded the new software to the VIPs, after the new software was found to continue to infringe by the judge. If so one must wonder why they downloaded it to the VIPs? Unless E* was confident the new software does not infringe and they can win on appeal.
Greg did mention this s/w update and I do recall it now. I believe it was mentioned during a retailer chat too ..... I think it was a bluff on Dish's part though. If they had equivalent code, why wait for a court loss to push it ? No one, I repeat, no one, reported that their DVRs behaved the slightest bit different with this "new" code.
I corrected your comment.

Besides, it would make NO sense for Dish to EVER admit this.
Well, I don't actually recall the tense. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Maybe Dish has cried wolf too many times and Peter's appendage is no more.
I corrected your comment...

Did you listen to the Credit Suisse webcast yourself? If not I won't just "correct" Thomas22 so quickly. No one had ever claimed the VIPs had the same software as the 8 named DVRs until just most recently, so it could be the result of a brand new download.
So the CEO of the opposing party says Dish is infringing with all of their receivers -- do we expect him to say anything else? I don't buy it.
Please reply by conversation.


purchase or lease a second VIP 211?

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