Actually, this makes a lot of sense. He's essentially saying that if their patents had not been stolen, they would have had more revenue, been profitable sooner, and been able to do more R&D, perhaps make strategic acquisitions, etc. For example, if TiVo had not had their patents stolen, perhaps E* never would have been able to acquire Sling, as TiVo would have bought them first. LOL. By that standard, we're all lemmings, since we all pay money to some content provider for things our parents never paid for. It's called OTA TV and it's free. I happen to pay TiVo because I find the interface well worth it. I do this despite the "popular" opinion that TiVo is a commodity and any old DVR is the same. Since a lemming is usually defined as someon who follows the crowd, I think that makes you more of a lemming than me.
Hah! Might as well throw the patent system completely out the window. If it was so obvious, how did they get one again? Sure, it's easy to see how to do it now, but at the time, they did something unique. Complain about it all you want, but they invented something and deserve to get credit for it, according to the law of the land, which is there to protect such creativity. sweet!
You know what I love best about our bogus and abused patent system and corrupt court system?
I personally despise tivo and made a five figure profit in tivo stock. And most of the people who are in love with tivo didn't make a thin dime! Lol.
You can't pay the bills with glorious bravado, my friend.