TIVO Edge + Remote TIVO Mini Vox connection FAQ

I don't bet the farm on any company. Not even Apple. In fact I'm about to sell another 100 shares of Apple to take profits. I diversify.
Something that I've picked up over a few years of investing is that the goodness of a company as an investment has very little to do with the goodness of their products or services in their respective marketplace. I have stock in IBM and Apple but I don't own any of their products or use their services. We don't need to be discussing investment theories here because I believe it has very little to do with the competitiveness of the company's hardware and software.
Not to pooh pooh Dish Network but a direct cost of the DVR service with Dish Network was $24 + tax a month. That's more expensive than the cost of TIVO lifetime.
Nonetheless, you that claimed that the DISH up front was greater and that's literally not true. The first day of DISH service will cost you nothing while the first day of TiVo service will cost you around $599.98.

I'm typically avoiding bringing up DISH in a cord cutting thread (unless they offer a better value alternative). If I'm going to do a DVR comparison, it will be with Plex and Tablo (and maybe the FireTV Recast for completeness).
2 reasons you wont see Sling on the Edge
No one is going to program for TiVo's OS, its a waste of time and money.
Tivo them selves said they are not interested in investing on prev technologies and the Tivo Stream is where they are focued on.
well 3
it makes no scene to use a overpriced DVR to stream content from a service you cannot record and has its own cloud dvr and OTA DVR.

Face it, the Edge makes no sence in 2020. I'd recommend returning it if its within the return period.
If you are interested in TiVo, wait for their Stick.
I'd recommend returning it if its within the return period.
I don't think that returning the DVR is an option as I don't think they offer refunds on the service plans. The plans are typically transferable so you might do better to sell the DVR with service to a third party.
If you are interested in TiVo, wait for their Stick.
What could TiVo add to the streamer market? I see the Stick as a way of delivering streaming content for the millions of TiVotees that use TiVos that don't feature broad streaming capabilities but I only see it appealing to those who have contemplated getting a TiVo tatoo.
The new stick is the same AirTvs stick which maybe a better option than the FireStick, with Tivos unified interface with Sling TV and all those google apps like Kodi and without Amazons intrusive interface.

And then Sling wont have to cozy up to Bozos and promote the AirTV and Tivo sticks to propagate their product.
I find it absolutely hilarious that others who don't know me are expert on what I am happy with and what I found not of interest to me.

Instead, I enjoy reading tips and facts from those who factually state what is possible. Like the suggestion on automatic commercial skip setting. I had a chance to test it last night on all my OTA networks and it works great. Thanks! My wife likes it too.
Got a response from TIVO on adding Sling TV, FuboTV and other apps to the TIVO Edge and what the development status is and they said they are working on it. The manner of implementation will be similar to what I see with my Samsung UHD player where you have a catalog of apps and you select which ones you wish to install. Like the App store. Current firmware on the Edge shows all apps available installed and you just need to subscribe. The work they are doing now is making sure every feature of the Edge is fully functional with each apps and a method to have the user install the app desired.
They also said as soon as an app is working properly, they will be made available. I was given a link to offer suggestions for any other specific apps I would like to see added to the TIVO Edge selection.
Got a response from TIVO on adding Sling TV, FuboTV and other apps to the TIVO Edge and what the development status is and they said they are working on it.
That sounds an awful lot like the progress reports that TiVo gave Comcast as they spent six years trying to develop the reason that Comcast had to go around TiVo and develop X1. The lawsuits over the fallout (TiVo's non-performance and Comcast's alleged patent infringements) has been going on for over three years. You can pretty easily guess who is going to survive that battle of court costs.

While TiVo may be working on an app library app, the streaming apps themselves usually come from (or the development is subsidized by) the streaming service as foghorn2 noted.
Tablo yes (no extra charge like Plex)
You should probably tell the truth about what you said here.

To wit: You paid for lifetime service for your Tablo to get some of the key features you claim it has. That's an up-front "extra charge" (something that at least one other poster lost sight of in this thread).

Plex occasionally offers lifetime Plex Pass service for about half that of the Tablo and you can add multiple tuners to your Plex server.

Does Tablo require a full subscription for each unit as TiVo now does?
TIVO has now released the VUDU App to the collection. I only tested it with my old account on the Mini Vox and it worked fine except for my 3D content. Says my TV does not support 3D. No surprise there but the 2D content plays fine. I will check on it in my Home Theater later tonight.

TIVO Edge also has HBO Go which I understand requires a cable service subscription. I don't see any HBO Now yet which is a stand alone streaming service. Seems rather silly to offer that on the OTA version of the Edge. Appropriate for the cable version.
I have Showtime streaming but that is not a special app, rather I have it through the Amazon App that is on the Tivo. If I were interested in HBO ( not at the present) I might see it available on Amazon or Hulu, Haven't looked for the other options yet..
full subscription for each unit as TiVo now does?
Actually, the subscription is for each DVR, not each unit. eg. The Mini Vox only has activation requirements but no $ubscription. There was a time when you needed a DVR for each room but now TIVO has these smaller controllers that use a tuner off the main DVR and are connected by several different ways. I use ethernet. I equate them to the Joey system and Hopper from Dish Network. But Dish Network requires a monthly subscription of $7 each Joey and $15 for each Hopper. The big advantage of the Hopper is it has 16 Tuners I was told for big families. Rarely would we need 4 tuners at a time.
Does Tablo require a full subscription for each unit as TiVo now does?

No, you can choose to get the 2 week guide or not pay and use the 1 day guide, if you want to know these answers go to Tablo site.

Also, you only need one unit, every TV with a Roku, Apple TV, Android even Tablets and Phone picks up the App, and if you have a 4 person house everyone can watch something different

In my house we just use it to record and watch Recordings, since we have 4 Antenna lines going into the house, one goes into the Tablo in the Basement Office where the Router is, the other 3 goes into living room, bedroom and Basement Theater, so if we want Live TV we use the Tuners on the TVs.

included with the one day

TV Guide Data
1 Day
Live TV Grid View
Scheduled View
Recordings View
Manual Recording (date/time/channel)

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And yet you continue to buy their products. Action is more telling that rhetoric. :)
I bought TiVo's because I liked the dvr software and extended guide, as at the time there were no other DVR's on the market as polished as the Tivo. My DTVPals were crippled to using psip when TVGoS was shut down. Nobody should be buying Tivo's for the meagar outdated app offerings. I won't be buying another unless Tivo comes out with a decent NextGen ATSC 3.0 version. I wouldn't have the Bolt's except for a lightning strike and power surge that fried 2 Roamio's. Tivo has no more stock of Roamios for warranty replacement, so they replace them with Bolts. The Bolts are flaky, I hope if they fail again Tivo might just replace them with an Edge.

Having a TiVo and a bundled offering from Cox, lead to ending a 17yr relationship with Dish. Apps pretty much sucked on the TiVo's when I got them and still pretty much suck today. The apps are old and outdated, but advances in processing power and more ram have made them somewhat serviceable on the Edge.

Actually, the subscription is for each DVR, not each unit. eg. The Mini Vox only has activation requirements but no $ubscription. There was a time when you needed a DVR for each room but now TIVO has these smaller controllers that use a tuner off the main DVR and are connected by several different ways. I use ethernet. I equate them to the Joey system and Hopper from Dish Network. But Dish Network requires a monthly subscription of $7 each Joey and $15 for each Hopper. The big advantage of the Hopper is it has 16 Tuners I was told for big families. Rarely would we need 4 tuners at a time.

Actually the subscription fee for the Mini's is now part of the sales costs. The mini's originally incurred a separate subscription fee same as the dvr's. Tivo eventually raised the price and included Product Lifetime Service with the purchase to increase sales.
No, you can choose to get the 2 week guide or not pay and use the 1 day guide, if you want to know these answers go to Tablo site.
The Tablo site doesn't appear to speak to whether or not a second DVR requires its own guide subscription. It does say that if you replace your DVR that the subscription will transfer from the old DVR to the new DVR.

To get the features that you unconditionally claim in your comparisions, you must subscribe to the guide service.
I equate them to the Joey system and Hopper from Dish Network.
I was speaking of the Tablo that doesn't require clients such as the Mini Vox or Joey when I used the term "unit". In hindsight, I should have used the term "DVR".

Back in the day, TiVo offered discounts for homes that had multiple DVRs. They no longer do that.

DISH allows the use of a FireTV streamer in place of a Joey and there's no monthly charge for that approach.
The Tablo site doesn't appear to speak to whether or not a second DVR requires its own guide subscription. It does say that if you replace your DVR that the subscription will transfer from the old DVR to the new DVR.

To get the features that you unconditionally claim in your comparisions, you must subscribe to the guide service.

So, I choose to get the guide, but you do not have to, I can still set it to record every day but I wanted convenience and in my price comparisons I included it and it was still a lot cheaper then Dish with it.

Second you do not need a second unit, one box is a whole home DVR, 4 Tuners is a enough for OTA, I could see having more for a Traditional Cable Type Service.

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The Bolts are flaky, I hope if they fail again Tivo might just replace them with an Edge.

That's what I heard and decided against them. Rebooting and over heating were the main complaints The Edge is a better case design too. It doesn't seem to overheat and no warmer than my7 OPPO Blu Ray Player or other hard ware. The hottest box in my rack is the PS3 and I have additional fans on that shelf. I hardly ever use the PS3 these days except when the grandkids are over.

The apps are old and outdated, but advances in processing power and more ram have made them somewhat serviceable on the Edge.
Well I don't have anything to compare except the AppleTV 4K and I can tell you the apps on the Edge work equally fast and full featured as the Apple TV 4K. Just that Apple TV has more in the App store than TIVO right now.

I don't know if the Bolt has this but If I set the TIVO up to record a CBS TV show OTA and set the recording to do New Plus Repeats. It will list all the Hulu+ and Amazon repeats in the recordings. If I select one of the old shows, it will automatically go to the Hulu app and play it immediately. I'm not into those repeats shows so I have the "repeat" function disabled so my list of recordings is not so cluttered.
So, I choose to get the guide, but you do not have to, I can still set it to record every day but I wanted convenience and in my price comparisons I included it and it was still a lot cheaper then Dish with it.
In this thread, we're talking about the TiVo Edge, not DISH. Comparisons to dish are valid (as long as they are accurate). The cool features you've claimed in this thread require a subscription but you've largely neglected to mention that detail thus far.
Second you do not need a second unit, one box is a whole home DVR, 4 Tuners is a enough for OTA, I could see having more for a Traditional Cable Type Service.
As was made pretty clear in previous posts, we, as individuals, don't get to decide what another's household needs or wants.

This is about making sure that when people offer up comparisons, that the playing field is completely defined. This helps to insure that someone who lives alone with a single TV isn't speaking for a family of nine with more display devices than people.

This site needs to add a list of all OTA channels that are free.

Xfinity streaming

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