Tivo Conversion

I totally understand the Tico frustration, I have been a Tivo junkie since it first came out. I still have my cable ( as it is part of my HOA ) w/HBOs and local D* that goes thru Tivo. I still do all my recording on that input and watch all the HD programming I want, when I want on VOOM so I really don't miss anything (except I do miss the lack of Tivo features when watching VOOM)... Still, I will wait for a VOOM DVR and use the Tivo as I currently am doing... Why, because I very much enjoy all the HD programming, PQ & sound quality I get from VOOM and can't get it anywhere else.
I would not have purchase an HDTV at this time if it wern't for VOOM because no one else offers enough HD programming and thats why " I assume" we buy HDTVs.
In time we will have our cake & eat it too, for now, small comprimises are OK with me to get the HD programming I desire.... but thats my opinion, I could be wrong...!!!
Really Choochie, the issue is not dead and you are wrong. I'll say it again just for you: tivo does work with Voom.

Anyone with their head above the waterline when it comes to the state of the art timeshifting or recording HD KNOWS that the only solutions are DVHS tapes (recording only) ; the D* HD Tivo; and any cable HD DVR solution (there is the fourth if you consider the ability to make a PC into an HD recorder - but that is stretching it).

I'm thoroughly enjoying my ability to schedule, record and burn to DVD any program I want from Voom (OTA are the exception)...original HD looks especially good in SD once transferred to DVD and played back on an SD set.

Anybody who is thinking of doing this go right ahead! It works. Your SD Tivo recordings will most likely be an improvement over a D* or E* or cable tivo set up.

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