I would not expect the C2W-PLL to compare to an orthomode with Norsat 8115's. That is like asking how a Ferrari compares to BMW. Both are nice, but people buy them for different reasons.
Personally, I would not be one for wasting money by putting an ortho on a 6 footer....
LNBFs always a compromise. Nothing beats an ortho or corotor. If you are considering buying an Ortho and 8115s, go ahead and spend a few dollars more on a PLL LNBF and tell us how they compare.
Personally, I would not be one for wasting money by putting an ortho on a 6 footer....

LNBFs always a compromise. Nothing beats an ortho or corotor. If you are considering buying an Ortho and 8115s, go ahead and spend a few dollars more on a PLL LNBF and tell us how they compare.