Tip the mailman ?

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Yep! I seriously doubt that driver was docked anything from his pay for his less than stellar performance that day, including the value of that almost new tire that was ruined. (The van was actually a rental from Budget and fairly new. Somewhere, somehow that tire's lost value would be passed along.)

There's more. The driver did have several conversations with his dispatchers; I saw him on his cell phone a couple of times. But apparently he failed to notify them when I finally got him freed and on his way! About 10 mins. after he left another van showed up in my lane - again a Budget rental - with 2 other FedEX guys, his supervisor and a helper. They were there to collect the rest of his load and finish his deliveries. Apparently that was more important to them than getting the first van unstuck. Fortunately I was at the bottom of my lane at the time for that chance meeting or we surely would have gotten another 1-wheel drive van stuck! The supervisor was pi$$ed that he had to drive about 40 miles round trip for a non event!

As a parting gesture he apologized for my inconvenience and finally thanked me for the help.

Sorry for having Shang Hai'd this thread...!
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Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson dead at 30

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