Timing is Everything - No Key/No Money


Original poster
Jul 28, 2006
Timing IS everything. After finally deciding to buy/register Time Trax, the website (at least as of two days ago) allows you to buy an activation key...you just can't ever get it. I've burned $40 before, but usually at a blackjack table. I should have known better when the website would not take credit, but would take PayPal. Anyone have any idea how to get a key now? The recovery function does not recognize my email (probably becasue the lights are off and everyone has gone home)...
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You bought the software knowing the company was out of business? :confused: :eek: After all, you can't get to the purchase page from where the domain points now and the only other link appears to be from the thread about the registration number recovery page.

In any even, file a PayPal complaint for non-delivery. The system will give them a number of days to respond (I think it's a week.) If they have not responded after the week the purchase reverses. That's where you keep your fingers crossed that someone isn't still cleaning out the PayPal account. If they are, you can go after them for fraud.
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No...I'm not THAT stupid. The link through the registration menu in the software takes you to a very legit looking site (http://www.timetraxtech.com/ShoppingCart.asp?ProductCode=31100). From there, all you need to do is enter your info, payment and viola! you're burned for $40.

After not receiving a key and getting an error message when trying to enter the 'subscription number', I got suspicious and foud this forum. Bummer.
Wait, I am confused. How did you purchase the software while there is no link to being able to purchase the software from the main page?

did you get a link from google or something?
I downloaded the eval version from major Geeks. When you run the eval version (which works for 15 minutes), you get a registration prompt. Clicking on the ragistration prompt takes you to the still functioning shopping cart and purchase.
Well - as others suggested you'll have to send a note to PayPal to see if you can get your cash back... I would also PM to Scott Greczkowski asking to make a sticky about this.

How could we contact MajorGeeks and ask them to do the same.

Finally received a mysterious email from "orders@timetraxtech.com" in my in-box this afternoon. Activation key and everything! No idea how it happened (ghost in the machine...considering the 'company' is out of business...), but I'm not complaining.
CPTBW said:
Finally received a mysterious email from "orders@timetraxtech.com" in my in-box this afternoon. Activation key and everything! No idea how it happened (ghost in the machine...considering the 'company' is out of business...), but I'm not complaining.

Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting.
The email (activation key) was sent at 2:00 PM today. I'm guessing either one of two things happened.

1. PayPal sent a fraud nasty-gram to the PayPal account holder taking the payments. Said account holder, wishing to avoid trouble sent a reg key.

2. My complaining here was heard by some unseen omnipotent force that felt sorry for me and sent a key.

Either way, the software is now working and "registered".
maybe automated batch process that retrieves the orders once a day and emails the codes?
Using my existing key I just installed timetrax 1.7 on my laptop as sort of a test.... Not wanting to screw up my PC setup. I downloaded everything from the timetrax site (recast and the drivers), installed, and registered the software (using the same key I have had since changing out radios). The crappy thing is I cant go back to using 3.2.... I have to use recast. 3.2 doesnt recognize the registration number, only recast does.
Oh well.... now I have timetrax on my desktop, and my laptop, incase something screws up. I have 3.2 registered on my old laptop (old gateway with windows 98),
so if the site goes belly up i'm good....
theosus said:
Using my existing key I just installed timetrax 1.7 on my laptop as sort of a test.... Not wanting to screw up my PC setup. I downloaded everything from the timetrax site (recast and the drivers), installed, and registered the software (using the same key I have had since changing out radios). The crappy thing is I cant go back to using 3.2.... I have to use recast. 3.2 doesnt recognize the registration number, only recast does.
Oh well.... now I have timetrax on my desktop, and my laptop, incase something screws up. I have 3.2 registered on my old laptop (old gateway with windows 98),
so if the site goes belly up i'm good....

Psssst... this was discussed in another thread.

Install 3.2, install 1.8 and register it. Restart 1.8 - its registered. Shut down 1.8 and run 3.2. It's now registered. It works :)

Version 1.8

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