Timezone stuff

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Supporter / Pub Member / Server Weenie
Original poster
Sep 28, 2003
Round Rock, TX US
Can the time-corrector (for lack of a better term) be taught about the US Timezones, and the fact that Daylight savings time makes me GMT-5 till the end of october?

Since I hope this is running on *nix of some form, it should be relatively easy.....

This is something I am looking into. From what i remember at the last time change people needed to edit their time zone settings.

If I find a hack that can do this it will be put in. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
This is something I am looking into. From what i remember at the last time change people needed to edit their time zone settings.

If I find a hack that can do this it will be put in. :)
You should be able to play games with the TZ environment variable, and some interactions
from within PHP.

If you need more info, ask and I'll look into it (I'm a PHP/*nix guy as well).
OK I seem to have Timezones (and DST) working here on the forums now.

I am still banging my head on the Portal as the times are off one hour still.

We are getting closer. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
OK I seem to have Timezones (and DST) working here on the forums now.

I am still banging my head on the Portal as the times are off one hour still.

We are getting closer. :)
What time did you post this? I see it as 11:22am, but the message from the board was 12:22pm.
Go to your profile and check

Times synchronized with the server local time

You should be good to go after that. :D
Ok I got this timezone stuff working on the portal. Phew.

This message was posted at 1:45 my time here in Connecticut. :)
Hrm: this is what I see:
Posted: Fri 03 Oct, 2003 11:47 am Post subject:
Ok I got this timezone stuff working on the portal. Phew.

This message was posted at 1:45 my time here in Connecticut.
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Yeah for some reason it don't like central time (wierd!) If I try Pacific time, Eastern Time etc it works fine. Very Strange.

I am working on it.

Here is a temporary fix shown in the photo below, let me know how that works. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yeah for some reason it don't like central time (wierd!) If I try Pacific time, Eastern Time etc it works fine. Very Strange.

I am working on it.

Here is a temporary fix shown in the photo below, let me know how that works. :)

Yes, This fix seems to work.
After I changed my profile I got an error:
Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used after 'URL-Rewriter' in /home/satellit/public_html/forum/includes/page_header.php on line 67
(why me?)
Kevin, what is with your computer? :)

Your the only one to have Gzip problems. :)

BTW I did fix it so if you set the server adjusted time zone you need to specify 60 minutes in the box below it.

When the clocks go back that 60 minutes is no longer added to the time. :)
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