dkieffer said:
Can you tell if you are still getting other data fed from XM Online? For example, are artists and titles fully populated or are the becoming truncated at 16 characters? If they are being truncated, are you losing that data at the same time that you are losing the album data?
The data from XM Online was still there and included the all characters (even over 16 if the name was that long) as well as the album name.
BTW: I am fully aware that the album info is not always broadcast from XM for every station and take this into consideration when posting my findings. Also, for sake of ease, when I refer to album info, I am also referring to the extended characters.
dkieffer said:
Also, does there seem to be a consistency to the timing of the data drop? For example is it 22 minutes after starting up the software every time? or 9 minutes after switching stations?
I have noticed the last time around, that recorded songs included the album info for almost 2 hours from the point at which I started the program and began recording. After that, none of the recorded songs had this info for the next 8 hours (at which point I came home from work and stopped recording). I will run a few more tests.
dkieffer said:
Which channels continue to display the full data?
I will make a list on my next test. I will say for now off the top of my head (so please don't hold me to it), more than half of the stations were not displaying this info.
dkieffer said:
What happens if you shut down Recast and reload it? Does the data repopulate and the function as normal?
Yes...I have tried this more than a few times successfully. The only time it did not work was when I actually had an error like the program shutting down for loss of connection. In those cases, I had to shut down the program AND cycle the power to the radio.
This leads me to believe that I may be experiencing two separate issues here. I'm just wondering if the loss of album info really is caused by a momentary loss of connection or something else. If it really was a loss of connection, wouldn't it shut the program down? Is there a timer set when a loss of connection is detected and the connection has to be gone for a certain period of time before the program shuts down? If so, maybe the loss WAS momentary and that could be the reason for the album info disappearing.
Having said all that, My ISP is pretty reliable.
dkieffer said:
To confirm, I think you are running Time Trax Recast using the hardware satellite radio as the main source and using the option to pull any additional available from XM online, correct?
dkieffer said:
Sorry for all the questions, but I think the answers will really help us figure out how to approach the problem.
Let me know if you want me to try anything else.
dkieffer said:
If anyone else is experiencing similar issues, please chime in here and post answers to the same questions posted above for pizzaguy.
Time Trax
I would be very surprised if I were the only one experiencing this particular problem.