As Lucy was reminding Wyatt that he has his wife back alive again, I said to myself:
And what about Lucy's sister?
Apparently nobody has even thought about her anymore, I guess even the writers forgot about Lucy's sister.
In the meantime, I've become addicted to the so-called "original Timeless" the Spanish series.
And honestly now I don't see there was ever any real merit in the lawsuit that series filed vs Timeless.
Only the basic idea of a team comprised of 3 persons traveling through time is mutual.
But the Spanish series is soooo different to Timeless.
In the Spanish series, time is amazingly and disorientingly fluid to say the least.
Having 4 different years at once on the screen. The main lady and team leader is having lunch at the cafeteria
surrounded by people from all centuries, and she's baffled about how she traveled to the past and she met
her grand-daughter, when she's not even married, and doesn't even have children, Oh wait, that's because that past is
actually her future.
16th century soldiers in battle in past centuries acting and yelling phrases they have learned by watching
Bruce Willis in Die Hard, and Terminator, pulling out guns in the 16th century ala Indiana Jones, when
they're not supposed to.
Hitler's troops invading Spain but in 2015
The guy in the team travelling to the past to see his now dead wife while he himself from that past is out at work,
so he the one from the present may have some with his wife while he from that year is out working.

Is that cheating on himself with his own wife?
the boss in 2015 calling the lady team leader on her cell phone while she is on a mission
in the 1800's and she has great reception back in the 1800's., A guy from 1500's using internet to communicate
with his co-worker in 2015
Who cares how does that work?
The poor director's assistant, is constantly confused, by things like she in the present receiving
a fax she sent herself 10 years ago, but she is sending it in real time 2005 and she is also receiving it
in real time today,

But of course real time no longer has a specific meaning in any time travel show.
Lots of smuggling stuff from one century to another.
People constantly breaking the rules and co-workers and bosses constantly turning a blind eye to such things.
I found interesting that the actors and characters do change and speak ancient Spanish when they travel back to
the past, even though the ancient characters have a hard time with the modern Spanish.
But precisely because of all these crazy things, I'm loving it and became addicted to it.