Walter L.

Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 29, 2004
Portland, Oregon
If you care about Sports (especially MLB), here is how you can ask VOOM for ESPN2HD. Simply, fill out this on-line form and tell them that you want it and mention why (what events you're missing)

Here are some of the sport events in HD that we'll be missing during the next 2 weeks (source):

4/3 - MLB: NY vs. Boston
4/4 - MLB: Kansas City vs. Detroit
4/4 - MLB: Chicago Cubs vs. Arizona
4/7 - NCAA Hocky: Colorado College vs. Denver
4/13 - MLB: TBD
Thx for posting the link. I did ask for more HD channels myself just that they not add more sports till they at least replace the lost encoreHD channel. While I know some voomers live only for Sports there are many others that don't watch sports and right now I'd really like to see some other HD additions/content (say a SciFi/AdventureHD channel for one possibility) to make up what we lost before they just fill it all up with more sports channels that will never be watched, at least in our house.
bratboy said:
Thx for posting the link. I did ask for more HD channels myself just that they not add more sports till they at least replace the lost encoreHD channel. While I know some voomers live only for Sports there are many others that don't watch sports and right now I'd really like to see some other HD additions/content (say a SciFi/AdventureHD channel for one possibility) to make up what we lost before they just fill it all up with more sports channels that will never be watched, at least in our house.
SciFi/AdventureHD? How can you ask VOOM to add channels that don't exist? The only national HD channels available TODAY that VOOM is missing are ESPN2HD, HDNet, inHD. We all know that in practice the only one VOOM can get NOW is ESPN2HD.
I asked that they try to "FIND" something else is all. a Scifi/adventure type hd (either thier own like monsterhd etc or something else) was simply a suggestion on my part but to at least give us a HD replacement for a lost MOVIE channel in HD before they just keep adding more and more sports in HD is all, heck didnt they just add some more hd sports channels in last few weeks already? I didnt say never add more sports, in fact I said add more sports later but just that they 1st try to replace what was lost for general viewers, which to me seemed a resonable request. No need to shout n yell now is there? I mean I went Voom for regular type HD entertainment and Movies not so I can watch sports. Sports viewers right now with Voom have lost no channels whereas those that are more into Movies have lost and I really didnt think it unreasonable to ask for something to replace it. To me Sports should be played not watched <wink>
Walter L. said:
Congrats bratboy!!! You've just screwed up my effort to get ESPN2-HD :(
Just Kidding!!! :D
ROFLMAO, as if my silly opinion matters much to a company like Voom, hehe. Still was nice to be able to send in a comment on what I'd like to see come down the pipe in future at least. I wasnt aware there were no more HD channels that could be added other than ESPN2HD rtight now so can understand your comment more now. I just thought they hadnt decided what other HD channels to get for us subscribers not that there wasnt anything they could get, go figure. Anyway in light of the lack of other obtainable HD channels right now I hope you get your wish. Doesnt mean a true HD Sci-Fi channel would be really nice tho :D
bratboy said:
ROFLMAO, as if my silly opinion matters much to a company like Voom, hehe. Still was nice to be able to send in a comment on what I'd like to see come down the pipe in future at least. I wasnt aware there were no more HD channels that could be added other than ESPN2HD rtight now so can understand your comment more now. I just thought they hadnt decided what other HD channels to get for us subscribers not that there wasnt anything they could get, go figure. Anyway in light of the lack of other obtainable HD channels right now I hope you get your wish. Doesnt mean a true HD Sci-Fi channel would be really nice tho :D

ESPN2HD would be great, but my number 1 channel I want is Fox Sports West. There will be 102 Angel games broadcast by FSW this season. If VOOM continues to ignore the Fox Sports Regional Networks, I might be forced to leave VOOM.
i rather have comcast sports net hd and yeshd and, well all fsnhd. espn2hd should be a part time channel anyway why waste bandwidth on a channel that only broadcast 15 hours of hd a week. i think when they are going to broadcast a hd game turn on the hd channel. i think the same should be done for espnhd. or get rid of the non hd espn. do we need both versions?
cfkillers said:
i rather have comcast sports net hd and yeshd and, well all fsnhd. espn2hd should be a part time channel anyway why waste bandwidth on a channel that only broadcast 15 hours of hd a week. i think when they are going to broadcast a hd game turn on the hd channel. i think the same should be done for espnhd. or get rid of the non hd espn. do we need both versions?
Then why waste bandwidth on a channel that only few subs will get ;). In that case, I rather have VOOM add my own RSN in HD rather than yours :D
But not everyone's RSN is Fox. If they added FS NewEngland-HD then I'll have to wait till the fall for sports like basketball and hockey.

If they added my other RSN NESN-HD then sure it would make alot of people happy in NE. That why I downgrade to Voom from Vava Voom, and spent the $20 on Comcrap to get RSNs in HD with INHD,INHD2. I'll upgrade only when they can add thoses again if VerizonTV doesn't first.

PS...I reset my box and 302 came up with the HD sidebars but blacked out no sound, maybe a surprise for Sunday midnight??? After guide downloaded the channel disappeared :confused:
This is what I wrote on my request form.

Under 'I want you to know...'

... that myself and MANY others Voom customers DESPERATELY want the addition of ESPN2-HD to your programming package. The guys from ESPN will be broadcasting A LOT of Major League Baseball on the aforementioned channel instead of the ESPN-HD one for at least the first 2.5 months of the season and based of the fact that you guys don't provide us with either an option to buy the MLB Season Ticket or at least, to get the Regional Sports Networks that will broadcast our local team's games, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO OUR REQUESTS AND COMPLY WITH THEM... GET ESPN2-HD AND GET IT SOON.

got my letter from voom today

No sat signal in Storm.

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