Time for an NPS forum ??

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Considering how the guy smacked off so inconsideratly to Scott wrt this NPS thing...
So if I understand you, this forum is for comments, suggestions, etc regarding this website, but isn't open to "discussion" ?? I like things organized and on-topic. When I occasionally browse the "General Cable TV and Satellite" forum and see E* topics or D* topics and so on, I'm tempted to use the 'Report bad post' option and suggest moving it to a more suitable one. Interestingly, there's none that fall in that category at the moment.

Whether people can or can't get NPS or All-American Direct or whatever service is NOT a Dish Network topic. Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way.... So be it....

I know Scott doesn't like me, but that doesn't stop me from coming here. :p I come here to get help, help others, etc, usually in the Dish forum. Previously, I frequented the Cable (TWC) forum here a lot as I had TWC service for a couple of years. Before that, I had Dish and back then is when I found this site. If I can't question people's answers, anyone's answers, it really restricts any 'open' discussion. If I'm not welcome here, I'll leave.
No Hall, I actually LIKE you here, its good to have varying opinions here and I do like the fact that people don't always agree with the staff here.

If I wanted everyone to agree with the staff and never speak bad or against us (the staff) I would change the name of the site to DBStalk. :)

Joking aside, its always good to have varied opinions, it's what makes us the best Satellite forum on the internet.
Even when we get to them point where we do add a new forum, it will not be for NPS. It would be All American Direct, since you are buying through them and not NPS directly. :)

Just a thought, but why couldn't you just create a forum called "Distant Networks"
I appreciate that it would take a lot of moving stuff around.

And shouldn't this topic be in the Advisory Council?
I think the number of posts about distants will die down soon. I just dont see its own forum having enough traffic to warrent its own forum at this time.
Wait a couple of weeks and call it "I can't believe the judge struck this down too". I hope I get at least part of my 9 bucks back if he does.
No kidding? Wow, thanks for enlightening me, I'd have had no idea what the discussion was actually about without your help.
You're welcome. If you need help with anything else, let me know.... :p

By the way, you don't mind if a bunch of people come to the C-Band forum and ask Dish Network, DirecTV, cable, etc, etc questions, do you ?? I mean, we don't need separate forums, do we ??
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