tiger woods in car crash

Tiger wanted the best of both worlds. Being married to help his public image while trying to keep his flings secret . But I don't believe he's going to get it. Will his wife stay with him ? Will she have the guts to say I'm not going to stand for this BS? Imagine if Tiger was the one being faithful here and he wife cheated. See what happens when you cover things up Tiger? It just snowballs .
TMZ now has photos of Tiger in Vegas with yet another woman.
I'm not picking on you, but you'd probably be enjoying this discussion much more if you went over to tmz.com. There's probably 1000s of posters right now just itching to talk about the scandal.
I'm not picking on you, but you'd probably be enjoying this discussion much more if you went over to tmz.com. There's probably 1000s of posters right now just itching to talk about the scandal.

Again, Don't read my post . Ignore if you don't like them.:)
I've ignored much of this thread the past few days.....I'll check it periodically. I just think it's weird that you seem to be obsessed with the sex life of another man......who really cares? :)
I've ignored much of this thread the past few days.....I'll check it periodically. I just think it's weird that you seem to be obsessed with the sex life of another man......who really cares? :)
No, It's just interesting to see a man that many seemed untouchable get into trouble because of his ego. His father would be ashamed of him. I can only imagine what his mother is thinking.
No, It's just interesting to see a man that many seemed untouchable get into trouble because of his ego. His father would be ashamed of him. I can only imagine what his mother is thinking.
I just don't find it that interesting. The media builds people up and then takes great joy in knocking them down with regularity - - - nothing new here. The only thing I find interesting is that if he was going to (allegedly) throw his marriage down the drain, he should have at least scored a 10 like Gov. Spitzer. I mean, he IS Tiger Woods.
I just don't find it that interesting. The media builds people up and then takes great joy in knocking them down with regularity - - - nothing new here. The only thing I find interesting is that if he was going to (allegedly) throw his marriage down the drain, he should have at least scored a 10 like Gov. Spitzer. I mean, he IS Tiger Woods.
Tiger is the only person on the planet that caused this to happen . The media is just doing it's job. Who knows what will come out next.
How amazing would it have been if Tiger Woods was named Sportsman of the Year by SI this year, with that announcement coming at the exact time all of this is hitting the fan? :eek:

Well I guess I better fess up. My wife slept with Tiger Woods. For 3 days I couldn't find the case to my PS3 Tiger Woods 2010 game. I asked my wife about it . She denied it for days. But today she confessed and pulled it out from under her pillow. It's been hard to deal with . The cover has some damage to it. I also find some text messages from someone with cheat codes for the game on her cell phone. She wants me to sleep with the Wii Pilates with Daisy Fuentes cover. I told her I won't do it. I'm not going to get pulled down to her level.

Tiger Issues Apology

Since the media won't let this go and as noted earlier by our resident TMZ fanatic, Tiger has come clean on his website. For those interested, here's his apology. Maybe this will help the healing begin for him and his family and the rest of the masses obsessed with his personal life.....

I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.

TigerWoods.com: Tiger comments on current events
Someone from Tigers home Ilseworth Security sold the photos of his crash to TMZ. Just reported on our local station here. Money makes the world go round. That man will be out of a job.
Since the media won't let this go and as noted earlier by our resident TMZ fanatic, Tiger has come clean on his website. For those interested, here's his apology. Maybe this will help the healing begin for him and his family and the rest of the masses obsessed with his personal life.....

TigerWoods.com: Tiger comments on current events

Well, Not really. He's seeing what's coming and he's trying to slow it down. Now that being said, if TMZ lied about his face injuries Tiger should sue. I have the feeling he won't
Well, Not really. He's seeing what's coming and he's trying to slow it down. Now that being said, if TMZ lied about his face injuries Tiger should sue. I have the feeling he won't

Did TMZ say it was fact or did they say "allegedly" There is a lot of fine lines TMZ can follow to say things without saying things.. Also Tiger is worth about a billion dollars, he would not benefit by sueing them at all.
Did TMZ say it was fact or did they say "allegedly" There is a lot of fine lines TMZ can follow to say things without saying things.. Also Tiger is worth about a billion dollars, he would not benefit by sueing them at all.

It won't be about the money. It would be about them retracting the story and admitting they either made it up(unlikely) or someone lied to them.

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