This Project Is Getting Bigger and Bigger...


Original poster
Nov 26, 2008
Well Guys,

I'm back once again for another question. Now this isn't pertaining only to bluray, but also to some other theater stuff. (I was going to post in another section, but it didn't look like a very "trafficky" section on the forum.)

So, As of right now my dads setup is kind of well...not professional looking. I just ordered him the bd55 for Christmas (need the analog outs), but now that I'm looking at his setup, I'm wondering if I need to do more.

As of right now, he has a Optoma projector with component cables run through the attic, down behind his screen (you can't see the line from the cables behind the screen) and into our receiver. Our receiver has component switching, which may become useless in the coming weeks. The only components we use are DirectTV HD, a DVD Player (soon to be replaced) and sometimes an xbox or some gaming system of that nature.

I am already planning on running an HDMI cable from the projector through the attic, but now that I look at it, the wall that the cables run down is not insulated. So then I began debating running the HDMI cable down through the wall and buying one of those HDMI wall plates from monoprice and making it look more professional.

After I decided that, I decided that while I was running the hdmi through the wall, I might as well pull the component wires from behind the screen and also run those through the wall with a component wall plate (just in case we ever need to hook something up that does not support HDMI). Lastly, after I thought about that, I thought about a 2x1 hdmi switch so we could run both the directtv and the blu ray just by swtiching a switch as opposed to unplugging one and plugging in another.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

One final question. If I were to use the 2x1 HDMI switch that would mean One cable coming from the DirectTV and one cable coming from the Blu ray and plugging directly into the wall (for video). For the audio (since I am using the multi channel outs on the blu ray) that will be six cables from the blu ray to the amp. As for the DirectTV audio, am I stuck using the TOSLINK? I think our HD reciever has multi channel outs too, but I'm not sure and my dad busted me while trying to look. I like the ease of just being able to switch back and forth, but what are my best options.

Sorry to post in the BluRay forum, but you guys seem very knowledgeable. Thanks a ton once again.
You should of purchased your Dad a Onkyo 606 and the BD35. Then you would of only needed to run 2 HDMI into your receiver and one out to your projector and let the receiver do all the switching. This way you handle both your video and audio needs and probably saved you money and install time.

My guess is the cost of all those analog cables along with the 2x1 HDMI switch and the extra for the BD55 over the BD35 would be close to half the cost of the receiver or more. And if your Dad's reciever is a nice one you could resell it and probably recoup most of the cost for the new receiver. Good luck with your install.
I have 2 of the HDMI plates from Monoprice. It goes 6' HDMI cable from receiver to plate, 25' HDMI cable from plate to projector plate, 2' HDMI cable from plate to projector. It works very well. I went with the Denon AVR-789, it is the lowest priced Denon (can get for under $500 easy) that does all the HDMI audio decodings, it has 3 HDMI input ports to switch.

The cableing was a snap with the 2 face plates. A lot easier than an earlier install I did where I had to drag 5 RG6 cables for component plus audio. I have another set up where I used 2 cat 5 cables to do HDMI over a much longer distance.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

While it would be better to update the receiver as well, I suspect you have already hit your budget. If not, either the Onkyo or Denon are good choices.

There really is no downside to cleaning up the wiring and adding component wall plates. However, since the DTV receiver already has HDMI, why not just standardize your path to HDMI. That is fairly future proof for the next 5 years, especially when (not if) DTV caves in to HDCP demands on their content.

Yep, you would need to run TOSLINK to the current receiver. Not a real big deal as most content is pretty basic mono stuff anyway. Doing this will eliminate a need to switch sources at the projector. Eventually, you will want to update to a receiver that decodes and switches HDMI and this will work with the setup you propose. It would just eliminate the need for the audio cabling.

I bought the BD55...Whats next?

Panasonic DMP - BD 35 $199.99 at Costco's!

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