This is why the Dish stance on RSN's


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Sep 8, 2003
Tampa/Eastern Ct

This is just the beginning. Note that it "doesn't come close to offsetting costs." Meaning expect more increases. Dish has been ahead of the curve on this and when you start comparing costs of Dish and Direct TV (or apparently now other providers) don't forget in some cases to add another $3 a month. And no doubt the amount of DMA's affected will increase. The argument that sports channels do not add any more to packages than other channels do or that both sports and non sports channels are subsidized equally just is not the case. If the providers (including Dish to some extent) would just say no, and not carry the RSN's unless they are in a separate package this would be fixed. I hope Dish does not resort to adding a surcharge like this. I wonder how much of the increases this year is directly related to sports as compared to all the other channels.
It's beyond out of control with all these rsns.I can't blame DTV for adding a surcharge.If Dish is forced to add a surcharge to my local rsns,then goodbye rsns.I love college football and a lil college bb but,not enough to justify $3 more per month.Just wouldn't be worth it for maybe 8-10 games per year.
A la carte would fix this in short order. As it is, nobody is forcing reality on these channel providers.
I hope Dish moves to minimal sports. I suspect that I'll move to HWS and then when that contract is up, cut that cord. Assuming this price increase trend continues.

Hope I'm wrong.
I hope Dish moves to minimal sports. I suspect that I'll move to HWS and then when that contract is up, cut that cord. Assuming this price increase trend continues.

Hope I'm wrong.

Yep,cool hardware can only take them so far,at some point the content is going to have to improve,or more competitive prices,or watch the subs leave in droves.
Sports FREE packs are needed at DISH. THis will be the only way to cut the cost of programming in the future. IF not , then more cord cutting will happen and DISH will die out. THe younger generations are not subscribing to cable /satellite tv like us older people did . And the older generation is dieing out day by day. IF DISH doesn't get ahead of this trend , they will die out. THe point of diminishing returns has been met . Adapt DISH or DIE.
Give me a sports and news only package and make me happy. Most of the rest of the programming I pay for is just garbage to me. Actually I could even live without the news.
It used to be a time when RSNs weren't automatically part of regular programming packages. I think Fox changed that when they bought out or took over all of the Sportschannels.
I would actually be fine with this if it got me MSG. I would not want to pay an extra $3 a month if all I got as my "local RSN" was SportsTime Ohio (which is the only 1 I get in Buffalo, NY).

I like DISH and don't want to switch but not getting MSG/Sabres games (now that I can't get them by the QAM tuner in my TV on Time Warner Cable) has become an issue in my house. We can be patient through the rest of this hockey season but I may have to jump to DirecTv come this Fall.
I think the last price increase was very telling - now AT120+ is $10 more than regular AT120, rather than $5. Too bad they can't have + versions for all of their AT packages - that would be nice to have AT250 at a $10 discount without the RSN!
I think the last price increase was very telling - now AT120+ is $10 more than regular AT120, rather than $5. Too bad they can't have + versions for all of their AT packages - that would be nice to have AT250 at a $10 discount without the RSN!

A $10 discount? :eek: Are you kidding me. No prices would be reduced, Dish would just tack on $10 to the existing price.
This is the pay-tv industry we're talking about.
The only way I would pay extra for an RSN is if I could pick the RSN and there were no blackouts allowed. Otherwise not interested.

Consumer choice, what a concept. It's been mine and others argument for years, concerning Distants. Charge something halfway reasonable to offset what the local may be losing in viewership, and allow someone from Boston to see their channels if they had to move to Oregon. Same with RSN's as you describe.
Fortunately the lowest package Directv has (Entertainment) doesn't include RSNs. I'll miss some of the Rangers games but I'm not worried.
A la carte would fix this in short order. As it is, nobody is forcing reality on these channel providers.
Its too bad the channel providers hold all the cards. They get where they want or the satellite or cable company does not get their service. It's as simple as that unfortunately.
Teehar said:
Yep,cool hardware can only take them so far,at some point the content is going to have to improve,or more competitive prices,or watch the subs leave in droves.


Not only do they need the content, but customers shouldn't live in fear that their favorite channel is going to taken away during a dispute.
Its too bad the channel providers hold all the cards. They get where they want or the satellite or cable company does not get their service. It's as simple as that unfortunately.
Consumers still hold the cards in their wallets. If people start cutting the cord in drones it isn't the MVPDs that will initially suffer as much as the content providers since MVPDs only have to pay the content providers based on the number of subs. That would force the channel providers to rethink their business model. MVPDs would survive as they would transition to IP-based streaming delivery.