This is why I hate HOA's

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I dont back the ones like the subject of this thread or the ones I mentioned that have been in the news concerning home owners flying american flags but they do have a place to some degrea if only to protect the values of home owners properties should some mouth breather decide he wants to breed pit bulls in a half million dollar home neighborhood.

My description is spot on about the neighbor but theres only so much you can do with a less than effective city goverment such as the one that is managing Westland Michigan.
Stonebriar HOA rules allow several luxury trucks on driveways, including the Cadillac Escalade, Chevy Avalanche, Honda Ridgeline and Lincoln Mark LT.
I have to wonder if those models are actually in writing. What happens when a new, "cool" model comes along ? What happens in a number of years when those models aren't made anymore or are far less common ? Do they revise the list ? If so, no way can they enforce it.
I have to wonder if those models are actually in writing. What happens when a new, "cool" model comes along ? What happens in a number of years when those models aren't made anymore or are far less common ? Do they revise the list ? If so, no way can they enforce it.

I know I was thinking that as well; I would LOVE to see a hard copy of this in writing; sounds like BS. But if real it is ripe for court. Bottom line folks; HOAs can be a great asset; if yours is bad, VOTE, ATTEND, ACT!
A year or so before we moved in the gentleman who lived across the street came home from work and never made it in his door. Our good friend Chris who lives in the next house said that right after she went in her place there was a loud pop and when she looked outside she saw a car pull away and the guy was lying on the front porch and red smear was on the front door. What had happened was someone was hiding behind a large bush and came out when he got home and confronted him about his involvement in a drug trial and he lost his face to a gun shot.
So.. did the guy not read the HOA rules before moving in or buying the truck? He made the decision to move there and to break the rules.

Are the rules idiotic, of course! But hey, what does that say about a person who willingly moves into a neighborhood that has such idiotic rules?

Grrr. Rules or not, HOAs are a racket and ought to be banned. I've ranted many times on this subject. Go here, and it will tell you all you need to know.
Homeowners Associations: Welcome
Look at it like this and while I do agrea with you there is an arguement for a hoa.

You move to a nice neighborhood where the schools are top notch and your family and close friends live a block or two away. The crime is non existant and everyone knows each other and looks out for one another and the biggest problem is deciding what color to paint the shutters. The elderly couple across the street sell and move to Miami and the new owners move in with their teenage sons. A week later you come home to see that your new neighbors have parked two junkers in the side yard, a day later you hear the half dozen or so dogs barking in the backyard, a month later you wonder when theyr gonna cut the grass. Five years down the road the lawns destroyed, the house looks like its a shack from the east side and now you cant sell your house for less than $70k below the market value, a hoa would have helped. Think this cant happen? It did in my grandmothers street.

No, those are argumetns for LAWS, not criminal rackets known as HOAs. There are municipal codes. HOAS are worthless leeches at best. Criminals at worst.
Yes, but an HOA get action where the cities and towns can't or wont.

Won't maybe. There is no such thing as a law government CAN'T enforce. That's just another myth perpetuated by HOA thieves and bandits. If the government won't enforce something, vote people in who WILL, don't set up communist proxy organizations who take away your private property rights.
I am 110% all behind ending CRAZY and unfair rules, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here; you are making a too wide of a broad stroke commentary or assumption of all HOAs based on the rare exceptions.

But feel free to let me know where you live I am am sure by legal means where a city, state, fed, law enforcement agency can't touch me, I CAN prove why you would want an HOA; or BE FORCED to move against what you wanted. And by the same token those all-powerful and all-doing municipalities you speak of; over the last 20 -30 years have become some of the most gutless, slow-moving, PC-rife agencies in the land; period; they are afraid of their own shadows let alone trying to make people abide by rules; God forbid the people needing to be "instructed" are of a different race, religion or other. Govt & police stay focused on CRIMES and they don't all do a good job at that. Its far easier to vote in and run and PROPERLY run HOA that gets REAL action as opposed to any form of govt.
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I am 110% all behind ending CRAZY and unfair rules, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here; you are making a too wide of a broad stroke commentary or assumption of all HOAs based on the rare exceptions.

But feel free to let me know where you live I am am sure by legal means where a city, state, fed, law enforcement agency can't touch me, I CAN prove why you would want an HOA; or BE FORCED to move against what you wanted. And by the same token those all-powerful and all-doing municipalities you speak of; over the last 20 -30 years have become some of the most gutless, slow-moving, PC-rife agencies in the land; period; they are afraid of their own shadows let alone trying to make people abide by rules; God forbid the people needing to be "instructed" are of a different race, religion or other. Govt & police stay focused on CRIMES and they don't all do a good job at that. Its far easier to vote in and run and PROPERLY run HOA that gets REAL action as opposed to any form of govt.

They aren't rare exceptions. This kind of abuse happens all the time. Plus, there are too many instances where the criminals running the HOAs are trying to make money by foreclosing on people's homes. It's also the worst kind of mob mentality. The problem with HOAs is they want it both ways. They want the power of governments, but none of the restrictions and checks and balances. If you wants HOAs, fine. Have them included as part of city or county government. Then these bastards will realize they can't rule neighborhoods like their own little fiefdoms. They have to abide by laws and subject themselves to judicial review, and possible punitive action if they step out of line. I have pride in my home and my property. But I'll be damned if I let some power hungry neighborhood nazi tell me what I can do with my own property. He pays half my mortgage, THEN he can tell me what day to cut my grass. HOAs are an infringement on private property rights. Period. There have been more and more of them prosecuted under RICO lately as well. Do a Google search, and check the link I provided in my first post.

Like I said, you are taking some actual cases and GROSS EXAGGERATING the remaining majority. YOU need to post research stats that show valid proof that the MAJORITY of HOAs are criminal ridden MOBs. We all agree that the "grass cutting day assignments" and "no pickups" and such are crazy rules that do exist; but those ARE EXCEPTIONS vs the MAJORITY. You are cherry picking a FEW and painting them ALL with the same brush just like racists do with stereotypes and ethnic slurs. Show me valid majority proof and we can continue to discuss. ANY website can claim anything and post some very compelling real world examples BUT that does not in any way mean or prove that just because THEY say it means ALL HOAs are that way; it simply means they have found those particular few.

My own personal research; I have lived in 6 HOAs in my life and NONE (did you read that?) NONE exhibiting ANY of the qualities or actions you have mentioned. I know countless others in my transfers around the nations that all mention the exact same feelings. But these are only personal experiences and not documented research stats which you should be able to provide since you say the majority of HOAs are so bad that any one of us would expect that there is a govt study to rid that nation of this plague. Although the exact opposite is true; HOAs are GROWING NATIONALLY because of exactly what the majority of them (the good ones) provide and assist in providing to both their members and the community as a whole.

Like I said, you are taking some actual cases and GROSS EXAGGERATING the remaining majority. YOU need to post research stats that show valid proof that the MAJORITY of HOAs are criminal ridden MOBs. We all agree that the "grass cutting day assignments" and "no pickups" and such are crazy rules that do exist; but those ARE EXCEPTIONS vs the MAJORITY. You are cherry picking a FEW and painting them ALL with the same brush just like racists do with stereotypes and ethnic slurs. Show me valid majority proof and we can continue to discuss. ANY website can claim anything and post some very compelling real world examples BUT that does not in any way mean or prove that just because THEY say it means ALL HOAs are that way; it simply means they have found those particular few.

My own personal research; I have lived in 6 HOAs in my life and NONE (did you read that?) NONE exhibiting ANY of the qualities or actions you have mentioned. I know countless others in my transfers around the nations that all mention the exact same feelings. But these are only personal experiences and not documented research stats which you should be able to provide since you say the majority of HOAs are so bad that any one of us would expect that there is a govt study to rid that nation of this plague. Although the exact opposite is true; HOAs are GROWING NATIONALLY because of exactly what the majority of them (the good ones) provide and assist in providing to both their members and the community as a whole.

You are not the only one that says how most HOA's provide to its members, but yet I haven't heard how. The only significant ways they can provide to my property is to pay my homeowners insurance or pay my morgage. I would like someone to list to me some benefits to living in a HOA.

Also another question, how can a HOA FORCE you to be a member? If you want to buy a parcel of land in a certain place, how can a non-government group force you to be a member if you do not want to be without being part of city, county, or state law? The whole things sounds like a racket to me.
A year or so before we moved in the gentleman who lived across the street came home from work and never made it in his door. Our good friend Chris who lives in the next house said that right after she went in her place there was a loud pop and when she looked outside she saw a car pull away and the guy was lying on the front porch and red smear was on the front door. What had happened was someone was hiding behind a large bush and came out when he got home and confronted him about his involvement in a drug trial and he lost his face to a gun shot.

How does a HOA affect this either way? We had a judge killed this spring. He was about to rule in a drug trial, and a fellow gang member drove up and shot the judge while he was shovelling his sidewalk. I suppose you could actually make the argument that he was shot because he was complying with the HOA rule that sidewalks must be shovelled clear within 12 hours of snow stopping, but that would just be stupid.
Also another question, how can a HOA FORCE you to be a member? If you want to buy a parcel of land in a certain place, how can a non-government group force you to be a member if you do not want to be without being part of city, county, or state law? The whole things sounds like a racket to me.

When you buy the property, you sign on to covenants, incl HOA. No agree, no buy. Some municipalities and other governments are requiring HOAs under certain circumstances. Those local governments will force you to comply- and to PAY!
If they don't allow pickups, the resident should buy some cars that are real banged up jalopies and put those in his driveway. Then he can tell the HOA that if they relent, he'll sell the HOA his cars for 200% markup over what he bought them for. HE HE HE.
Minority or not, I would NEVER EVER live in an area with a HOA. I'd feel like I was renting instead of buying. Completely ridiculous. I will not be told how to keep my home. Key word there is MY home. If I want a satellite in plain view, I'll have one. If I want to park a car at the side of the street, I will. If I want to go a week and half without mowing the lawn (our grass doesn't grow that fast), I will.

Now let me clarify.... I'm sure that there are some HOAs that aren't so very restrictive, but I have heard way too many horror stories. I would never put up with a HOA. There isn't one in my area, but it doesn't matter anyway. Good neighborhood, and across the street from the fire station, and a church.

Seriously though, even just being told, "sorry, you have to move your satellite dish." That would do it for me. I mean, I'll abide by city codes, and local, state, and federal laws, but I would never be bullied simply because you could see a dish from the road or park outside at a certain time.

Just an opinion, I'll admit it's a strong opinion, but still only an opinion.
When you buy the property, you sign on to covenants, incl HOA. No agree, no buy. Some municipalities and other governments are requiring HOAs under certain circumstances. Those local governments will force you to comply- and to PAY!

HOW can one private citizen, selling to another private citizen, REQUIRE you to sign into an organization as a requirement to purchase a home? It has to be written into law, obviously. I just have never seen that kind of law. You would have to have some pretty damn crooked politicians in an area to even allow that!
Here is how it works: Developer buys HUUUUUUGE...... tracts of land. Sub-divides the land into hundreds of parcels. When the developer sells the lots (or lots with cookie-cutter houses already on them) he has the buyer agree to certain terms in the sale (the covenant or agreement between buyer and seller). One of the terms in this contract is that the contract is binding to him and anyone he sells to and so on. This happens all the time.

Why is the 700 Club on ABC Family? Because when CBN sold the channel to Fox for it to become Fox Family there was a stiputlation that the 700 Club would be on that channel for ever and the terms must be passed on to the owner and so on for ever as long as the channel exists. So when ABC bought the channel, the 700 Club was one of the program they had to show.

Same thing happened with Hallmark Channel with Oddysey which had a similar deal with The Faith & Values Network.

It happens all the time. No politicians are needed for this type of arrangement.

See ya
HOW can one private citizen, selling to another private citizen, REQUIRE you to sign into an organization as a requirement to purchase a home? It has to be written into law, obviously. I just have never seen that kind of law. You would have to have some pretty damn crooked politicians in an area to even allow that!

Its called contract law. You enter into a contract with terms you agree to and if not you have to pay the consequence. If you don't like the terms of the contract, don't sign. It may be that there is a contract that requires all home buyers sign that contract or no sale. I've heard stories of high pressure sales pitches to convince buyers, It's OK to sign. You have to be responsible and do what you think is best. I have no problem with any person of the age of consent signing and agreeing to do anything legal. There is nothing in those HOA's that is illegal. When there is by exception, such as the FCC protection for antenna, you, as a signer of the HOA rules are exempt from that illegal stipulation in the contract. If you read your HOA contract closely you will also find a clause that says, if any PART of this contract is found to be illegal, it does not automatically make the rest of the contract null and void.

I say if you agree in a contract to allow an HOA to dictate to you how you are to live your life than you get what you agreed to. Some people like that. Many don't.
I respect any community who has a HOA and simply will not even consider a home in that environment. Having an HOA reduces the market for sales and that's what the HOA members want.
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