Yesterday I watched My Fair Lady on HDNET MOVIES and I have to say, this was the most vibrant, clear, crisp movie I've ever seen from ANY source on TV, to include OTA.
I hope with Voom's new MPEG-4 tweaking coming up in January that they can make ALL of their HD channels look this good.
I would be a happy camper.
Dish is very responsive to my emails to them. I have been given an email address of a compression tech to correspond with and everytime I corrrespond with him, he is right on the issues fixing them. DiscoveryHD has had some problems over the last few days (Voom actually looks better than Dish on DHD right now) and Dish is working to get it corrected.
Why can't Voom be this responsive? I know Ilya, Sean, Scott and others talk directly with the Hauncho's at Voom, why aren't they fixing Voom's PQ? Any of you guys care to chime in?

I hope with Voom's new MPEG-4 tweaking coming up in January that they can make ALL of their HD channels look this good.

Dish is very responsive to my emails to them. I have been given an email address of a compression tech to correspond with and everytime I corrrespond with him, he is right on the issues fixing them. DiscoveryHD has had some problems over the last few days (Voom actually looks better than Dish on DHD right now) and Dish is working to get it corrected.
Why can't Voom be this responsive? I know Ilya, Sean, Scott and others talk directly with the Hauncho's at Voom, why aren't they fixing Voom's PQ? Any of you guys care to chime in?