Thinking of switching from E*

Need info on HD for my mother-in-law who has uverse. This thread has helped me a bit, but I don't understand uverse at all and she is techno-challenged. We also live 700 miles apart. She is in Ann Arbor, MI. We visited her for Christmas and I tried to tune in a HD channel and got the warning "not a subscription channel". She told me that she doesn't have HD cause it costs too much. She has 2 HDTV's in the house and SD uverse. I don't know what she has for equipment, but I saw the STB in the living room that I used. I don't know what package she has, but could find out easy enough. STB was hooked up by coax (unbelieveable I know). I told her she needed HD and it shouldn't cost too much. She told me she got an ad from ATT saying they were having free HD preview 1/17 through 1/23. I told her that I thought she would either need new equipment to get it or at least an HDMI cable. I told her I would find out. ATT's website is useless, well maybe less than useless. Whoever designed their site should be fired, then executed, well maybe not fired. I got a lot of info here, but need to know how much it would cost her to upgrade to HD and what if any equipment upgrade she would need. I told her I would find out for her and figured there would be helpful users here. Thanks so much.
ATT charges an extra 10 per month to get HD, just as D* & E* and most cable companies do (the local cable company gives HD for free, if you pay an additional 19/month per receiver for a HD box and there is no whole-home DVR sharing! :) ) AFAIK, ATT uses the same boxes for SD & HD services, so its a matter of using HDMI cables, if your Mom isn't using them now (ATT furnishes the cables at install time, if you opt for HD service.)

As to the ATT web-site, agree that it is useless. Only way to get any decent info on the site is to get on in chat mode and ask a rep the questions you want to know about. At least they give the same answers consistently, better than my experiences with D*.

Good Luck!

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