listen,I made a big choice in my house against my wifes consideration.I switched for one reason only-local HD sports.(although usa hd is sweet(but uhd ,mhd,hdnm are extra??????)but since you poked the bear hear it is-D* hddvr sucks,and bad,real bad if you havent had and used an E* 722 don't respond,because it's not slant,the difference is THAT BIG.btw thank god I still havent sent the boxes back,because I my caller ID(which is huge to my wife)does not work on my hr21,but fine on my h21,their response was,no new box,no service call-we will check into a software issue,in the meantime you cant use this feature(hell,we may never fix it!),yet the warranty is 90 days-obvious hardware problem(diagnosing tedious wiring and electromechanical problems is how I feed my family)so I if they dont fix the problem,again trivial to most,of the utmost importance to my wife,on day 89 they have 3 choices-
1:send a subcontractor witha new box and half a brain,
2:refund my $200 lease TAX,while they fix the software problem,or
3:we part ways,no termination fees beacuse they did not satisfy the contract,per terms of my switching to them,as stated in CR notes.
(am I ranting?)save me fios,please!!!